In Each Of Our Hearts

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"Get your hands and paws up." the villain ordered as he held Kaminari hostage, "And no Quirks, got it? Use your powers and I kill your friend here."

"Kaminari's helpless." Momo whispered to Kyoka.

"Damn villain. He totally caught us with our pants down. I thought that electric blast would've fried them all. We're so stupid. How did we not see this coming?"

"I fell a little brotherhood with other electric types so I don't want to kill him, but I will if you make me."

Momo, Kyoka and Zippy put their hands/paws up as they watched the villain spark electricity from his hands.

"An electric type." Momo whispered, "He's probably the one Todoroki said was jamming our communications."

The villain began to walk towards them, "Don't move a muscle, let's take this nice and slow."

Kyoka then smirked, "Y'know, you two dudes are so lucky. People with electric type Quirks are destined for mainstream success."

"What are you doing?" Momo harshly whispered.

"I mean, even if you didn't want to be a hero, there are tonnes of jobs you could do in the city, right? Your kind of Quirk is in high demand."

From the corner of their eyes, Zippy and Momo could see Kyoka lower her earphone jack to the amplifier on her boot.

"So I'm wondering, why would you become a villain in the first place? You don't have to answer. I just thought it might be interesting to know."

Just as she was about to plug her earphone jack in, the villain charged up more electricity, stopping her.

The villain glared at the girls, "Nice try. Think you can distract me that easily? Big mistake, sweetheart. I'm not some dumb thug that can be outsmarted by a couple of kids and a rat."


The villain ignored Zippy and continued, "You need to know how to take hostage situations seriously. So here's the new deal. Either this idiot's going to die or you are. How about that? You can save either his life, or your own. Now, what's it going to be, girlies?"


Shigaraki scratched his neck vigorously as Tenshi stood in front of him with a Mega Evolved Ryu.

"What happened to wanting to 'clear this level'?" Tenshi asked, "The fight not over yet, so bring it on!"

"Man, this is intense." Bakugo muttered.

"As I expected." Todoroki said, "There's no reason for us to fight now, they'll handle this."

"Come on, Midoriya! We should get All Might out of here and regroup with the other guys. The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in their way."

"The villains are hesitating, which is a good thing." Tenshi thought with a sigh of relief only to widen her eyes when she looked at Ryu, "But..."

All Might noticed it to, "Something's wrong!"

The boys tilted their heads and looked at Ryu, that's when they understood what was happening. Ryu was snarling with his crimson eyes dilated and glowing. To add fuel to the fire, he was seething with every breath.

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