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eight: the resurrection glove

eight: the resurrection glove

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Cardiff, Wales

Jack and the other members of Torchwood realized very quickly in Pandora's junior years as a field agent that she didn't age a day past twenty-one. Now going on one-hundred and thirty years since her being found in the park that morning, she still looked as young as the day she joined Torchwood

"Thanks for joining us Andy, we were waiting on you," Jack said snarkily as they climbed into the SUV. "Oh shut up Jack." Andy scoffed at the man as he pulled her in for a forehead kiss. "I missed you And." Andy smiles. "I was gone for two days, you moron." She teased. "I missed you too, all of you." She turned in her seat to talk to the rest of their team, Suzie, Toshiko, and Owen. Suzie was a woman with dark hair and olive skin, she was the third in command when it came down to everything. Tosh was their computer whiz, and Owen was the medical doctor, a medic, and a coroner in one.

"Where are we headed?" Andy asked. Suzie is the one who spoke up. "Going to take the glove out for some work on it." Andy nodded. She was picking the wet strands of hair off her neck as Jack began to speed through the streets of Cardiff. Tosh was on the phone telling the police to clear the scene. "Yes, for Torchwood." She said with finality as she hung up.

It took ten minutes to reach the scene of the murder. Owen shrugged off his raincoat to offer it to Andy who only had a blazer on. She accepted it with a smile. They climbed from their blacked-out SUV, each grabbing the equipment they needed. Andy glanced at the police in their reflective raincoats. "At least they listened this time," Jack laughed. "Yeah."

The body was laying on its back getting pounded by rain, surrounded by police LED lights. "Fresh enough do we think?"Jack asked Suzie who was working the metal glove onto her hand. "Could you hurry up, I'm freezing my tits off right now," Owen spoke, shivering lightly as he crouched next to the body of a man.

"Estrogen. There's estrogen in the rain." Jack spoke, and Andy gave him a weird look. "You take the pill, flush it away, enter the water cycle, and it feminizes the fish." Andy furrowed her eyebrows at him. "That was random, Jack." He smiled refusing to elaborate any further.

"How's it going, Suzie?" Andy asked moving around to the other side of the body, across from jack. The girl looked up at Andy. "Nothing yet. It's got to connect, I've just got to feel it." Suzie explained.

"Wel,l could you hurry up and feel it, I'm freezing my arse off here," Owen complained. Suzie stared down at the glove. "I can't just flick a switch, it's more like access. When it chooses to it grants me access." After a second the glove lit up as it accepted Suzie into its power link.

Jack commanded their team into their positions, and Owen rubbed his hands together. "If I get punched again I'm punching it right back." Andy smiled. "Imagine how that would look to the police watching us right now. You just walloping a dead body." Andy laughed, and Owen chuckled with Andy. Suzie placed the glove at the back of the dead guy's head, closing her eyes to concentrate on resurrecting the fellow on the floor. As the man gasped to life the rain surrounding them stopped. "I was.." The man repeated a couple of times, hyperventilating from his spot on the pavement. "I was going home."

Tosh leaned over him, speaking softly. "Listen to me she spoke. "We only have two minutes so you have to listen to me, You're dead." Andy cringed. "I still don't think we should tell people they're dead when we do this." She muttered mostly to herself and Jack. "How am I dead?" he asked. "You were stabbed," Owen said bluntly.

"I'm not dead," he declined. "I can see you." Tosh shook her head. "We've brought you back but not for long, now I'm sorry but you have got to concentrate, who did this to you? What did you see?" The dead man wasn't having it he continued to panic over his death.

"I didn't see anything, there was something behind me." Andy sighed turning to Jack, before looking around them, Jack squatted at the dead man's feet. "What's your name?"

The man responded, "John. John Tucker." Jack smiled at him. "Okay John, not long now." He smiled comfortingly at John. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm Captain Jack Harkness." John turned to Andy who had her arms crossed over her chest. "And her? She hasn't looked at me very much this whole time."

"That's Pandora but we call her Andy," Jack answered, "Now, tell me what was it like when you died? What did you see." The dead man looked like he was about to cry. "John tell me what you saw."

John said a short pharse Jack didnt want to hear. "Nothing, I saw nothing, oh my god theres nothing." John spoke before he deflated as the glove ran out of time, the rain begun again with ferocity as the man died again.

"I said it was dumb telling them theyre dead." Andy spoke. Tosh scoffed. "You try doing it Andy." Jack intervened. "Maybe theres no right way of doing it." Jack and Andy turned their heads to the woman who had been watching from above.

"What do you think?" Andy called to her. She gasped and disappeared into the parking garage.

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