06: Official

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The team Jiraiya come back to the village, their mission is a success. 

"I see you guys tomorrow, dismissed!" Jiraiya say

Izana bid farewell to his fellow squad member while Minato and Shinju did the same.

Minato grab Shinju's hand and hold it in his hand then he gently lead Shinju to the Senju park of Konoha. Shinju who blush at the action, look down trying to hand her blush.

"We should rest here and then tell our friends" Minato inform

"A-alright" Shinju reply

Minato notices Shinju's tone, she have gotten shy when they have their first kiss. Minato lay his head on Shinju's shoulder. 

"Can you sing for me?" Minato ask

"What song?" Shinju answer back

"The one with the lavender's green dilly dilly" Minato suggest

Shinju nods her head as a sign of understanding.

Before Shinju could sing, Minato pull her down to lay down on the grass. The girl is shock at the action but quickly compose herself, Minato hug Shinju like she is a teddy bear.

Shinju have talent for singing and playing instrument, it's her hobbies. It's help her to get away from boredom.

Lavenders blue, dilly, dilly
Lavender's green
When I am king, dilly, dilly
You shall be queen

Shinju stroke Minato's blonde hair as she sing the first part of the song, Minato like the sensation of Shinju stroking his hair.

Who told you so, dilly, dilly
Who told you so?
'Twas mine own heart, dilly, dilly
That told me so

Shinju keep singing until the last part of the song, she notices that Minato is fast asleep on her chest. Shinju rest her head at the top of Minato's head.

They are officially together now, Shinju is very happy to have the man of her dreams.

The two lay under the shade of the big tree in the park, the tree that is planted by her grandfather and granduncle.

Despite her family not being there, she knows that they are watching over her and love her. Shinju knows that her family will like Minato very much.

Shinju close her eyes as she feels drowsy.

The two sleep together hugging under the tree, a very romantic scene or thing to experience.


Shinju wake up to Minato shaking her to wake her up.

"We should get going, it's already pass afternoon" Minato say

"Okay, where to first?" Shinju ask

Minato did not reply but grab Shinju's hand to hold it then he leads her to somewhere. Shinju's eyes fall into a familiar place. 

The Senju cemetery, the graveyard of the fallen clan members and their spouses.

Shinju is very much confuse on what is going on or what is Minato trying to do.

Shinju eyes fall into her parents graveyard, both buried beside each other.

"Ehem, hello Michiko-Hime and Shota-Ōji. I am Namikaze Minato, I am Senju Shinju's first boyfriend and last. I promise to keep her safe and to make her feel happy." Minato pledge over the grave of her parents.

Shinju can't help but to cry, she never felt so special in her life until Minato came.

Minato did not stop there as he went over the grave of Nawaki, Hashirama, Tobirama, Yu, and Mito. He pledge to them to keep Shinju safe at all times.

Shinju smile as she knows that she pick the right man. Despite her family being dead, at least Shinju knows that Minato still care and value for them.

"Shinju? It's okay, I'm here" Minato comfort as he wipe away her tears

"Thank you, Minato" Shinju reply

The two couple write a letter to Tsunade while being the cemetery to let her know about them.

Now, the two couple are going to break the news to their friends and his cousin. They ready themselves for the chaos, they will face once they have heard the good news.

Minato and Shinju walk beside together hand in hand, the villagers are not dense enough to be stupid. They congratulated the two couple, they wish for a Senju heir. It make the two blush at the wish and told the villagers that they are too young for that.



Mikoto answers the door and the two couple see Fugaku in the living room.

"Mission related.." Mikoto explain

"Anyways we have something to tell you two..." Shinju reply

Mikoto let them in and the two remove their shoes upon entering the house. Fugaku greets the newly arrive guests.

Mikoto sit in front of Shinju and Minato while Fugaku lean on the doorframe.

"Me and Shinju are dating" Minato break the news

Mikoto squeals while shaking Fugaku saying that her ship have sailed.

"The bet! The bet, we won!" Fugaku inform

Minato and Shinju sweat-drop, now they need to buy their friends the things they like.

"Did you told Kushina and Yuto??" Mikoto ask

"Not yet, we are going to tell them after this" Shinju reply

That is how Mikoto kick them out saying that they must break the news now to Kushina and Yuto.


The two know that Kushina is with Yuto, after all they are 'close friends'.

"Minato! Shinju! You two are back!" Yuto exclaim

The two goes inside and sit on the couch, the two Namikaze lives in an modern apartment.

Yuto and Kushina sit down on the floor facing the two people.

Kushina's eyes shines in hope of her ship sailing.

"We are together" Shinju break

Kushina hug Shinju and Minato as she got very excited.

"Congratulations! Dattebane!" Kushina say

"Finally, Minato you have maned up" Yuto adds

"How about you, huh?" Minato tease

Yuto look away in defeat, he have not yet maned up and confess his feelings.

The group of four talk for a while but Shinju and Kushina needs to go home as it is getting late. The two girls bid goodbye to the boys, they have insisted that they are going to be fine despite the offer of dropping them off to their houses.

"This is my stop, goodnight Kushina" Shinju say

"Goodnight Shinju, dattebane" Kushina reply back

Shinju change into her pajamas and went to sleep without knowing the danger that Kushina is facing that night.

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