09: Bestfriend and Brother

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Shinju dress in all black, no accessories is seen in her body. Her hair hides in a hat, her blue eyes empty.

Today is the funeral of Kushina and Yuto.

Minato waits for Shinju outside of her room, he knows how much Shinju blame herself for this. 

The door open revealing a weak yet strong Shinju who dress in all black and her red-hair hidden in a hat. Her eyes full of nothing.

Minato hold the hand of Shinju to reassure her, it makes Shinju's worries lessen.

Inside Shinju

"Won't you go mad? The village did this!" The nine-tails say

"I won't despite knowing that the village did this, there are many innocent people." Shinju calmly reply

The nine-tails growl

"Look, I'm sorry that you can't have the freedom that you want. But if peace were to come, then I will set you free." Shinju adds

The nine-tails for the first time feel okay with his host, he feels not hostility nor hunger from Shinju. The hunger in Shinju is the hunger to prove herself to the people.

"What is your name?" Shinju ask

The nine-tails scoff at Shinju

"Kurama" Kurama reply

"I need to go now, Kurama. Thank you" Shinju say before disappearing


Minato assist Shinju to climb the stairs towards where the funeral is being held at.

Shinju see the hokage and the other higher-ups then their comrades.

Minato reassure Shinju that it will be fine.

"Today, we are gather to remember two of our fallen comrades. Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Yuto. A brave and determined girl, we all know Kushina Uzumaki. A strong and brave boy, that is Yuto Namikaze." The third hokage start his speech

Mikoto and Fugaku stand behind Shinju and Minato respectively. They are there in case, one of the two faints.

The comrades and friends wishes their condolences to the two.

The funeral last thirty minutes, everyone bid their condolences to the two then they left.

Minato and Shinju stand in front of the graves of their loved ones, Shinju's eyes blurs as her eyes fills with tears.

Shinju suffers from separation anxiety, she really hate getting attach immediately but she got attach very quick.

"You two left me like them, it's unfair. I thought we have dreams to achieve, a family of our dreams. What happened? Where did it go wrong?" Shinju ask

Minato feel the pain that Shinju is going through being the boy he need to stay strong for everyone.

The words of Shinju, it make Minato feel so fragile.

"You two promised us that we will achieve our dreams together! Kushina you said you will not die until you become the hokage, Yuto you said that you will only die after seeing your family! It's unfair!" Shinju say

Shinju fall to her butt in front of the grave of the two. Her tears drop on the grass where Kushina and Yuto lay forever.

Minato kneel beside her and hug her tightly like his life depends on it. Minato is silently crying, he need to let go of his tears.

The third hokage who is silently listening to the two talk to their peacefully sleeping friend hang his head low knowing that it is his fault.

"Saru, please take care of my grandchild or grandchildren if I have any in the future."

"Hiruzen-jiji, please t-take care of Shinju for us."

The words of Tobirama and Michiko lingers around his head.

"You need to rest, Shinju" Minato say

"I know, let me say my goodbye one last time." Shinju reply

"To my beloved bestfriend who acts like my sister and to my brother-not-so-brother, please rest peacefully and soar high." Shinju say

Shinju kneel down to kiss the gravestone of Kushina and Yuto. Shinju did her kekkei touta, crystal release to offer a dove crystals on their grave.

"My beloved bratty cousin and to Kushina, rest in paradise. Please watch over us" Minato adds

The two walk away from the cemetery with heavy hearts.

Minato lead Shinju to the Senju park to refresh their minds and hearts.

Shinju sit down on the grassy ground and Minato sit beside Shinju leaning his head on Shinju's shoulder.

"How I wish that everyone could see our family" Minato say

"I wish that too" Shinju reply

The two observe the setting sun over the horizon.

Shinju hums a lullaby for the two of them, Minato soon find himself starring at Shinju. His eyes feel with admiration. He is indeed lucky to have Shinju while Shinju thinks that she is very lucky to have Minato.

Jiraiya surprise the two by scarring them.

"Hello, lovebirds. I came here to say that Minato, it's time for you to train under me." Jiraiya say

"I will be honored!" Minato reply

Minato look at Shinju who is excited for him, her eyes never lied.

"Tomorrow, we will start" Jiraiya adds before walking away

Minato and Shinju get back to what they are doing which is observing the beautiful sky.

Shinju who always like starring up on the sky develop a love for it, and Minato starts to like it too. Starring up to the sky feels so peaceful and quiet.

Minato and Shinju wish for the two of their loved ones a last goodbyes.

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