22: Third great ninja war

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3 months later

Sara is with Haruto and Haruko in the house.

Shinju stand in front of team Minato with a serious face. Shinju cross her arms like every mothers do.

"Please come back safe and sound" Shinju say

"We will" Minato and Rin replies

Kakashi nods his head.

"Of course we will! I will keep them safe as I am the future hokage, you know!" Obito exclaim


Shinju bonk the head of Obito, the young boy message his head then look up to Shinju who have worries display over her face.

"Please do" Shinju reply

Minato look at Shinju who is very worried for his team, he walk towards his wife and hug her like his life depends on it.

"We will come back, I promise" Minato reassure

Kakashi who is promoted to jonin a week earlier nods his head at Shinju to reassure that nothing will happen to them.

Shinju watch the team disappear from the spot, she can't help but to worry as her gut feeling tells her something bad will happen.

"I wish my future son will be like you, Obito" Shinju mumble

Shinju can't do missions requested by Minato himself, so she is ban from doing mission unless he is with her.

Ever since Shinju met the team of Minato, she treats them like her own children. The children that Shinju and Minato take care despite them not being their real parents.

Shinju sit down in an dango shop and order her usual.

After a day

Shinju walk towards the gates of Konoha waiting for Team Minato to comeback.

Shinju see them walking but solemnly, she look for Obito but he is nowhere to be found.

"Obito? Where is Obito?" Shinju ask the team

Shinju look at Minato who shakes his head indicating Obito is no more.

Shinju eyes widen as she stumble back eventually leading to her fall, Minato help her to get up which she softly decline.

Shinju look up and tears are rolling down on her cheeks.

"He's too young! He promised me! He said he will become the hokage! H-he said he will train our children..." Shinju exclaim

This the first time Rin and Kakashi see Shinju breaks down.

Minato hug his wife comforting her in physical way.

"I'm sorry" Minato whisper to Shinju's ear

Sara who is with Haruto and Haruko see the scene and tries to avert the attention of the twins to her but failed.

The twins greets the team and ask for Obito since Obito always play with them along with Rin or sometimes Kakashi.

"He is in a peaceful place" Minato inform his children

This part hurst the most for Shinju and Minato seeing their children cry, the feeling of hopelessness is there.

Rin and Kakashi can't help but to look down feeling sad as they are unable to save a comrade.

Haruto and Haruko hug Rin and Kakashi still crying but comforting the two members, Rin and Kakashi comforts the two too.

Minato scoop his children up in his arms, he dismisses the team and announce that the funerals of their fallen comrades in the battle will be held a day after tomorrow.

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