14. The Imposter

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TW: Mention of murder, and cringe 😫

Canada's POV:

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I say, as I exit the building. "See you later! Bye!" Australia waves, as he goes the opposite direction of me in the parking lot. I take my car keys out of my pocket, as I walked towards my car. I swung the door open and got into the car, my hands were a little sore from all the writing I did.

To be honest, I felt like I was going to fall asleep right here. A yawn escaped from my mouth as I start the car. This is totally a time where I could definitely use some Timmies, although I'll admit it's a little late for Timmies. I fasten my seatbelts like any normal person would, and drive out of the parking lot.

- - -

I stare at America's room door that's right across from mine, I never saw him exit the UN building today. Maybe he just decided to work later hours, although I don't think he's the type of person to do that. Yeah no, I don't know either. Or maybe he just came early and I never noticed? Usually I don't really check on America, but I kind of felt like checking on him today.

I slowly turn the knob of his room door, and carefully opened the door. I peeked inside his terribly unkempt room, (he didn't even make his bed! Like is it really that hard?) and well he wasn't there either. I enter his room, perhaps I'll do him a favour and make his bed for him. 

I pick the blanket up and then I neatly place it on the bed. I totally deserve a thank you for that, don't you think? I look at around for a second, America's camo knife that he usually hangs up on the wall is no where to be seen. Huh strange, I wonder why he had took it with him today. Then I slowly turn to the other direction, leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

- - -

"Have any you two seen Ukraine and USA around? I haven't seen them all day.. and they haven't replied to any of my messages." I ask. "Nah mate, neither have I." Australia replies, shaking his head. "I don't know how to say this.. but do you think they might have been.. killed?" New Zealand looks at the ground, as both Aussie and I stare at him.

"I don't think so.. hopefully not." Australia says, mumbling the last part.

"Hey guys!" Japan calls from behind. "Have any of you seen America? I haven't seen him all the day..!" "And he's not responding to any of our text messages!" Mexico adds.

"Neither have any of us," NZ replies. "I don't know what happened to him, he just disappeared, and so did Ukraine." "Huh, that's weird.." Japan says.

"..posted three minutes ago.." Mexico mumbles. "Posted three minutes ago what!" Japan snatches Mexico's phone from him. "Hey! Give that back!" Mexico scowls. "Guys look at what the headline says!" Japan holds the phone out, and I almost chocked on my own spit right after he did. "Ukraine Kyiv found stabbed to death by camo-designed knife.." Australia read out loud, and I had no words.

"I guess I was right then.." New Zealand says. "So, is there going to be a UN meeting.. or something?" "Mhm, it says here.. UN meeting today for United Nation's Park at 5 pm. It's in about an hour, we should probably get ready for it." "Uhm.. yeah." I reply. There's just something about that camo knife.. it looks oddly familiar...

- - -

"Good evening everyone," the UN says. "As all of you know, a student with the name Ukraine Kyiv was found stabbed to death today, and we think we have found the 'murderer'." UN pauses, the camo knife.. America's disappearance.. could it be..? No.. no, it can't be. "Just... just get to the point!" Russia says, catching everyone's attention. "The murderer is America.. he killed Ukraine, and probably the others too!"

Why would America, out of all people.. kill Ukraine? Ukraine... she didn't deserve that, she did nothing to him! I was now on the verge of tears, but held them back because I was at a UN meeting right now. I can't tear up now.. here in this place. Everyone stared at the UN for answers, for him to respond, say something.

"Uhm... Russia is right. The camo knife that Ukraine was believed to belong to USA, and USA has gone missing after. No one knows where he is.."

Suddenly WHO takes the microphone, making UN a little surprised himself. "What if the knife was stolen? And What if USA was killed to, that would explain his disappearance." she says, but then, out of all people, Mr. Oceania stood up. Everyone glanced over at him, giving him their attention.

WHO might be right, the 'murderer' might have framed America. Although that doesn't make the situation much better.

"Ahem... uhm.." Mr. Oceania starts, looking around the room. "I uh.. wanted to say, I witnessed Ukraine Kyiv's murder.." Then why didn't you do anything? Call the police.. maybe try to stop them? UN and WHO both glared at him, and he got some looks from some countries in the room. "I wanted to confirm it was United States of America who was the guy dressed all in blue. Also I ran away from the crime scene and called the police, before you ask."

"However what about the murder of Poland Warsaw? It would be impossible for USA to murder him.." WHO says, and UN nods. "Maybe there are two murderers then, one is USA.. and the other.. we don't know yet." Oceania replies. "Anyways everyone, please be careful, be safe, and have a great day.. this is the end of our meeting for today." Ah yes I'm sure I'll have a great day today, Ukie has been murdered, and USA has murdered her. Such a good day so far!

- - -

The flowers just didn't look the same, the park itself didn't feel the same. I sat on the bench lonely, today the park felt sad and kind of depressing, not happy and cheerful like it usually was. I was sitting on a bench at the same park where two countries, and a continent were killed.

I slowly got off the bench and stood up, there were less people than usual today. I wore the flower crown Ukie gave me today, it's almost like she's still here.. but she's not. She told me not to wear it in front of Russia, but I doubt he was here.

I strolled around in the park, looking around at the different types of flowers around the park. There were roses, tulips, lavender, lilac, peony, marigold, and.. sunflowers. The sunflowers reminded of Ukie, she liked them a lot, and they were her favourite flower after all.

Okay now I could really use some Timmies. But what if WHO was right? Then all this searching for USA was pointless. But then Oceania.. you know what I really don't know at this point.

One day I told Ukie something she took as a joke, and I kind of meant it as a joke too. I told her that 'If someone killed you I wouldn't be at your funeral, I would be in jail for killing the person who killed you!' I grinned, but what if I really did? The only thing is I wouldn't be in jail, rather I would be seen as a hero.

Usually I would have never involved myself into situations like trying to kill a murderer, but I'd do it for Ukie. I'd do anything for her, for her bright smile back... for her back. I knew that would never happen though, she wouldn't come back, she's dead.

I flew into a rage, why Ukraine? Why.. her? I'd find America and stab him just like her did to Ukie. I would be known as a hero, and I would keep my word to Ukie. I'm finding America, and I'm killing him.

I started to walk back to the university, feeling more confident than ever. Now, where could USA be...

Wait, what if he's in a different city? If he was here, in this place, than UN shoud've found him by now. I'm visiting Maman this weekend, and she lives in United Nation's Roadview. It's only an hour away from here, so it makes sense how USA killed Ukie and escaped over there.

Then that's perfect, I'm going to kill USA.

- - - - -

hi sorry for not like updating for a month my motivation went bye bye and I started getting busy with school stuff

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