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I woke up to an empty bed, Gabriel wasn't in his side of the bed, it's fucking 1:33am in the morning. I pulled my robe over my naked frame and walk out of the bedroom.
Following the low voice in the sitting room, he was on the phone and a document was laid out on the table.

I stood akimbo glaring at him. Our eyes met and he apologized to whoever he was speaking to and hung up.

"Isn't it too late to be in a buisness meeting? I mean it's 1 in the morning and you leave before I even wake up" I asked.

"Babe, this contract is really important, I have to do this now or never" he answered.

"When I got married to you, I said goodbye to cold nights and sleeping alone.. do I have to go back to that?" I asked.

His phone started ringing.
"Babe.. thirty minutes and I'll come to the bed I promise" He looked at me.

"If you answer that call, I'll spend the night at the hospital for a week.. you know I don't bluff" I stared at him.
"Okay.. let's just go to sleep" he smiled carrying me to our bedroom.

"See? It means that I'll always choose you over work, over every thing" Gabriel said.

"What happened the next day? You fainted at work, I was so worried sick and you had to stay over night at the hospital due to stress"I argued.

" I just had too much stress that week"my husband tried to defend himself.

" Doctor, it wasn't the first or last time but that was the one I got so scared about because he fainted. When I have a bad day at the hospital and come home, I leave all my worries and anger and cuddle in his arms all night but my husband just keep on working even on weekends"I shook my head.

" Gabriel, you must have a line between work and home.. Your job is important and you have a time when you go to work and when you get back home to your husband. Your home is your home and work is work... If you try to combine both together, you'll have a terrible crisis on your hand"Dr Love said.

" Sometimes, I have I unfinished buisness that I need to meet by the end of the day, I mean Jon sometimes leave the house midnight or too early because of a patient and I can't? "He said.

" I'm a doctor who saves life.. all you do is sell houses and lands to people, make them invest in some new property.. you can't compare life to that"I rolled my eyes.

" We are gonna do it like this.... Once a week, you can only work over time once a week but never on weekends unless it's too urgent"Dr Love said.

" I'm a surgeon"I pouted.

" You schedule surgery unless it's urgent so the rule applies to both of you, leave work at work and enjoy your company at home"Dr Love said.

" Supported"I rode my hand.

" Me too"Gab smiled.

" So doctor, my friend came over, she's coming to meet us later, do you wanna have dinner with us? "I  asked.

" No.. no.. thank you"She answered.

"Why do you keep turning us down?we are live in the same building and can't even be friends with you?"I snapped.

" Baby"Gab called.

" What if I don't want to be friends?what if I just want a normal life which is why I rent the penthouse when I can just get an apartment..the next time you or your husband comes to my unit,I'll have you reported.our relationship ends behind these walls"Doctor Love said.

" Fuck you"I walked out of the office.

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