13: Mission (2)

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Shinju who is still sore from last night stand up and make breakfast for the two of them.

"Minato? Wake up, love" Shinju say

"Five more minutes" Minato inform

"We will be late for the mission~" Shinju reply

Minato shot up from the bed and it widely awake after hearing the words of Shinju.

The two eat their breakfast.

Minato notices the walking pattern of Shinju and smirk as he see her struggling to walk. Shinju notices and sent a glare to the male.

"Your fault! You are very rough~" Shinju whines

"I'm sorry, love" Minato apologizes

"It's fine, I enjoy it" Shinju reassure

Shinju bid farewell to Minato as she need to change her outfit for today as her clothes are in her house.

The maids step down after Shinju confirms that she is now grown up and don't need any help anymore.

Shinju open her house and shower then do her morning routine. Shinju wear her mission outfit for today.

Shinju might have difficulty in walking but it did not stop her to act fine!

Shinju arrive at the meeting place where they usually meet up before going to get their official mission from the hokage.

"Your late!" Izana say

"I'm sorry, something came up and I need to fix it" Shinju lied

The team is now complete, Jiraiya walk in front beside Izana while the two walk behind the two.

"Are you fine now? Or you are acting?" Minato see through Shinju

"The latter one" Shinju reply

Minato just snake his arm Shinju to assist her in walking.

The team arrive at the mission distribution area and stand in front of the hokage.

"For today's mission is C-rank, your team will escort a bridge builder name Shiro, your team will escort him to the land of waves." The hokage inform

The man name Shiro goes inside, he is a man in early 30s and he look pretty decent.

"Hello, I am Shiro" Shiro say

The team introduces themselves to the client to make the client trust them. The estimated days for this mission to finish is at least three to five days.

Shinju goes to her house to get her things needed for the mission, despite the sore legs. She manage to run to her house.

Shinju arrive at the meeting point with a backpack, Izana and Minato arrive at the same time then their sensei along with the client arrive last.

"Is everything set?" Jiraiya ask

"Hai!" The team member reply

Team Jiraiya is now off to guard Shiro the bridge builder back home.

The team walk on the path, they can't hop tree to tree since they have a none ninja client. Minato decided to slow down to match the pace of Shinju who is walking behind the client.

"Want a help?" Minato ask

"I'm fine-" Shinju is cut off by being lifted

Minato carries her on his back.

"Jiraiya-sensei, Shinju seem to sprain her ankle. I will carry her!" Minato lied

"Okay!" Jiraiya buy the lie

Izana and Shiro shrug the situation off.

Their team is very dense when it comes to this field.

Shinju notice how dry the land here despite the raining yesterday and last night. Shinju look at her teammates who already caught on and same goes for their sensei.

Minato let Shinju down to prepare for any attacks.

Shinju sense three enemies hiding below them, she punch the ground and her teammates stumble back but regain their footing while Jiraiya carry Shiro.

"I found you all" Shinju say

The enemies got out of the hiding spot.

"Know your battle strategy!" Jiraiya say

One of the enemy engage a fight against Shinju despite being unable to walk properly she dodges the kunai being thrown at her.

Shinju summon her katana to engage in a kenjutsu fight.


The sword being clash together ring the area.

Shinju who train under the dragons knows a lot of sword techniques, she smirks when her sword scratch the shoulder of the enemy.

The enemy fall on his knees as he starts to breath heavily.

Poison lace on Shinju's sword that only poison enemies not allies, it is made by the dragons.

Shinju look around to see her teammates successfully put off their enemies while Jiraiya guard their client.

It's the second week of June, so it's very rainy. Making the ground dry is like saying close your eyes to a blind person.

Shiro sigh in relief as he see the enemies are now gone.

The team did not question further, it is normal for a known bridge builder to be targeted by someone.

Time Skip

The team safely arrive at the land of waves, they observe the lifestyle of the people living here in the island.

Minato who is carrying Shinju on his back senses something strange in the chakra of the people.

Jiraiya look at his students to see them already caught on and display a confuse yet disturbing face. 

The chakra is mix something dark, it is most likely a yin release.

"They have a yin release inside of them" Shinju inform

"You are right meaning whoever releases this kind of technique is ready to kill people and you Mr. Shiro" Jiraiya reply

Shiro look so terrified.

"Tell us Mr. Shiro what is happening?" Izana ask

"There is a group name Apophis, they are against civilization of the land of waves..." Shiro reply

"Apophis, a group of delinquents that do things for fun. They are so unserious yet deadly at the same time." Minato say

Shinju feel someone coming.

"Take cover!" Shinju shouts

Shinju knows the warning is late, so she created a crystal barrier for the team and client. 

A villager exploded

The face of Shiro turns into dread as he find out what happened.

"Bring, Mr. Shiro back to his house." Jiraiya commands

"Hai!" The three reply

Shinju dispatch her adamantine chains and wrap it around Shiro, in case if anyone try to get Shiro.

The three successfully escorted Shiro back to his house and return to where their sensei is.

Before leaving Shiro, Izana form a barrier around his house. Making house invisible in the eyes of the people.

Jiraiya is fighting the head of Apophis, it shock the three students on how fast their sensei deals with this kind of problem.

Jiraiya smile at the head and a gush of wind is suddenly seen. 

Shinju fan away the wind and see that their sensei won against the fight.

"Sensei is indeed a legendary sannin!" Izana exclaim

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