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"I mean the woman have the right to turn down your offer of being friends, can we respect her wishes and stay out of the way?" I asked my husband who refused to eat dinner and was still fuming.

"I don't fucking care, she's so rude.. let's change doctor no matter how good she is" He said walking out of the car.

"I agree with you, I think your doctor is strange" Nadia  told me.
" we can't judge people without knowing the facts"I said.

" That's the doctor, Jon is talking to her"I hurried out of the car to meet them.
" I'm really sorry if I offended you, I shouldn't have done that, I'm really sorry"I heard Jon telling her.
She wasn't with the dogs.

" It's okay, I'm just gonna pick my babies"Dr Love said.

" Isadora"Nadia called behind us.

" Who the fuck is that? "I turned around.
" Nadia"Dr Love called before she fell on the floor.

"Doc, Doc.. quickly take her in" Jon carried her and ran into her elevator which was the nearest.

"We don't have to panic, she just fainted, she's gonna be fine,give her some space" Nadia said.

" Can you fucking explain why our doctor fainted at the sight of you? She looked like she saw a ghost"I demanded.

Nadia went to the big painting at the wall.
" That's you.. the younger you"Jon looked at the frame.

" Hello.... "I clicked my fingers.
" Isa was my girlfriend back in high school before I moved to England"Nadia looked at us.

" You don't fucking say"I muttered.

" I grew up in a Muslim home as you all know and that was until my father died,I removed my hijab and became an atheist"Nadia said.

"Don't tell me that's Isadora,the Spanish girl you wouldn't stop gushing about when we became friends"Jon  stared at her.
" One and only"Nadia smiled.

" Babe, hold me, I think I'm getting cold"Jon hugged me and I held him rubbing his arm.

" Isa have gay parents and I lived with my muslim family in the average side of the town and we went to the same high school and actually fell in love, I loved her so much that when she asked me to come out for her I did"she say beside Isa.

" One of Isa's father is a lawyer, he sued the whole school when she got bullied but that wasn't the same for Nadia, she's a Muslim and was hiding it from her Father and couldn't tell Isa's father to come to her rescue"Jon said.

" Yes, I couldn't.. I thought it would stop but it didn't, I was bullies, Isa started blaming herself for forcing me out but she didn't, she didn't deserve to be hidden and I was tired of hiding and then parents found out, my father was so bad that he beat me and after one day... He beat me so much and that was after I was nearly raped at school by the bullies... I couldn't take it anymore"Nadia smiled bitterly.

" She tried to kill herself but was found"Jon whispered.

" Yes, Isa came to the hospital to see me and that was the last time we saw each other because my father moved us to England to take mer away from the vemine he called it"Nadia said.

" Why aren't we seeing her wife? "I asked.

" That's her.. the picture, she's living in her imagination"Jon pointed at the picture.

" She's moving"I said

"Are you okay?" Nadia asked.

"Nadia" Isa hugged her crying.

"We'll be at home, call us" I said leading Jon out of the house.

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