18. Somewhat Better

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TW: Mention of attempted murder, mention of blood and very cringe 😨😱😭

Canada's POV:

My head hurt like hell.
My whole body hurts, and I'm not really sure why.

I don't know where I am either, but it seems familiar for some reason.

I slowly got up as my body ached terribly. My arms were covered in bandages that were slightly tinted red. I don't know what happened, and I don't know why and how I'm here.

I stood up, my legs were extremely sore and also covered in bandages that were also tinted red.

I opened the door and got out of the strangely familiar room I was in. I limped across the hallway towards what I thought might be a living room. The hallway walls were covered in pictures, awards, paintings, and stuff about the United Nations. I still had no clue about where I was, what happened to me, and why the room I was in was strangely familiar to me.

Suddenly I lost balance, and fell down. I yelped in pain as I laid on the floor, unsure how I was supposed to get up and how I ended up like this. My eyes slowly closed while I still lied down on the floor, hurt, and extremely confused.

Maybe it's just over for me.

- - -

I woke up again, but this time I was on a sofa covered in a blanket.

"Hey Can,"

I looked over to the person beside me, and they were really familiar...

And that's when I remembered everything, and what happened.


"I found you lying down on the hallway floor." America says. "Also, do you want breakfast? WHO made some, but she left for work much earlier before you woke up." "Sure," I reply, and sat up, my body still ached horribly. "I'll go and grab it for you." America says as he got up and went to go get breakfast for me. I looked down at my bandaged arms, and then I wondered how I even got here.

"I got the your breakfast for ya." America says, handing me the plate. "Thanks." I reply and took the plate from America. "Hey uhh, I was just wondering, how did I end up here?" I ask, and started eating the pancakes with maples syrup. "That's... a really long story." America replies.

"But basically what happened is Oceania had to leave quickly to the university for something, and he left you to bleed out and die in his office right? Yeah so he kind of left the door unlocked, I got in his office, I saw you unconscious and then I bandaged you up and brought you to WHO for medical support." America explains. "Wait but how did you know that Oceania was going to kill me?" I ask.

"WHO told me about your meeting with Oceania, so I kind of stalked you... but yeah I saved you though!"

"No problem!" America smiled. "I'm sorry for shooting you that one day too, it was by accident. I was the one who called an ambulance for ya, if you were wondering or anything. O hope the chocolates and me saving you made up for it, though."

"It's fine, I'm sorry for trying to kill you." I apologize. "Yeah um that's ok, but how the hell did you know that I was at the park so early in the morning?" America asks.

"Well, remember that day when you came to Tim Horton's and payed for my double-double? I kind of found out last moment that it was actually you, so I followed you with my car to WHO's house. Then, I know this might sound a little weird but I spied on you and WHO through a window and heard you discussing about going to the park at 5 AM." I explain.

"Yeah that makes more sense." America says. Suddenly I heard my name on the tv and sifted my attention to the news.


Then they put up a picture of me, a very terrible picture of me. America burst out laughing after seeing the picture of me, and I became slightly embarrassed. "They could've at least chose a better picture of me eh?" I say, cringing at the horrible photo of me. "Yeah," America replies.

Then Oceania appeared on the screen, he looked sad. I mean yeah, he probably was sad, but not for the reasons everyone thought he was for.

"He left my office and said he'd call his friend for a ride, I haven't seen him after that." Oceania says on the news.

"He is pretty great at lying, not gonna lie." America glanced at me. "Yeah," I reply. "Also Meri- I mean America, what happened that night? You know, the night where... Ukraine died?"

"It was a terrible night for me," America says. "You saw that knife that Ukraine was stabbed with was mine, right?" I nod.

"On that night, I was working at the UN building as usual, and Ukraine was too. I hung up my jacket that had my camo knife in it for self defence, and then I went back to working. Oceania stole my knife and then stabbed Ukraine to death. WHO, after a while, saw Ukraine's dead body with my knife in it and quickly informed me. She told me to get out of the UN building and get in her car. So she basically kidnapped me, but it's a good thing because if she didn't, I'd be arrested for something I never did."

"I'm really sorry for assuming you were the murderer, I thought—"
"It's alright."

"What day is it today?" I ask. "It's Wednesday, why?" America answers.
"Wednesday?" Then I remembered something, something that originally wouldn't happen but it will, and it was my fault. Guilt washed over me as I faced the ground, I was an idiot.

"We can't stay here tomorrow."
"Hm? Why not...?"

"Well umm—" I sighed, before saying "I kind of told Oceania that WHO hid you here." "WHAT?" America replies. "You've got to be kidding me buddy, so you're telling me that Oceania could come here and just arrest me and WHO anytime?"

"Not exactly... well Oceania did say that he'd come and search the house tomorrow. Which means that we can't really stay here tomorrow."

America just sighed and looked at me with disappointment. "Okay then, so you're basically saying that me and you can't stay here just for tomorrow, right?" "Yeah..." I reply.

"It's... okay, but you should tell WHO when she comes back."

"Also umm... about my hat..." I trail off. "Your hat? Yeah, It's on the nightstand in the room that you rested in." America says. "Thanks!" I was about to get up, but then the aching pain suddenly came back and I had to sit back down.

"I'll get your hat for you, don't worry about it." America says, as he walked away.

"Thanks again!" I smile, even though my body still hurt terribly. I still felt a little bad about America saving me from Oceania, and I felt guilty for getting him and WHO in trouble, but I truly didn't know at the time that they weren't murderers. I still missed Ukraine, she was everything to me, and I lost her. It hurts to think that I'll never see her again, knowing that she won't come back. The flower-crown she gave me still laid on the nightstand beside my bad in my dorm room.

- - - - -

I kind of want to write another caname book 💀
(I'll still continue this one though)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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