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This might be really bad but let me know what you think!! - - Evvie

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This might be really bad but let me know what you think!! - - Evvie

Years of training  brought her to this moment, running through cardiff trying to get to one specific blue police box with Jack right on her tail. There was a whirring sound coming from the box though it felt and sounded  like it was directly in her ear closer Jack was yelling for his Doctor, the man who gave him immortality (by accident but still). Andy reached the box first three strides ahead of jack and pushed the door open with ease, the handle hot on her skin.

The whirring got louder as the door snapped shut behind her pushing her onto the ground. Andy yelped catching herself with her hand on the metal grating of the ship, cursing she pushed herself onto her knees, and finally she looked at her surroundings. It was bigger than she expected, ofcourse she knew there was something alien about it, that was the only explanation for Jack's inate interest in the box and the box's owner.

"How did you do that?" A man spoke up gaining the attention of Andy who spun around to find the source of the voice. Finding a man no older than how she appeared to be. "Do what?" Andy asked, her voice soft as she took in the large space around her.

"Open the door. It was locked."

"No it wasn't I just pushed it open." Andy breathed heavily out of breath from her sprint.

Fuck. Jack. Andy's eyes widened in horror as she turned back to the door, going to pull it open, the ship groaned loudly in response to her touch, clicking angrily.

"No! No no! If you open that we are all dead do not open that door!" The man snapped  rounding the console in the middle of the room. Andy paused, her hand falling from the wood of the door. "My friend is out there," Andy glared heavily at the skinny man in the pin striped suit. "Not anymore." He said harshly.

"Why should I listen to you? You and your bigger on the inside box, my closest friend is outside probably being torn apart bit by bit, but yes tell me why I should listen to you?!" Andy snapped not realizing she had walked closer to the man until they were nose to nose.

"Because I'm The Doctor, and this is the TARDIS, my TARDIS!" Andy wasn't sure why he had specified that the ship was his, of course it was. Right?

The blue of her eyes met his brown, she swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat. Fearful blues met old brown irises that stared down at her from his great height, much taller than her form.

A deep whirring emitted from the ship, as it it were landing? The TARDIS landed with a final thump. "Doctor?" Suddenly aware of the other person in the ship, Andy took two large steps back and toward the door. "Martha!" He said cheerfully any hostility gone from his voice as he acknowledged the other woman in the ship. His companion, Andy presumed.

"Is it safe?" Andy asked interrupting their hushed conversation on the other side of the room. The Doctor glanced at a screen on the side of the console. "I suppose, I don't see any imminent danger, but I'm not sure where we are, stay close." Andy pulled open the door, stepping over Jacks feet easily.

"Oh Jack." She muttered nudging his shoulder with her foot, he seemed intact enough, she was sure he could just come back from this like he always had.

"Oh my god! Why didn't you say anything?" The woman,Martha, spoke leaning down to check his pulse. She wouldn't find anything not until he came back. "He's okay Martha." The Doctor spoke, but Martha wasn't having it running back inside for her medical bag.

Andy looked to The Doctor. Of course he would know, he's the one who had done it to him, gave him his immortality perhaps he knew what made Andy immortal too.

Martha returned quickly, pulling a stethoscope from her bag. Just in time for the gasp of life to burst through Jacks lips.

"Oh my god, but you.. you were dead!" Martha exclaimed, Jack smiled at her flirtatiously. "I was wasn't I?" Martha laughed. "I'm Captain Jack Harkness it's a pleasure." He winked. Andy gave him a hand up from the sandy ground as she finally took in her surroundings. "I see you guys have already met Pandora," He held out and hand in Andy's direction, who looked at him incredulously.

"Pandora.." The Doctor tested the name, swirling the syllables around his mouth. Jack smirked between them. "Yes. Pandora Thatcher, meet The Doctor. Doctor, Pandora."

"We met for about five minutes." Pandora admitted. Jack nodded almost as if he had forgotten that the ship had let her inside and locked him out.

Pandora toyed with the chain of her locket drawing The Doctors attention to the silver jewelry. "Where on earth did you get that?" The Doctor asked rounding closer to her, his fingers taking the locket off her chest to inspect it as closely as he could without removing the chain from her neck.

"Hello." He said softly as he grasped the metal in his hands, it was warm against his touch? Not from her chest where it had been resting no, this was different.

"Doctor?" Jack asked watching the two as they were blissfully unaware of the snarling and whoops and hollers coming from the group of cannibals heading their way.

"Oh shit!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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