16. 1, 2 or 3?

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TW: Mention of murder, mention of death, swearing, and very cringe 😨😔😔

Canada's POV:

"...and well I thought you died or something." Australia says, and I slightly chuckle.

"Hey! Not funny, I was really worried, okay!"
"Yeah sorry... but you could say well I almost did actually die."

"Yeah," Australia replies. "Actually, we do have a UN meeting again today. Perhaps you should mention that, you know?" "Wait we have a UN meeting today?" I ask, somewhat surprised. "Yeah, we have a UN meeting almost everyday now..." Australia answers. "You've missed quite a lot."

"What time?"
"Uhm... at 5 PM."

"5 PM? That's like in... another hour!" I say. "Yeah, I guess I haven't really been keeping track of the time." Australia replies. "And you should probably bring up the stuff that you told me. You know, about how you survived a murder and stuff..." "Maybe," I debated on whether or not I should tell about the stuff that happened. Especially with WHO being the second murderer, and I haven't even told Australia about that yet.

"You probably should," Australia says. "Yeah... maybe," I mumble, I wasn't sure what really happened myself. Why did America suddenly become a murderer in the first place? And out of all people why Poland and Ukie? I thought they were friends, Ukie and America, and Poland too. Maybe not close friends, but still friends. I had many questions, but one stood out to me most.

Why didn't America kill me? He shot me, he could have left me there and just let me die. There wouldn't be anyone out at 5am to call an ambulance or the police. Honestly I do really wonder who called an ambulance for me. When I did ask, I was only told that whoever did left before the ambulance showed up.

- - -

"Hello to everyone who decided to participate in our UN meeting here today." UN announces, and the room goes silent. "Today we are here to discuss of the recent situation of the disappearance of the United Sates of America, and possible suspects of who the second murderer could be."

I sat beside Australia and New Zealand during the UN meeting.

"So, have we had anything to do with the murderers recently, or any accusations?"

Australia glared at me, but I shook my head. I wasn't going up there and explaining what happened to everyone in the room. Plus I'd have to mention WHO, but did I really have any proof of WHO being the murderer? No I in fact did not.

Australia nudged me, and signed me to go up there. But I refused, I didn't want to go up there and explain what happened. Then, out of all people, Mr. Oceania stood up.

"I have an announcement to make."
"Go on,"
"Would anyone like volunteer to find both of the murderers? Any of the UN's Park University's students perhaps know more about America than the police themselves. So maybe-"

"I'll volunteer!" Russia exclaims, standing up. "And my friend China here, would also like to volunteer." He practically dragged China up front, while China keep shaking his head while mumbling "没有 (no)!"

I don't actually know what that means, but I'm assuming it probably meant no. "Great!" Oceania says, as Russia and China make their way to the front. "Anyone else want to volunteer?"

"I'll volunteer." Australia says, then looked at me, and then NZ, who shook his head. "I'll volunteer too." I finally say, and then go to the front along with Australia. "That's great, four student volunteers already! Anyone else want to volunteer, or is that it?" Mr. Oceania says. "No one else? Okay then..."

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