13. Double Date

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TW: Mention of murderer, swearing, and very cringe 😨

Canada's POV:

"Wait, is this the right place?" Ukraine asks, looking at the restaurant and back at me. "Yes it is," I reassure. "at least that's what Finland texted me." "Oh.. uhm, alright." Ukie mumbles, as we enter the restaurant. Soon we were greeted by Finland and Estonia, in a table for four.

"Hi, I'm so happy you two could make it!" Estonia says. "Oh no problem!" Ukie replies, as we sit down. "So uh.. what now?" Finland asks, tilting his head a little. "Hello! So what would you like to order today!" a waitress says, holding a small notepad and a pen. "Uhm.. maybe some chicken pasta?" Finland says. "For all of you?" the waitress looks down at our table, waiting for a response. "Uh.." Finland says, unsure. "Chicken pasta is fine for me too." I reply, and then look back at Ukie. "Uhm sure?" Ukie says.

"Alright, then four chicken pastas!" Finland says. "Anything else.. like any drinks or anything?" the waitress asks. "Maybe four waters too?" Finland answers. "Okay, I'll be back with your order in a little bit."

Then.. we just had an awkward starting contest..

"Hey remember when there was a murderer on the loose?" Estonia asks, breaking the awkward silence. "Mhm, yeah." Ukraine replies. "Yeah, I don't think anyone has still found out who it was.. or did anyone?" I say. "No one did yet, or at least that's what I've heard." Finland answers.

The waitress comes back, and places the food on the table. "Have a nice day!" she says. "Oh you too!" Finland replies. I look down at the bowl of chicken pasta and take a fork. "So Ukraine, I was wondering if your brother, Russia was now fine with you and Canada being uhm.. a couple." Estonia says. Ukraine looked down at her chicken pasta and sighed. "No, he isn't even close to being okay with Nada and me being in a relationship!" Ukraine cries.

"Yeah.. he always gives me weird glances whenever I walk past or near him." I add. "I wouldn't be surprised if he threatened Canada to stay away from me or else.. well something at this point." Ukraine says, in a half-joking half not tone. "That must suck, I feel bad for you." Finland says. "Yeah.." Ukie mumbles.

"So anyways, how long have you two been dating?" I ask. "Oh, about two years." Estonia says, with a smile on her face. "And you and Ukraine have been dating.. for about two months?" Finland says. "Mhm.." I mumble. "Yeah!" Ukie says.

"Oh well cool!" Estonia says. "Mmm this chicken pasta is good!" Finland compliments, slurping his pasta.

Suddenly the tv started an alarm, startling all of us.



Then the tv was turned off, stunning all four of us. The same waitress approaches us, signalling us to get up and follow her. I stood up, and held Ukie's hand.. in all honesty, I felt a little scared. Why so suddenly, and why now?

The waitress led us to the staff room, where some other customers and employees were at.

"What the heck.." Finland mumbles, breaking the silence. "It's been.. five months!" Estonia nodded and then signed Finland to be quiet. I clang onto Ukie and she clang onto me.

It's been five months and this stupid murderer hasn't been caught yet? Also why after five months.. five months.

- - -

I let out a yawn as I entered my dorm and tossed off my shoes. I stretched a little too, I've been in that cramped up room for the past five hours! Oh well at least no one had to pay for the bill, that's a plus I guess. My throat was kind of dry, maybe I should get a glass of water?

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