15. 'Meri'

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TW: Attempted murder, mild swearing, very cringe, and also very dramatic 😨😰😭

Canada's POV:

I casually stood in line, relived how short it was compared to the Timmie's lines in UN's Park. Honestly I really needed a break from that overly crowded city anyway. The city Maman lived in was more remote.

"Hello.. uhm what would like to order?"
"Oh just a double double please.."

I hustled through my pockets trying to find where I put my wallet. "Mhm.. yup.. that would be about three ch dollars..?" That's when I realized I forgot my wallet. "So is it cash, debit or credit?"

"Oh uh.. I think I forgot my wallet in my car.." I hesitate. "Is it okay if I go get it quickly from there?"

"It's okay I can pay for it!"

I look behind me, seeing someone wearing all black. It looked like they were wearing one of those ninja armour clothes, and they had light blue eyes... they seemed oddly familiar.

"No thanks.. uhm thank you for the offer but it's really okay!" I say. "No, no it's fineee." They took out some cash and gave it to the employee. "Thank you so much!" I say. "No problem," They reply.

The employee left, and came back with the double double I ordered. "Have a great day..!" I took my double double with me and sat down in one of the dining tables. Usually I didn't but today I kind of felt like it.

"Hi.. uhm, can I sit here?"
"Of course!"

"Again, thank you so much you really didn't have to." I say. "Oh no problem," they answer. Something about them just felt so... oddly familiar. "So, what's your name?" I ask. "Uhm.." they hesitate. "It's uhm... Meri. What about yours?" "Mine's Canada," "Cool," Meri takes a sip of what I'm assuming was coffee. "McDonald's has much better coffee than this.." Meri complains. "Actually I'd say Tim Horton's coffee is better."

"Nahh, definitely McDonald's." I chuckled at that a little. "You can't say McDonald's has better donuts though, Tim Horton's is definitely for the win for donuts." "Well I go to Dunkin' Donuts for that stuff, but I guess Tim Horton's donuts aren't that bad either." Meri replies. "Dunkin' Donuts?" "You've never heard of it before..?" "No I have once, I just never really heard much about it."

There was just something off about 'Meri'. He seemed so familiar for some reason, even though I just met him a few minutes ago. He just kind of reminded me of someone...

"Hey um, if you don't mind... what's your number?" I ask. "It's uhm..." Meri hesitates, seeming kind of nervous for some reason. "Actually I'm getting a new phone tomorrow, can you just tell me yours instead?" "Sure," I set my coffee on the finding table kind of dramatically. "It's ***... are you sure you can remember that?"

"Yeah," he nods. "I actually have to go now... bye! It was nice meeting ya, Can!" "Bye!" I wave. Meri... there was just something off about him... very off.. and then that's when I realize who he reminded me of. He reminded me of America... his voice, and the light blue eyes. Also only person calls me 'Can'.. and that's America. Even his name is similar, if you remove the 'a' and 'ca' in America you would get Meri.


Haha nice try, 'Meri', but you could've at least picked a better name. I got off my seat and stood up, I will chase him down.

- - -

I stare confused, isn't that WHO's house? Out of all people... WHO? America parked his car at her house, and rang the doorbell. WHO happily opened the door and greeted him, then America shuts the door behind him. w h a t.

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