On The Way To Z-Power

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"Chu raichu rai raichu, rai? (We're interning with Hawks, right?)"

"Car, lucario lucar lu, lucar? (No, we're interning with Mirko, aren't we?)"

Tenshi sweat-dropped, "Well..."

"Tenshi, there you are!" a voice called out.

Tenshi smiled as she saw a familiar face up ahead.

It was a woman with chin-length blonde hair, which she wears swept back with a headband, a long fringe over the right side of her face, covering her eye. She has thin, yellow, inward-tilting eyes with slit pupils and notably sharp teeth. Her hero costume consists of a dark red, traditional qipao with a pale green scale trim around her shoulders, which seems to only be slit on the left side, with yellow claw patterns on the bottom and smaller ones around her neck. She wears knee-high boots and a strap around her exposed thigh. She wears long, almost sleeve-like white gloves that nearly reach her shoulders, with higher tabs on the outer sides, and they expose her hands from the wrist. She wears a matching green headband with four large, pale purple claws attached, covering the right side of her face, and a set of small black dragon wings protrude from the back of her head, with a number of gold spiked cartilage piercings decorating her left ear.

"Auntie Ryukyu!" Tenshi waved as she walked up to the hero.

"It's an honour to see you again, Ryukyu!" Rotom-dex exclaimed.

"It's good to see you too, Rotom." Ryukyu said before turning to Tenshi, "How's U.A. been treating you? I'm guessing really well based off your performance at the Sports Festival. You and Ryu managed to successfully Mega Evolve, congratulations."

"I couldn't have done it without my friends encouraging me."

"Yes, I saw your little boyfriend cheering you on." Ryukyu teased, "It was so sweet."

Tenshi's face erupted in a blush, "How do you know about me and Shoto?!"

"I wasn't born yesterday, I saw how he looked at you, plus, Xerneas phoned me when you told her that you wanted to intern with me." the Dragoon Hero winked at her intern, "Now, come on, we'll talk more at the agency."

Zippy was happy to see Ryukyu but was upset about one thing in particular.

"I can't believe we can't work with Hawks the hottie!" she cried in her head.


"So, you want to work more on Z-Moves than on Mega evolution?"

Tenshi nodded, "Yes. I've always planned to succeed at Mega Evolution first before moving onto Z-Power, so this week is a huge opportunity for us to do that."

"Well, do you want to get started now? We could always start tomorrow, if you want."

"What do you think, guys?" Tenshi looked at her team.

Flare jumped up and down, "Vulpix vul vulpix! (I wanna start now!)"

"Bri, brionne bri, brionne. (Well, if Flare's in, I'm in.)" Melody agreed.

"We should start as soon as possible to improve as soon as possible!" Rotom-dex proclaimed.

Tenshi gave Ryukyu a closed eyed smile, "Then I guess we're ready to start now!"

Ryukyu smiled back at the girl, "I expected nothing less from you."


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