12: Comeback

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It's been four years since Shinju step on the grounds of Konoha and four years since she last saw her lover.

Shinju wears her read with white dress that have gold outlines.

Inside the box is a treasure rings that the dragon created for her, Minato, and for their future children

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Inside the box is a treasure rings that the dragon created for her, Minato, and for their future children.

Shinju ride Azul as they travel to the Konoha grounds guarding them is Pula, they guard themselves and Shinju against greedy humans.

Shinju ride Azul as they travel to the Konoha grounds guarding them is Pula, they guard themselves and Shinju against greedy humans

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Azul being blue while Pula being red.

The box lay in the pouch of Shinju, she is already sixteen years old. 

Upon seeing the two dragons in the sky, the chunin guards inform the hokage and others of Shinju's most awaited arrival.

They hurry up and waits for Shinju.

Finally, Shinju goes down of Azul and grab her pouch. Her dress touches the ground, she really looks like a royalty.

The people gather in front of Shinju bows to her and to the noble dragons. The hokage is the first one to walk towards Shinju.

"Welcome home, princess Shinju" Hiruzen greet

Shinju nod in acknowledge, she looks like she is looking for someone among the crowd. The crowd parts way and in the end of the trail reveals Minato with flowers in his hands.

Shinju run towards Minato, Minato open his arms as a invite. Shinju hug Minato with her feet locking on his waist while Minato supports her by hugging her back.

"I miss you, my love" Minato say

"I miss you too" Shinju reply

Shinju goes down of Minato and he passes her the roses that he got.

"Close your eyes" Minato suggest

Shinju closes her eyes, the people witnessing the love of the two are in awe.

Shinju feels something on her neck, Minato informs her that she can open her eyes now. She see necklace that is made out of Minato's chakra. The necklace will let her knows that if Minato is safe or not.

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