All Might

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"I couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong when Aizawa and Thirteen didn't answer my calls." All Might explained as he walked into the USJ, "So I hurried over, running into Young Iida and Rotom along the way. They told me of the villainy at work here. Have no fear, students..." to tore off his tie, "because I am here."

"Look! We're saved!" Mineta celebrated through tears.


"Uncle..." Tenshi sighed in relief as tears flowed down her face.

"He's here... All Might." Deku muttered, "And he's not smiling."

"After all this waiting, the heroic piece of trash shows up." Shigaraki rasped.

All Might threw his suit jacket to the floor before defeating the remaining thugs at lightning speed and saving Mr Aizawa in the process.

"I'm sorry, Aizawa." he apologised, "I should've been here."

He then turned to Tenshi, Deku and the others and picked them up in a flash.

"What the heck?" Mineta asked in confusion.

"Everybody, back to the entrance." All Might ordered, "And take Aizawa with you. He doesn't have much time."

"Yes, sir."


"You saved us, All Might." Deku said.

"Lucario lucar lu, cario lucar car. (If you were any later, we would've been done for.)" Ryu grumbled, annoyed that Tenshi was almost killed.

As the four teenagers and Pokemon lifted Aizawa up, Tenshi turned to her uncle, "You need backup. Deku punched him at full power and didn't break his arm but it wasn't even scratched. Let me and Ryu help you, uncle!"

"Tenshi," he finally used her first name in public, "I've got this!"

Tenshi begrudgingly nodded and helped move Mr Aizawa. All Might turned towards Shigaraki and charged.


However, the creature - which Shigaraki called Nomu - blocked the attack like it was just a gentle breeze. It then reached for All Might, but the hero bent backwards.

"My niece wasn't wrong when she said it had no effect on you!" All Might said before punching the Nomu in its stomach.

The Nomu was still unfazed, despite All Might repeatedly punching it. After Shigaraki revealed that the Nomu has shock absorption , All Might saw an opening. He grabbed the Nomu from behind and slammed him into the ground.


"Are you guys seeing this?!" Mineta asked as they carried Mr Aizawa, "That surplus looks like a huge explosion! All Might's on a whole other level! You're so lucky to have him as your uncle, Tenshi!"

"Yet he still has to look at his notes when he's teaching us." Tsu stated bluntly.

Tenshi looked at the ground as she carried her teacher, only to look up again when she felt a paw on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, he can do this." Ryu told her telepathically and smiled comfortingly at her.

Tenshi nodded but didn't say anything.


"Maybe we were worried about these bad guys for nothing." Tsu said, "All Might's unstoppable!"

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