08: Dark day

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A week later

Hiruzen stand in front of Shinju with his head hanging low after breaking a heartbreaking news.

"I'm sorry" Hiruzen apologizes

Shinju remain silent, but she is not really silent. She is biting her lips to not let her sob out.

"Will your sorry bring him back?!" Shinju ask

"No" Hiruzen reply

"That's right! You know their sensei is healing right now! Why would you send their team to a B-rank mission while having no sensei?!" Shinju say

"What would granpa and granduncle say about this?! How careless you are!" Shinju add

Hiruzen head still hang low knowing that it is his fault for sending them to a dangerous mission without any sensei at all.

Hiruzen left Shinju alone knowing it's the best thing to do.

"Yuto" Shinju mumble to herself

Shinju fall on her knees as she hide her face in her hands as she cry.

Yuto Namikaze sacrificed himself in order to let his other team member survive.

Shinju wipes her tears but it just keep coming out.

Yuto who is older than Shinju for months have treated her like a younger sister.

Yuto is the older brother that Shinju could ever ask for.

Last week, they were laughing at the hospital and joking.


What happened? Where did it go wrong? What did they done wrong to deserve this?

"Hime! You are being summoned by the council!" The maid quickly inform

Shinju compose herself and walk towards the door to go to the council.


Shinju angrily opens the door where the council is at.

"What now?" Shinju ask

"You will be the next host of the nine-tails. Kushina, could go bersek any moment. We will have the sealing right now." Homura say

Shinju could not protest despite her Senju last name. If she would protest, she would be called disrespectful.

Shinju walk to a room where Kushina is confine.

Shinju hug Kushina like her life depends on it.

The two cried together as Kushina lose her lover and Shinju lose her older brother figure.

"I'm sorry for putting you under this" Kushina say

'Then only for a minute, I want to change my mind cause this just don't feel right to me'

"It's fine" Shinju reply

The sealing ceremony starts and it is successful.

Shinju who have a better control of her emotion become the host of the nine-tails.

Kushina close her eyes as she say her last words.

"Please have a healthy and lovely family that I and you have wished for" Kushina say

Kushina Uzumaki pass away due to extraction of the tailed-beast from her. Her bestfriend just died in front of her.

Shinju cried, she cried. Shinju lose her bestfriend and brother figure in a day.

Minato barges into the room, he got the authority since he is the lover of Shinju.

Minato hug Shinju as she cries in his embrace making him cry too.

"We are in this together" Minato reassure

"W-we are" Shinju reply

Shinju faint in Minato's arm making Minato sigh as he worries for her health, he is affected too after all his lose his cousin and friend too.

"I'll be taking her" Minato say before leaving

Minato got inform by an ANBU that his lover will be the new host for nine-tails after Kushina show unstable emotion that can cause her to lose control of the nine-tails.

Minato hop roof to roof then stopping at the house of Shinju, the maid welcome them back and asking what happened.

"She become the host of nine-tails" Minato inform

"Oh dear, what happened to Kushina?" The maid ask

Minato shake his head as a sign that Kushina is no more.

The maid hang her head low, soon the other maid come and offer a prayer for Kushina and Yuto.

Minato place Shinju in her futon, he knows she faints due to exhaustion and her emotions too. Minato lay beside Shinju and place her head in his chest letting her know that he is there and that he will never leave her side.

Minato soon fall asleep.

Tomorrow will be the funeral of both Kushina and Yuto, Shinju will most likely to ignore higher-ups.

Shinju wakes up from her hour nap/faint, her head throb in pain.

Minato who feel the other side of the futon empty, wakes up to see Shinju sitting up and holding her head.

"What's happening, love?" Minato ask

"M-my head hurts!" Shinju reply

Minato call for the maid and inform them about Shinju's headache that is causing extreme pain to Shinju.

Minato hug Shinju while rocking her back and forth to ease up a bit of her pain.

The maid arrive with the herbal drink for Shinju to drink, Minato thank the maid and get the glass.

"Shinju, here drink this." Minato say

Shinju take the glass and drink it up, she immediately finishes it. She wanted to relief the pain of the headache.


Shinju's tears drop on the mat, she did not know that she is crying not because of the headache. Because she remembers that she lose two important people within the day.

Minato cannot help but to tear up too.

"It's my fault! I should have stop, Hiruzen-jiji! And I should have taken care of Kushina!" Shinju blame herself

Minato hug Shinju as him and Shinju cry in each other's embrace, starting this day they only have each other along with Mikoto and Fugaku.

The two Uchihas are very busy with missions too, the two couple only wish for them to stay safe.

"No, it's not. Yuto accepted the mission because he knows what is coming, Kushina is the same. She decided to do it despite knowing that she will die. The two left us a responsibilities." Minato comforts

'We just want you two to be happier, so we'll go' 

Minato stroke the red-hair of Shinju who is still crying in his embrace. He keep saying comforting words while stroking her hair and rocking back then forth.

Shinju listen to Minato's heartbeat to calm herself.

"I-i can't forget this..." Shinju say

"Neither I" Minato reply

The two stay like that eventually making Minato sleep over at Shinju's place to make sure that she's doing fine.

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