19: Time skip

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Haruto first learn to say the word, dada.

Haruko first learn to walk than Haruto.

Haruto's learn to walk after two months.

Haruko first word is Mama.

The two first learn to smile at age of 4 month old.

Time skip

It's been two years since Haruto and Haruko are born into this world.

Minato age 18 and Shinju age 18 stand in front of three kids who look at them with curious eyes. Shinju greets Kakashi and Obito then introduce herself to Rin.

"I am this man's partner." Shinju inform

"Minato-sensei?!" The three exlcaim

"Yep" Shinju reply

Obito and Rin draw nearer to Shinju and ask a lot of questions. Shinju answer the question honestly.

"Wait! You're the lady that I bumped into that day!" Kakashi say

"Ohhh you!" Obito realize

"So you and Minato-sensei have a kid together?" Obito ask

Rin perk up and ask more questions.

"Yes, Rin. I am indeed a mother of two" Shinju reply

Minato just sweat-drop at his students excitement.

"Can we meet them?" Obito ask

"You all will" Minato reply

Kakashi is already a chunin, he became a chunin a year ago after Minato's team participate on the chunin exams.

Rin talk to Shinju about girl stuff while the three males just sweat-drop at the two females.

Minato clear his throat to get the attention of the two girls that are talking to each other as of now. The two look at Minato waiting for his announcement.

"Since Kakashi is already a chunin, you two will take the chunin exams again and become chunin. We will train together, understood?" Minato say

"Yes, sir!" Rin and Obito reply

Shinju walk towards Kakashi and stand beside him, she notice how quiet he is. Despite being the youngest in the team, his intelligence matches a chunin or even a jonin.

Minato signal the two genin to follow him as he will conduct a training for the two genin members of the team.

Kakashi sit down on the ground while Shinju remain standing.

"Are you fine, Kakashi?" Shinju ask

"Yes...." Kakashi reply

Shinju notice the hesitance in his voice, so she decided to sit down beside Kakashi to comfort the boy.

"You know letting out your emotion is more better than bottling it up." Shinju say

Kakashi remains silent

Shinju sighs, she really want to help the boy. His father's cause of death messed up the ideals of Kakashi making him choice the mission than his comrades lives.

"Comrades are your second family, they will be with you through thick and thin. Each of you have your lives in each other's hand." Shinju say

"I know but still the mission comes first" Kakashi reply

Shinju look down in defeat whenever she tries, Kakashi just don't listen.

"Just as you know. I am there for you, for Obito, and for Rin." Shinju say before standing up then walking away.

Kakashi watch Shinju go to the three who are training to become a chunin

Kakashi won't admit it out loud but he see Shinju as a mother that he did not have and Minato as a father that he wishes for.

Sara comes into the training ground with two children in her arms while holding a basket, Kakashi offer his help which did make Sara's problem lessen.

"Guys why won't you eat a snack?" Sara calls out

"Thank you, Sara" Shinju reply

Shinju calls out Minato, Obito, and Rin for them to eat with her and Kakashi.

"Mama!" The two children exclaim

"Ah, my loves!" Shinju reply

Sara let them down while Shinju squat and open her arms for her children to hug her. Both Haruto and Haruko stumble a bit but they make it to their mother's arms.

Shinju hug her children then sitting down on the ground to keep her children accompany.

"This is Kakashi, say hello to him" Shinju introduce

"Hwello" Haruko say

"Hwi!" Haruto adds

Kakashi just wave his hand at the two children.

Rin and Obito arrives first, they see two children in the field.

"Oh my is that?" Rin ask

"Yes" Shinju reply

Rin squeals in excitement and grab her snack then went to the two children. Obito greets the two children.

Haruto and Haruko are already known in the village after all their mother and father are very famous not just in the village but in the entire world.

Minato known as The Yellow Flash of Konoha.

Shinju known as The Deadly Red Rose of Konoha.

Rin introduce herself and Obito to the two and hugs them when the two attempted on pronouncing their names.

"You two are so cute!" Rin exclaim

Minato arrive and his smile widen when he see his two kids, his day is complete again. 

"Papa!" The two say

Minato scoop the two and carry them in his arms, Obito and Rin adores the scene while Kakashi silently adores it.

"Are you not hungry?" Shinju ask

"I will eat later" Minato softly reply

The ring on the two red-hair children grows along with their fingers.

"Are you two not yet married?" Rin ask

"Not yet" Minato reply

The team continues to eat their snack while the family of four bonds with each other, Kakashi envy the two children for having a complete family unlike him.

"When I become the hokage, I will teach them awesome techniques!" Obito say

"Sure, we will wait for it" Minato reply


Sara have a camera and snap a photo of the scene, it is very peaceful to look at. Despite the war waging outside of the village.

Haruto and Haruko run around the open field of ground three playing and exploring things, their parents are both sensory type and the rings helps too. So when the two get lose or got kidnap, they can easily track their children.

"Kiddos! It's time to go, your mama and papa need to do things!" Sara shouts

Haruto and Haruko pouts but bid their parents a farewell, Shinju and Minato kiss their children on their foreheads.

"We will see you later" Minato reassure

The twins went along with Sara to go home and wait for their parents to comeback from their agenda.

Minato continues to train Rin and Obito while eating his snack while Kakashi observe the three and Shinju cloud gazing .

The times goes by, Minato dismisses the team and the three members goes to their respective home.

"Let's go home?" Shinju ask

"Yes, to home it is" Minato reply back

Home is where their children are, that's their home.

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