4. Roommates

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Canada's POV:

I was unpacking until suddenly I heard my phone vibrate..

I look at the notification on my phone, it read: 'Australia added you to 'UN'S PARK UNIVERSITY' group chat'

Huh, a group chat? I open the notification up and see the group chat.
I scroll up on the messages until I reach the very top, the start of the group chat, and started reading the messages from there.

'Japanii added USA, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Chiha, and Taiwan to the group chat'

'Japanii named the group UN'S PARK UNIVERSITY'

Japanii: Hi guys! Add as many ppl as you can who attend this university! :3
USA: ok
Australia: K

'USA added Mexico to the group chat'

'Australia added New Zealand and Canada to the group chat'

What time is it again? I check the time on my phone, it's 9:30 pm.
I'm kind of curious about who my roommate is, I'll just see them tomorrow morning.

I heard another buzz from my phone, it definitely was from the group chat.

'China added Russia, and North Korea to the group chat'

China: heueheueheueueueheuheueheueheu
South Korea: Dude are you like okay?
China: no
South Korea: ⚆ _ ⚆
Japan: Shut up
China: no
South Korea: no
Japan: Fine, at least tell me how to mute my notifications
China: no
South Korea: You can't
Japan: wait waht
China: Yes you can't
Germany: Actually you can
Germany: Just press on 'mute notifications' on the top right corner of your screen.
Japan: Thanks
Germany: Your welcome!

I sigh putting down my phone, and lying in my bed, until I finally fall asleep.

- - -

I got a glass of water from the sink, sat on a chair and took a sip of it. I heard shuffling and stuff, that must be my roommate. I saw their door open, and then I saw them.

United States of America?

Great, now he's my roommate.

"Hey.. uhm..—" He says, looking at me. "—what's your name..?" "Uh.. Canada..?" I reply. "Oh.. nice.. I guess we're roommates then." America says. "Wait a minute aren't you that guy who I asked who would win a fight against me and Russia?" America asks. "Yeah.." I answer. He smiles at me and then says, "Your pretty cool, want to be friends?" "Uh.. okay." I say.

"So.. want to go downstairs for and get breakfast?" America asks. "Sure," I reply. "Great! Race you there!" America says, as he dashed off to the door slipped on his shoes and sort of ran off. "Hey! Wait for me!" I cry, putting on my own shoes. Once I got out of the dorm I locked the door behind me. I go towards the elevator, press the button and wait, America must have already gone in the elevator and probably is already downstairs.

Once the elevator door opens, I enter and press the button that had the number 'one' and a star written on it.. then I waited until the elevator comes to a stop. Once it did though, I got out of it and headed to the cafeteria. I saw America wave at me and I went to him. "I won!" He exclaims. "Oh and also I got breakfast for you, I got some pancakes for you.. with maple syrup." "Thanks," I reply. "So.. do you want to sit with me..?" America asks. "Of course!" I answer. "Okay, follow me." He says, handing me my breakfast tray.

I see a few other people at the table too, I assume one of them is Mexico and the other one is.. I'm not really sure but their flag is white with a red circle. America looks at me and then at them. "Oh hey guys," He greets. "Uhm, this is Canada.. the cool guy who said I could beat Russia in a fight.. oh and he's my roommate." I awkwardly sit down beside America, which is across Mexico and the other person.. with the white flag with a red circle on it. "Pleasure to meet you Canada," The person with the white flag with a red circle says. "I'm Japan." "And I'm Mexico!" Mexico says. "Nice to meet you guys," I smile.

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