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Flurry landed on the ground next to Iida and saw the tears in his eyes, causing her ears to droop, "Look at them. Crying. Bleeding...Fighting. They're trying their best but I'm doing the bare minimum."

"Ever since I hatched, I've always been scared. But Flare's always been brave. I don't know why Tenshi picked me. I'm nothing compared to the others. Ryu's super strong. Zippy's super fast. Melody's super agile. Petal's super smart. Flare's really positive and brave. And me... I'm nothing."

"Why, Tenshi? Why did you want me?"

"Flurry, watch out!" Tenshi yelled as she grabbed Flurry saving her from being stabbed by Stain.

Stain then turned his attention to Todoroki, "Ice and fire. Hasn't anyone ever told you, you rely on your Quirk too much? Makes you a careless fighter." Stain got up close and was about to slash Todoroki's arm off.

"Shoto!" Tenshi yelled.

That's when Iida stepped in, "Recipro burst!" he yelled and kicked Stain away.

"Iida!" Deku yelled in happiness.

Todoroki turned to Iida, "You're free, too? Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought it was."

"Todoroki... Tenshi... Midoriya... This has nothing to do with you. I apologise."

"Come on. Not this again." Deku said.

"I'm okay. And I won't let the three of you shed any more blood for me!"

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now." Stain said, "A person's true nature doesn't change on just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a frau who prioritises his own desires. You're the sickness that's infected society and ruined the name "hero". Someone must teach you a lesson."

Todoroki glared at him, "He's a fundamentalist lunatic. Iida, don't listen to this murderer's nonsense."

"No." Iida objected, "He's completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero... at all. Even so... there's no way I can back down. If I give up now, then the name "Ingenium" will die!"

Flurry looked at him in awe, "Wow." she thought, "Even after everything, he won't give up."

"So I won't either." Flurry turned to look at her trainer, "Vulpix, vul vulpix pix vulpix! (Tenshi, I have an idea!)"

"Pathetic." Stain spat and tried to leap at Iida, but was stopped by ice, but it wasn't from Todoroki.

The boys looked over to see that Flurry was standing in front of them with Tenshi next to her.

Tenshi looked down at her Pokemon in concern, "Flurry, are you sure?"

Flurry nodded confidently, "Vul! (Yes!)"

Tenshi beamed down at the Fox Pokemon, "That's my girl." she then turned to the others and winked, "Get ready, boys, 'cause you're gonna see more of what Pokemon really can do." she then held up a bracelet and brought her arms in front of her in a cross.

The sunset haired girl began making movements with Flurry copying her, "Snow and ice. Beautiful yet deadly. Delicate yet sharp. And we will use it to triumph over those who will hurt us. Flurry, use Subzero Slammer!"

Flurry created a platform of ice that rose from beneath her feet. She then fired a large blue and white beam of cold energy from her mouth, covering Stain and ground in ice. The ice around the Hero Killer grew outward before bursting apart and sending Stain falling to the ground.

Tenshi and Flurry panted from the loss of energy while the sunset haired girl turned to her friends, "Guys, now's your chance!"

Deku and Iida shook off their shock and nodded, "Right!"

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