.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ seven.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙

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seven: agents or prisoners

seven: agents or prisoners

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Cardiff, Wales

It took Pandora longer to rouse than Jack, but the sound of Jack screaming was more than enough to terrify her. "Good, you're up." A woman spoke as Pandora glanced around her confused with her surroundings, dingy tan pavement, and an uncomfortable mattress probably made stuffed with straw.

The events of the past day came back to her in a rush, as Jack let out another scream fuelled by pain. "I thought I was gonna miss all the fun to Emily who has your Jack. Now," She grabbed her arm over her white blouse. "Let's go watch." She stopped pulling Pandora along long enough to say one last warning. "And don't try anything."

Pandora entered the room and as normal as ever as if he wasn't currently hooked up to an electric device that was electrocuting him, he was mouthing off to a very pretty blonde woman. Jack lit up at the sight of Pandora, disheveled her long blonde hair tumbled out of her updo and now covered her shoulders like a cape. "Pandora." Jack breathed. "Don't you," he paused to groan in pain from the machine. "Hurt her." He screamed as they electrocuted him in the name of attempting to discover the extent of his healing powers, and they made Pandora watch.

Finally, the woman grew tired of the man who wasn't dying to the electricity finally the brunette pulled out a gun. Jack narrowed his eyes on the weapon, it was a revolver, similar to one Gabriel had. "God, My parents are going to be worried sick", thought Pandora.

One loud bang was followed by gasping only two minutes later. Alice, the blonde woman Pandora had just learned the name of groaned. "Why aren't you dead yet?" She spoke, and Jack narrowed her eyes at her. "Been trying to figure that out myself." He snapped back. Alice placed the gun down, "We've been monitoring you, you have been killed fourteen times in the last six months." Emily spoke, her arms crossed over her chest as she eyed the man strapped to the chair.

"Feels like more than that." Jack shrugged. Emily continued, "Who's the Doctor." That question, not even Pandora knew the answer to, maybe the man he said caused his immortality. "No idea," He retorted quickly, too quickly. Alice hummed, lifting a paper to her face as she began to read.

"The Doctor. He will be able to fix me." Alice raised an eyebrow. "When the doctor turns up, all will be put right." Jack began to panic pulling on his restraints. "First I'm going to kiss him, then I'm going to kill him. These are transcripts of your conversations with strangers, in various drinking dens since you first came to our attention." Alice leaned down applying pressure where she knew it would hurt. She was enjoying this, hurting him.

"Tell us where he is and we will release you and the girl," Alice spoke. "Why do you want to know?" Pandora spoke up, making eye contact with the women. They glanced between the two before speaking. "You're in Torchwood Cardiff, The torchwood institute was created to combat the threat posed by the Doctor and other phantasmagoria," Emily spoke, her arms that were crossed over her chest seemed to be getting tighter around her body as her words carried on.

Jacks burst out in laughter, and Pandora tried hard to stifle her laughter. "He's not a threat," Jack suddenly got serious. "The Doctor is the one who will save you from your phantasma-hootis." Pandora snorted at that. Emily leaned toward the electric machine. "Just tell us his location."

Before she could do anything Pandora cried out. "He doesn't know, neither of us does," Jack spoke up after filling in the blanks. "He left me behind, I came here to find him. He refuels from the rift you have. I was hoping if I stayed here long enough we'd find each other, Now will you let us go! I need to get Pandora home."

"No!" Alice spoke pausing to turn to Emily. "Unless, yes unless," they spoke together. "There are opportunities here with the institute for both of you." Jack answered for them "We are not for hire." Alice retorted quickly about Jack's need for money.

"It's either you become Torchwood field agents and work for us, or you can become our prisoners to be held here as long, or as short, as your lives may be."

Jack conceded in defeat. "How much money?"


Jack and Pandora found themselves with yet another blowfish alien, Jack kicking him to the ground. the blowfish snarled at them, "I haven't even done anything." Jack began to list out the charges, Pandora realized very quickly the criminal habits of these aliens.

"I'll make it up I promise." the Alien spoke. "Too late, this planet is a century away from official first contact with aliens." He paused allowing Pandora to finish. "So we are gonna have to take you in because you, sir, are upsetting the schedule."

"Who are you?" the alien snarled from his place and sat on the ground of the alley surrounded by grain bags.

"We're Torchwood."

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