Victory Or Defeat

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"Rai. Chu. Raichu rai?! (What. Is. Happening?!)" Zippy yelled angrily as she shook Ryu.

"Lucario lu lucar?! (How am I supposed to know?!)" Ryu exclaimed back with equal amounts of anger.


"And what's with that look on his face?! Could this be a Quirk at work?!" Present Mic asked, "Hitoshi Shinso seems to have Izuku Midoriya completely stunned! He didn't stand out in the first rounds at all, but it's possible Shinso's crazy powerful! Who could've imagined this turn of events?! That's the Festival for ya!"

"This is a perfect example of why the entrance exam isn't rational." Mr Aizawa stated.

"Huh? Why's that?"

"Since we're on to the individual matches, I had some information compiled about our final competitors. Shinso failed the practical exam to get into the Hero Course. Since he also applied for General Studies, he probably figured that would happen. His Quirk is incredibly strong, but that entrance test consisted on fighting faux villains. Robots. It gave a huge advantage to those who had physical superpowers they could show off. Despite his abilities, Shinso never stood a chance at passing."

Rotom-dex nodded, "I see. The entrance exam isn't very inclusive to everyone. If the villains had been a mixture of robots and people, Shinso might have been able to get into the Hero Course."


Shinso seemed to have said something to Deku, which had caused the latter to begin to walk out of bounds.

Melody gasped, "Brionne bri bri brionne bri?! (Why is he walking away?!)"

"Uh - What?! Ah! Midoriya's obeying him!"

"Oh, no, Deku, what are you doing?!" Ochako asked frantically.

Iida began chopping his hand, "He can't walk out of the ring! He'll lose the match if he does."

"Deku, you've worked too hard to get here!" Tenshi exclaimed.

"Let me thing about this." Ryu thought, "If Shinso wins this match, he'll probably fight against the sideways Voltorb. Obviously, Shinso will win, which will embarrass Todoroki and make Tenshi not like him anymore. On the other hand, it'll make Tenshi and Zippy look weak for losing to him in the Obstacle Course."

Petal, as if she knew what he was thinking, gave him a blank stare and swatted him with Vine Whip.

"Come on, Deku! You've gotta win this for All Might and all of us - especially Ojiro! We're counting on you to win this!" Tenshi yelled.

"Raichu rai raichu, chu rai! (You better win this, Deku!)" Zippy added.

That's when Deku flexed his fingers and a huge gust of wind followed. Deku stood, just at the edge of the boundaries, panting like he had just run a marathon.

"What's this?! Midoriya stopped just in time!" Present Mic yelled.

"That's the way to do it!" Iida yelled.

"Whoa." Ocahko sighed in relief, "I was about to freak out!"

"That was so close!" Tenshi said as she and Zippy hugged each other in relief.

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