21: Wedding day

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The time flies by and it is already the wedding day.

Hiruzen took all the responsibilities for the wedding day with the help of Lady Biwako. This is their one of showing gratitude for Shinju and Minato.

Shinju wear her shiromuku kimono which is in pure white. She place her wataboshi on her head as it is part of the tradition.

Both Shinju and Minato are separated from each other for the day, so they can get that first look.

Haruto wear his kimono while Haruko is already dressed as Sara did Haruko first since she want a hairstyle for today.

"All set, Haruto-sama" Sara inform

"Thank you" Haruto reply

Minato wear his nagajuban then monstuki that have obi on it to his black and white hakama topping of with a haori, he ties his haori with his himo.

Sara along with Haruto and Haruko walk down the aisle indicating they are part of the family following behind are Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Everyone wears a attire only the family members got to where the traditional attires.

The doors open revealing Minato who is waiting for his bride with a bangasa. A music is played on the background.

Shinju walk towards Minato, they have the first look. 

Upon seeing Shinju, Minato tears up as he see his soon to be wife.

Shinju wipe the tears on Minato's cheeks and smile to her husband, she also holding back her tears.

Minato opens the bangasa and the two walk down the aisle, everyone witness the first look reaction of the two.

The Shinto priest awaits for the two on the shrine.

This is a symbolic day in the Konoha as the youngest heiress of the Senju is getting marry off.

Time skip

The ceremony finishes and everyone is now entering the reception venue for the wedding day. The newly wedded couple have their children in their arms, Haruto in Shinju's and Haruko in Minato's.

The rings on Minato's and Shinju's ring fingers indicates they are one.

The rings that the dragons created is still on their finger and same goes for their children's.

Despite the waging war outside the village, they still manage to celebrate like a normal beings. Today is the day where is peaceful but tomorrow it will be another story.

Haruto and Haruko are now three years old while Minato and Shinju are both nineteen years old.

It's June 10  today.

Haruto can speak fluently now while Haruko is almost there.

"Mama? Will you and papa be there for my wedding and Haruko's?" Haruto ask

"Of course, we will! We don't want to miss it out!" Shinju reply

Minato and Haruko in his arms walk towards his wife and son after greeting some guests for the reception.

"What's going on?" Minato ask

"Nothing, love" Shinju reply

Minato and Shinju sit down on the chair provided while their children on their lap.

Tsunade take the microphone as a host of the reception for today. Tsunade announces that the couple will first speak up before some events.

"First of all, we want to thank you all for attending this special days. We could not thank you all especially those who helped with the preparations." Shinju say

"I hope all of you enjoy today and to all the dating couples or single people here, I believe that the time will come that it will be your turn!" Minato add

The food is being serve now and everyone enjoy the choice of food that the couple have chosen.

"Manners" Shinju say to her children

"Sorry, mama" Haruko reply

Shinju eat with Haruko on her lap while Minato eat with Haruto on his lap, the two children is being feed by their parents.

This day is definitely peaceful and happy as the some of their guest have gate away from their problems for today.

Obito and Rin along with forced Kakashi went to the stage.

"Ehem, we have something to say to our sensei and his lover!" Rin cheerfully say

Obito read his letter to the two that he made yesterday, he really prepared for this very day.

Rin make a impromptu speech, she have remember her days with the two lovers and their children.

Kakashi takes out his speech, it is two papers indicating it is long speech. He plans to give this letter to the couple after the wedding but Rin forced him.

In Kakashi's letter, he thank the two for standing as his parental figure. He thank his sensei for guiding him and training him everyday. He thank Shinju for being the mother figure he could not have. He also thank Haruto and Haruko for always brightening his days.

Minato and Shinju tears up from the speeches from the three.

Speeches after speeches last one to make their is Tsunade who seem very nervous.

Tsunade walk up on the stage and take the mic.

"Shinju, you know I am very proud of you. As your cousin I am supposed to be there through thick and thin but I left you alone, guilt consumes me every time I think of it. Yet you are not mad at me for leaving you and still includes me in your everyday life and in your memorable days. I am glad that you found someone who can be there for you through thick and thin. 

Minato, please take care of my dear cousin. Guide her and make sure to keep her away from harm's way. You are the father make sure to keep an eye for your children and guide them like how you guide your students.

Haruto and Haruko, please listen to your parents. Never cause them any headache and help them in everyday life. Don't disobey their orders because they are doing it for your own good.

Lastly, know that I am always be here with you all. Despite not me being there physically but I am with you all mentally and spiritually."

Tsunade's speech make Shinju burst out of tears, the only blood family she left. Shinju stand up and place Haruko on the chair and run to hug Tsunade.

Tsunade hug back, her tears also rolls down on her cheeks.

The two wishes that their family is here for them to witness this beautiful moment, same goes with Kushina and Yuto.


Pictures are taken from left to right.

The pictures will be added to their photo album.

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