05: Moon

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A year after

Shinju and Minato are assigned at the same group. The two were beyond happy and excited but they did not showed it.

They are under Jiraiya's care, one of the legendary sannin.

"Today's mission is a A-rank one, I advice that you must ready yourselves for what will come." Jiraiya say

"Hai!" The three students reply

This pass years, the two are busy with their mission together. They are very lucky to be in the same group, making their worries gone.

Shinju check if everything she needs is in her backpack while Minato do the same. Jiraiya observe the three student, he notice how Minato look at Shinju and how Shinju look at Minato.

This mission involves a scroll that will determine whether there would be another war or not, it's a peace treaty of Konoha and Suna.

"Alright, we will depart now." Jiraiya say

The team departs from Konoha and their destination is the Suna.

Jiraiya have the scroll while the three others stand as bodyguard. Minato and Shinju are a great ninja, they are born prodigy. 

Their other teammate name Izana feels very burden at the team. He is civilian-born ninja and is an average one. He feels like he is weighing the team down or slowing the team down. He feel pressured to do his best because he is in the same team as a Senju, the top one in his academy, and one of the legendary sannin.

"Izana! Snap out of it, we are in a mission." Shinju scolds

"Sorry" Izana reply

The team rest for now as it is night time already.

Shinju lay four futon for each members of the team. Shinju lay down in the middle of Minato and Izana.

The three fall asleep while Jiraiya close his eyes but his senses are heighten.

A ninja who is good at hiding it chakra presence sneak and grab one of the team members.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Shinju shouts before disappearing in the forest

The scream awakes the two member and Jiraiya who is already searching for Shinju. Her presence is completely gone like she erase it.

"Shinju!" Minato shouts

Minato's eyes are filled with anger and swear to himself on whoever took his love of his life will pay heavily.

Jiraiya lands in front of the two male.

"We continue to Suna, I have a feeling they have Shinju-hime" Jiraiya say

The two boys nods their head as an agreement.

Jiraiya told the plan from now on.

Since, Minato is very capable on rescuing Shinju alone. He is assign to rescue Shinju while Jiraiya and Izana distract the ninjas. That's their plan.

"Let's go!" Jiraiya say

Meanwhile, Shinju opens her eyes to see her mouth tied with a cloth and her hands along with legs tied in a rope.

"The princess is awake!" The suna ninja say

"Do you know why we kidnap you?" The other ask

Shinju shakes her head, confuse in what is going on.

"We hate being allied with Konoha. If our kage accept the treaty then we just kill you." The ninja reply

Shinju eyes widen and her tears roll down on her cheeks, she is not ready to die this young. She still dream of having a family and marrying the man of her dreams.

Back on Jiraiya and the two, they arrived quickly at the Suna. They are welcomed with suspicious eyes and their tour guide told them that they can meet their kage tomorrow.

Jiraiya sit down on the mat and the two follows, they are now in their inn room.

"Minato, you save Shinju-hime now. Make sure to do it smooth and quick" Jiraiya command

"Hai!" Minato reply

Minato jump off the window and skips through the building. Shinju's hair left a trail, she did this unconsciously like her hair have it's own life.

Minato follow the trail of red pieces of hair.

"What is that noise-" The ninja is cut off by being kick on the face knocking him out

The other got wary and did their fighting stance.


Another one fall on the ground unconscious.

The room is very dark luckily Minato is a sensory type.

One after another fall on the ground, Shinju watch the scene unfold.

"I'm here, I never break any promises" Minato say as he get Shinju out of the rope and the cloth on her mouth.

Minato carry Shinju bridal style as they jump over the roofs.

The moon shine upon the two.

The look of love is very evident on the two's eyes.

Shinju whose eyes is still on Minato met Minato's gaze as they jump high that make the moon looks like their background.

Minato smile at Shinju making Shinju blush.

Minato land on a roof and stand there.

"I really like you, Senju Shinju" Minato confesses

"I really like you too, Namikaze Minto" Shinju confesses back

Their witness for the confession is the big and full moon up on the sky.

Minato smile towards Shinju, the two kiss each other in front of the moon.

"Thank you for liking me" Shinju say

"No, thank you for liking me." Minato argue back

The two arrive at the building of the inn, Minato goes in through the big window that Jiraiya left open.

"Mission success, sensei" Minato say

"Good job, Minato and Shinju" Jiraiya reply

Minato let Shinju down and guide her to her own room since she is the only girl.

The moon is there first witness of their blooming love story.

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