20: Proposal

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Minato have been sending letters to Tsunade regarding about his plans for the rest of the year. Of course, he have the permission of Tsunade. He want Tsunade along with Jiraiya to be there witnessing one of the memorable day for the two couple.

Yes, Minato is proposing to Shinju.

Team Minato have been helping their sensei even Kakashi because he have nothing to do he said.

They have been planning this since last week and that the chunin training is just a distraction for Shinju for her to avoid sensing Tsunade's chakra along with Shizune's and Tonton's.

Minato is planning to propose under the tree where they always lay down and think of their past, present, and future.

The big tree in the Senju park.

"Hello, I am planning to marry your daughter. Please let me have the blessings" Minato say to the grave of Shinju's parents.

A soft breeze of wind pass Minato and he smile, it is an indication from her family that he have their blessings.

Shinju's necklace that Minato gave to her is still on her neck.

Minato's ring is simple but beautiful, it have a golden band and right size of diamond in the middle shape in oval. 

Minato knows that Shinju love simple things over extravagant things.

Minato walks toward the Senju park to prepare his things for the proposal with the help of Tsunade and Shizune, a little bit of Hiruzen too.

Haruto and Haruko are with their nanny/Sara. Sara volunteered herself to look after the twins due to her liking the two.

"Papa?" Haruto call out

Minato look at his son who is extending his arms indicating wanted to be carried by his father, Minato scoop his son in his arms.

Tsunade and Shizune lays out petals of roses serving us a pathway. Jiraiya arrive with the decorative, a banner that they will reveal once the Minato signal them.

"Here" Jiraiya pass it to an ANBU

The ANBUs will be the one who will reveal the banner that have 'Will you be my partner in life through thick and thin?'

Minato look at Haruko who is sleeping in the arms of Sara while Haruto lean his head on his father's shoulder indicating he is sleepy.

"Sleep, mommy will come later on" Minato say

"Okway" Haruto reply

They young boy fall asleep in his father's arms.

Tsunade will be there for her cousin's memorable days, she did not want to miss this out. After all, she miss out a lot of moment in Shinju's life.

"Minato-sensei! Good luck!" Rin shouts

Minato thanks everyone who are present and helped him to set up a perfect proposal plan.

Meanwhile, Shinju look a Mikoto with suspicious eyes. She wonders why Mikoto suggesting for her to dress a white dress.

"Just go with it! My hunches is always right!" Mikoto say

Mikoto carries her own son, whose name is Itachi. Mikoto and Fugaku married each other last year and have a child.

Itachi is still a baby.

"Itachi looks excited" Shinju say

Shinju feels a blindfold covering her eyes, Fugaku assist Shinju to where the destination while Mikoto record using the camera provided by Minato.

Jiraiya serve the other camera man for the day.

Shinju hears bird chirping and leaves rustling in the background. She feels familiar on the ground that she is standing on.

Fugaku removes the blindfold on Shinju's eyes.

Shinju see Minato at the end of the pathway with his eyes full of love. She looks around to see people important to her and to Minato there present, both Fugaku and Jiraiya records the scene.

Shinju walk towards Minato with teary eyes, not knowing what to react. She stop in front of Minato.

"Senju Shinju" Minato say then kneeling down on one knees.

"When I first met you, I thought of you as a strong and hardworking girl. You never let your emotions gets the best of you. You are very nice, kind, caring, and loving girl making fall for you even more. When I first thought of love at first sight, I think of how cringey it is. But when I saw you for the first, that when I knew I fell for you immediately. That's when I knew no matter how cringey it is, when you experience it. It will become the most wonderful thing to ever happened.  You are very perfect in my eyes, in every way you are."

"So can you do the honor and-" Minato cut himself off

The ANBUs stretch out the banner revealing Minato's question. And Minato opens a red velvet box revealing the ring.

Shinju let her tears out, crying so much.

"Yes! Yes! I will be your partner forever!" Shinju reply

"She said yes!" Minato exclaim

Minato slide the ring on Shinju's left ring finger.

Minato and Shinju kiss each other then pulls away. Haruto and Haruko run towards their parents, their parents carries them.

A family hug.

The camera click capturing the beautiful moment along with is videos from their cameras.

In times like this, Tsunade can't help but to cry out of happiness and sadness. She feel so proud of her cousin growing up and having her own family. But whenever she looks at them, she always remember her and Dan's dream.

"Tsunade-sama? Are you okay?" Shizune ask

"Yes, I am very happy for my cousin!" Tsunade half lie

Everyone send their congratulations to the couple and to their twins too.

Hiruzen walk towards Minato and Shinju with a proud smile.

"Congratulations, Minato and Shinju-hime" Hiruzen say

"Thank you, hokage-sama/Hiruzen-jiji" The two reply

Hiruzen excuse Minato for a minute or so. Hiruzen informs Minato that he is a candidate for the fourth hokage position making Minato smile and accepting the candidacy for the hokage title.

Minato goes back to where his family is at.

Haruto show off what he saw earlier while Haruko busy playing with her mother's hairs.

The day goes by and the family of four are very happy.

Receiving the news, the whole Konoha rejoice for the news that they received.

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