11: Training with dragons

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Shinju who have a summoning of dragons got informed that she needs to train with them in order for her to be stronger.

Minato who will train under Jiraiya too is very excited for the coming outcome of their four years of training.

"I will miss you" Shinju say

"I will miss you too, I will write you letters" Minato reassure

Minato and Shinju kiss passionately before going to different paths.

Jiraiya bid farewell to Shinju and Shinju did the same.

"Your highness, it is time." The blue dragon name Azul 

"Alright" Shinju reply looking at the village for the last time before going somewhere

Shinju got reverse summon by Pula in the twin lake, the name of the place. The place is very peaceful and quiet.

Shinju can't believe such a place exist

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Shinju can't believe such a place exist.

"It's really quiet here and peaceful" Shinju exclaim

"It is after all only Senjus and Uzumakis are the only summoners we accept." Pula answers

Shinju feel like she is in a magical place more so a sacred place.

"This way, Princess Shinju" Azul guide

Shinju walk in between of Pula and Azul while the two guide her to their masters. 

The castle door opens and it reveal a dragon as big as a mountain sitting down on the throne. The king dragon notices the newly arrive summoner (guest) to their kingdom.

"Ah, a Senju. I am King Lo or King Asgorath" Lo say

"Your majesty, I am Senju-Uzumaki Shinju" Shinju reply

Asgorath expresses his satisfaction getting a mix blood of Senju and Uzumaki as another summoner of dragons.

Asgorath dismisses Pula and Azul and let himself tour Shinju around the twin lakes known as the dragon city.

"Hold on tight" Lo say

Shinju did hold on tight on Asgorath as they fly above the city while Asgorath tell her what is it, Shinju is very mesmerize with the city.

Shinju let go of Asgorath and outstretch her hand like she is flying in the sky, Asgorath feel please that their new summoner already enjoys the companies of the dragons.

"For four years, you will be train under us. Are you ready? Princess Shinju?" Asgorath ask

"I am born ready!" Shinju reply

The dragon lands again and Shinju got down, she have a smile on her face as she experience flying above the clouds.

Shinju will definitely boast this to Minato.

"Before that, you must get a tattoo of the dragons" Asgorath inform

Shinju sweats as she heard the word tattoo, Asgorath reassures her that it is not painful as it's look.

Trusting the words of Asgorath, Shinju agreed on getting it.






The tattoo hurts like a bitch.

"Your majesty! You lied" Shinju sulks

"I'm sorry but see it is quickly done" Asgorath comforts

Shinju pouts like a baby while listening to Asgorath who is telling her training schedule.

"Stop pouting like a baby" Asgorath say

Shinju stop pouting as Asgorath say it.

Asgorath guide Shinju to her quarters and where she is training with them. Shinju lay down on the comfortable bed and pillow.

Shinju feel so relax in here, she will be more relax if Minato is here with her.

Pula, the dragon of love. He feels the strong and unbreakable love from Shinju, he follows the red string and it lead to where Minato is at.

Pula feels the same strong and unbreakable love from Minato, his red string leads to where Shinju is staying at.

Pula is very happy to know that there is a couple that met his expectations.

Shinju is now sleeping in her quarters.

"King Asgorath! Guess what I found out" Pula say

"What is it?" Lo ask

"Shinju is in love!" Pula inform

"With who?!" Asgorath ask

"With Minato Namikaze, the guy we look out for too!" Pula reply

Asgorath sigh in relief as he find out who is Shinju's lover. 

They watch Minato since in the dream of Azul, a Senju marry a blonde male with blue eyes.

The first thing Shinju will learn is her wood style and crystal style with the dragons then to medical techniques to basic to extreme ninjutsu then taijutsu to basic doujutsu lastly her weapon handling technqiues.

The next day

Shinju can't help but be excited as she learns new things with the dragons.

"If the nine-tails or any tailed-beast run wild-" Azul got cut off

"You see, I am the host of Kurama" Shinju informs

"We know, now back to what I am telling. Your wood style will come in handy once a tailed-beast run wild" Azul adds

"Your adamantine chains and crystal style will help you bind the tailed-beast" Azul informs

Shinju nods and listen what Azul is telling her.

Now, she will practice the binding of a tailed-beast. 

"Wood style: Tree bind eternal burial!" Shinju states

The wood bind Azul, the more strong the user is the more stronger the bind is.

"More strength! I can break free if I want to!" Azul suggest

Shinju tighten her hands together but her strength is not yet fully develop.

"You might have the super strength of Tsunade-hime but it is not strong, but don't worry we will teach you to be more stronger." Azul states

Shinju dismisses the wood and flop on the ground tired. They have been training since early in the morning from basic exercise to extreme ones.

A dragon come in the place and give a letter to Shinju, it is from Minato.

Pula get out of his hiding spot and read the letter along with Shinju.

"Aw! He is so sweet and caring!" Pula compliments

Shinju smile and blush while reading the letter, she summons a scroll and a ink along with a brush to write back.

Shinju reply to the letter with sweet and encouraging words for her lover.

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