9. The UN Building

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TW: Mention of murder, and cringe.

Canada's POV:

"THE BACKSEATS ARE OURS!" Australia exclaims, as we get on the bus. "I get window seat!" NZ says. "Wait no! I want window seat!" Australia replies. "Tooo late!"

"Aww come on!" Australia cries. "I'll just get middle-seat." I sat down beside Australia, and see other students enter the bus. "How big is this bus again?" I ask. "Not sure.. but it's big." Australia answers.

- - -

"Hello everyone!" UN says. "Okay, so since there's a lot of students here today, we're going to split up students in three groups of thirty. One group will be lead by me, one group will be lead by WHO, and one group will be lead by WMO."

- - -

"This place is hugeee." Australia remarks. "Yeah.." I reply. "I think there is about three floors here, and the roof top. Its's probably about as big as our university." NZ says. We ended up in WHO's group, she's United Nation's younger sister. She wasn't that bad, she seemed genuinely kind. Suddenly WHO stops, and turns around.

"Okay so the reason why all of you are here today, is because the UN is offering job opportunities for all students who attend your university." she explains. "This office is where all of you will be working at. Of course, not all of you can work here at the same time, that's why we have split you up in groups of thirty. Each shift is about three to five hours, not that long."

"How much do we get payed?" Someone asks, who I'm assuming is Netherlands. "Twenty-three ch dollars per hour, so you'll earn about at least sixty-nine ch dollars per shift." WHO answers. "That's actually not that bad.." Netherlands says. "Mhm, also now we're going to go on a tour in the UN building." WHO says. "Follow me,"

"At least Sixty-nine dollars per shift.. I wonder who decided that." Australia says. "Yeah, it's a.. interesting number." I reply. "This is my office," WHO says, pointing at a door that has 'World Health Organization' written on it. "If you ever need me, or if I ever need you, you can come here." she adds. "Is that UN's office?" Mexico asks. "Yes," WHO replies. "It's quite big." Japan comments. "To be honest, I always thought it was unnecessarily big." WHO replies. "I mean, the main office room is the room where UN meetings take place anyway. I'm sure that WMO's group is done looking at the main office, so let's go head down there."

- - -

"This is the main office, where UN meetings take place in." WHO says. "Incase of a crime or something, everyone meets here and discusses it..."


What? Lockdown.. at the UN building? "Okay, uh everyone.. calm down.." WHO says, obviously panicking. "Everyone sit down over at that corner.. and I'll close the blinds, lock the door, and then block it." I rush to the corner and sit down beside Australia and NZ. The others also made their way to the corner, and crowded it. Now, I was beside America too. I'm assuming his buddies are Japan and Mexico, because they were sitting beside him. WHO sat down last, after pushing some shelf to block the door. "Now everyone be quiet.." WHO whispers. "This has never happened before.."

Australia then takes out a paper, and a pen out of his pocket. He places the paper on the floor, and wrote down something. I glanced over at it to see what he wrote down. 'Hi :)' the paper read. I took the pen off the floor, and wrote 'Why do you have a paper and a pen with you?' back. 'Why not? It's sometimes useful, for example now!' Australia wrote. Then New Zealand took the pen and wrote something down on the paper. 'Why do you guys think there's a lockdown?' the paper read. 'I don't know..' Australia wrote back. Then I grabbed the pen again, and then wrote 'Shouldn't the UN building be secure? How would someone break in like that anyway?'.

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