15: Baby clothes

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A week later

Shinju who is excuse to not attend any missions right now wake up after her alarm went off. She eat her breakfast then do her morning routine.

"Good morning, my little one" Shinju greets

Shinju wear her shoes and dust herself after. She locks the door and keep the keys in her pocket, today's agenda she can do anything!

Shinju being Senju plus pregnant, she is prioritize as she will be giving birth to a Senju heir or heiress.

Shinju three weeks pregnant now.

"Morning princess Shinju and to the little one" The villager say

Shinju return the greetings and continue to walk. She thinks that buying baby clothes will do for her and cure her boredom. The clothes she will be buying will be unisex, because they don't know the gender of the baby yet.


The bell of the shop ring as Shinju goes inside of the baby shop.

"Shopping for the little one?" The owner ask

"Yes" Shinju reply

Shinju looks around to see many baby clothes, her eyes fills in with happiness and excitement. She can't wait to hold her child in her arms.

Shinju walk down the aisle and look around for baby clothes that can be worn by both genders. She thinks that if her next children wear the same baby clothes, it will be cute!

"Mikoto?" Shinju say, she is surprise to see one of her friends to be in a baby shop.

"Oh! Shinju hello" Mikoto greets

"What are you doing here?" Shinju ask

"Nothing, I'm not pregnant. It's just I like seeing this kind of things." Mikoto honestly answers

Shinju and Mikoto continues their conversation while Shinju shops for baby clothes and baby things too.

Mikoto make some suggestions and Shinju take it then apply it to her shopping.

Luckily, Shinju have a lot of dresses. So she will not worry for the maternity dresses.

Shinju's eyes caught one baby cloth and it have a text written on it.

'My dad is the number one hero!'

Shinju take it and put it in her shopping basket.

'My mom is the most awesome mom!'

One of the baby cloth have that text written on it.

Shinju smile at her friend who is very happy to help her in shopping of baby clothes. They talk about their ideal family and how they will raise their children.

"Any idea name for the child?" Mikoto ask

"Maybe Haruto or Haruko" Shinju reply

"Paying tribute for your partner?" Mikoto ask again

"Yes" Shinju answers

Mikoto bid Shinju and the little one a farewell as she is needed for a mission. 

Shinju goes to the counter to pay for all the things she have in her basket, after paying she thanks the shop owner.

Shinju walk out of the shop with a lot of bags, the ANBU who is keeping an eye for her decided to show himself to help the lady out.

"Thank you, ANBU-san" Shinju say

Shinju and the ANBU continues to walk to her house as they reach the front door, Shinju dismisses the ANBU that helped her after thanking him.

Shinju put the bags inside the house, she and Minato talk about moving together. Shinju things is already packed and ready to move out.

Minato and Shinju will be moving into a house that is both owned by them.

The Senju house will be owned by their children.

The hokage always keeps an eye for Shinju after all his sensei have entrusted him on keeping his grandchild or grandchildren safe.

"Okay! Things are packed, tomorrow is the moving day!" Shinju say to herself

Shinju sit down on the mat and write on the scroll that is on the table informing Tsunade about her decisions before and after birth.

It is settled that Jiraiya and Tsunade will be both serving as an uncle and aunt for their child.

Shinju who have the nine-tails in her or who name is Kurama was informed that giving birth while being a host of a tailed beast will be harder than the normal giving birth.


Kurama growl

"Hello!" Shinju greets

"What brings you here, brat?" Kurama ask

Shinju just sit down and look at the nine-tail fox.

"You know, I am giving birth. Please don't do anything, I still want to hold and care for my child" Shinju bows her head

It is first time that Kurama see a human bowing their head and beg him. Kurama who remembers his old man's words sigh and look at the lady who is still bowing.

"Fine" Kurama reply

"I am extremely thankful for this Kurama" Shinju say before disappearing

'She's not bad as I thought' Kurama thought to himself


Shinju call out her eagle and let her eagle deliver the letter to Tsunade safely.

Minato have a mission with Jiraiya and Izana, they are doing a team mission without Shinju since she is excuse or in maternal leave.

Shinju hover her hand over her womb and caress it gently while humming a lullaby for her child. Her eyes who is looking at her womb fills with love and excitement, she will give anything for her child.

Shinju wonders if she is having one child in this pregnancy or twins?

Shinju will like to have twins if possible.



Shinju stand up and answer the door, it reveals Minato who have a smile on his face.

"You're back!" Shinju cheerfully say

"Of course, I will be back." Minato reply

Shinju let her lover into the house, Minato look around to see that her things is already packed just like his.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Minato ask

"Yes I am" Shinju reply

Minato sit down on the mat and wait for Shinju who is getting something from her room. Shinju comes out and with paper bags.

"Look at this cloth!" Shinju say as she pulls out a baby clothes

It is the baby cloth that have 'My dad is my number one hero' on it. Minato melts at the sight of the baby cloth.

"That is so cute!" Minato compliments

Shinju shows Minato all the clothes that she have bought from the store and Minato can't help but to smile widely at the sight of the clothes.

"What if it is a twin?" Minato ask

"Tada!" Shinju reveals more baby clothes 

Minato smile at the preparedness of his lover and soon to be partner in life once they are adult.

The clothes are the same as the first pair of clothes that she show Minato.

This is the start of their journey as a family.

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