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February 15, 20175:00 PM

Y/n couldn't take his eyes away from his phone. It's their first anniversary today, for crying out loud, and her girlfriend still hasn't texted or called or even sent signals that she's alive. He's feeling nervous, excited, and sad, and at the same time that it makes him insane. What if something bad happened? What if it's all part of the surprise?What if his girlfriend says to him the three words he likes? The three words he's afraid his girlfriend will say?

*new text message*

"Finally," he thought. It was a message from Sooyaaa. He's worried, though, if he'd read it or not. Maybe an emergency happened and this is the only time Sooyaaa could talk to him?

Sooyaaa: Hey.
                 Let's talk. Meet me at the park.

Y/n felt his heart beating so fast. It's not because of the sensation typical lovers feel when they get a message from their lover. It's something else. He already sensed that something bad is going to happen. Normally sooyaaa's messages were so sweet, This time he feels something different, in a negative way. "Maybe it was just me," he just thought to reassure himself.

He saw a familiar figure sitting on the bench of the park. The aura of the park doesn't help either. He went closer to the bench, and it revealed his girlfriend. However, there are no gifts, letters, or anything you'd see in an anniversary set. He thought, "Maybe this is still part of the surprise."As he sat next to Sooyaaa, he felt her hand touch his shoulder. However, as he looks at Sooyaaa, she's looking at the ground, looking serious.

"Sooyaaa, why did you bring me here?" He asked. 

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" this time, his tone is shaky. He's already feeling something bad is going to happen.

"Let's break up." as she says those three words, he felt his heart broken into pieces.


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