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"Hi Mr Alfred?" A fine looking young man walked up to me smiling.

"Jon Alfred but Call me Jon" I took his hand returning his smile.

We were in one of Gabriel's Company parties that he hates so much but he had no choice since it was the only way to meet investors and buisness partners, oh He's not the owner of the company but my young man is a hard worker and the Sales representative of De Blue Land and Estate management.

"Mind if we find somewhere to sit, you look stunning tonight, I'm Victor and you won't remember this but he operated on my mother's, Mrs Sandra marshal, Kidney transplant" He said.

"I never met you as Sandra's immediate family" I smiled.

"I flew into the country the day she was getting discharged, I saw you briefly but you were going into the theatre, again" He said.

"Oh, I'm one of their best so I'm kinda always busy" I answered.

" I love your hair, it wasn't white when I saw you at the hospital"He said.

" Oh, I always dye my hair on weekends when I'm sure not working, I don't think older conserved patients would want me touching them or their kids with white hair"I laughed.

" You're so handsome"He said and common, I mean a very handsome young man in red suite complimented me, I'm sure you would blush too.

" Are you one of the investors or...? "I asked.

" Yeah, My father bought me some shared when I was just 16,I've been attending share holders meeting here and then since I turned 18"He said.
A fine Rich young man.

" That's a nice investment"I said.

" Do you wanna cut the party short? It's 8:40pm,we could go for dinner,walk through the park since it's a nice weather, fly on a private jet to Miami and come back on Monday morning"He said dropping his contact card into my palm.
" Nice offer but I can't.. maybe sometime.. I'll be on a vocation  soon"I smiled.

" Good, I'll look forward to it, maybe we should just stick to dinner? "He asked.

" I already ate"I answered looking around to see if I could fine Gab and there he was glaring at me while some woman was rubbing her boobs on is arms.
Bitch. Stop trying. He's gay.
" Lunch tomorrow, I have forty minutes before I travel to England"He said.

" I'm from England"my eyes lit up.
" Really? How long have you been here in Las Vegas? "

"two years"I answered.
" Want me to show you how to enjoy night life in Sin City?"He whispered.

" No.. no"I tried to stand up.
And staggered since I've been drinking quite alot.
" Common, I can get you sobber and give you fun time"he held me.

" Well, if you're not deaf you would've heard the No"Gab said from behind me drawing me into his arms.

" And you are? "He asked.

" Oh, I operated on his mother.. baby meet Victory.. my husband Gabriel"I introduced them.

" I'm Victor, I was just talking to Jon"He said standing up.

" Well, the friend I sent to talk to him overheard you trying to take him to Miami and shit, are you deaf as well as blind not to see his wedding band? "Gabriel almost shoved my ring finger into the poor man's face.

" Okay, nice meeting you Jon, call me"victor smiled.

" He won't call you or see again Mr.. sin city"Gabriel replied.

" Bye victor, Thank you for the offer"I waved at his disappearing back.

" I could have handled it"I glared at my husband

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