Two Heroes (Part I)

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Hi, I'm not dead! 😁😅
I just wanted to say thank you all for being so patient with me.
I understand that some of you may have thought that I have given up on this book, but I haven't.
It has just been a very tough year for me.
This time last year when I started working on this movie, something very bad happened in my family that I don't want to specify.
Also, a lot of my friends at school have been very toxic in this past year and the school have only just let me have authorised leave from school - which could have happened months ago😑
I'm starting to heal mentally and I've remembered how long it has been since I've updated - I feel very bad.😭
I'm still very dedicated to this book and, despite my final exams approaching, I've decided to continue writing it.
I have so many plans for this series and I don't want to see what I've accomplished so far go down the drain.
I wanted to release this on the 6th of April but I couldn't find any transcript for this movie to make things faster, so...yeah😅
After my final exams, I have an 11 week holiday before starting college so, I'll have plenty of time to update🎉

Again, thank you all for being so patient☺️

Also, I can't remember if I did this before but it's now All Might when he's in his buff form and Toshinori when he's in his skeleton form.

And there won't be any Pokemon secrets during the movie chapters, only in the episodes.


The first thing Toshinori hears when he begins to stir from his slumber were the voices of Deku, his niece, Tenshi and Rotom-dex who were beside, behind and in front of him respectively.

"All Might?"


"Are you asleep?"

"All Might, wake up!"

Toshinori straightens up and rubs away the sleep from his eyes, "Somethin' the matter, you three?"

"Look! We can see it! Right there!" Deku said excitedly as he and Tenshi pushed their faces up against the glass, "The floating city that can move anywhere. Home to over 10,000 scientists-"

"I-Island!" he and Tenshi finished.

Rotom-dex showed a party emoji, "Think of all of the data I could collect!"

"I can't believe this is where I get to start summer vacation." Deku smiled, "It's so amazing!"

Tenshi leant over Deku's head rest to smile at him, "And I can't believe that I can see Melissa, Clemont and Bonnie again!"

Toshinori smiled at the two teens, "I didn't realise that you would be this excited. I'm glad I invited you to come along with us, Midoriya."

Deku looked at Toshinori and Tenshi, "Yeah, you sure it's okay that I came along with you two? It's not gonna be a problem?"

"Don't even think twice about it. The invitation was clear ad I'm welcome to bring whoever I want as our guest."

Tenshi gave the greenette a close-eyed smile, "Besides, you're practically family now too, ever since you inherited Uncle's Quirk."

Rotom-dex flew up to the greenette, "Besides, the bond you share is thicker than blood - no offence, Tenshi. You both have One For All!"

The intercom then chimed, "Attention, passengers. The plane will soon begin its descent to I-Island."

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