.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ twelve.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙

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twelve: of fae and faeries part one

Jack Harkness held a high level of guilt about what had happened to his platoon in 1945, less the actions of the brutal faerie-like beings, and more his inability to avenge them

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Jack Harkness held a high level of guilt about what had happened to his platoon in 1945, less the actions of the brutal faerie-like beings, and more his inability to avenge them. The creatures resembled faeries to the child they chose, their changeling, but to any person who caused harm to their child, they were grotesque brutal murderers. Jack still had nightmares about the creatures.

"What exactly are we doing here?" Gwen asked as she, Jack and, Andy walked through the streets of a Cardiff suburb. "We had an invitation from a friend." Jack explained vaguely, turning into a doorway. A paper scotch taped to the glass of the door described the event going on inside, "Fairies? Are you kidding me?" Gwen asked as they entered, Jack only shrugged, Andy glanced at him with a look of concern which he skillfully ignored.

The group of three found seats in the audience as a woman, well into her years spoke at the front of the room. "I suppose I am one of the fortunate few who has been allowed to see our little friends." She began standing in front of a black and white image with small glowing convincingly faerie-like beings. "It's been no easy task," She continued smiling toward Jack and Andy who gave small waves back. "One needs to have the patience of a saint and the blind faith of a prophet. But for me, the long wait has been worthwhile." She moved to change the image projected onto the screen, changing to a fuzzy image of the same glowing beings yet again. "This is my first picture. Not very clear, I know. But the ring of stones can be seen quite distinctly." She pointed toward the screen gesturing toward the circle.

"I cant believe this." Gwen muttered to the two who had trapped her between them. The two much older Torchwood agents shushed her.

"Well of course I'm not the best photographer. But this little person is just about visible." Andy's eyes softened at the woman. "I was so lucky to have seen them. So privileged to have witnessed such a magical moment. Because fairies are shy, you see." Andy wiped a tear from her eye was she listened to the woman who hadn't changed much since her and Jacks first meeting of her. "But I know in my heart they are friendly, loving creatures." Jack shook his head at that, and Andy glanced down at her lap.

"Wrong." Jack started, his voice thick. "She always gets it wrong."

"Estelle when did you take these?" Andy asked after the room had cleared out and Jack was flicking through the images on the projector. "A couple nights ago." Estelle answered. "Where?" She prodded again. "In Roundstone Wood." Gwen perked at that. "Not far from here."

Estelle turned to Andy and Jack. "It's so good to see you again, Andy , Jack." Gwen gave them small smile at that. "Oh look there's the wood!" Estelle handed Jack a photo, Jack sighed deeply. "What's wrong?" Gwen asked. "Oh," Estelle began. "Jack and I have always disagreed about fairies. I only see the good ones, he only sees the bad." Jack sighed again at that. "They're all bad." He corrected. "No, I refuse to believe that."

"I suppose one persons good could be someone else's evil." Gwen said. Estelle sighed now. "That's what their parents used to say." Estelle sighed. "Oh Andy if you had seen them there in the wood. They were happy, and dancing, and their fairie lights were shining." Estelle had always romanticized the fairies, but Jack and Andy knew what murderous beings they really were.

Estelle had invited them back to her house to look through more photos of the forest. "Hey thats you guys!" Gwen said with two picture frames in her hands, both were darned in military uniforms, a serious face painted on both of their faces, Andy in a Womens  Auxiliary  Airforce uniform, and Jack in an Army uniform. "Nope," Jack smiled at the photos. "Those are my dad and Andy's mom. My dad and Estelle were quite the item back then, Andy's mom was a close friend They all were inseparable." Gwen sat on the arm rest of the couch. "Then why did they part?" Gwen questioned. "The war." Andy spoke. "My mom was in the WAFs and his dad enlisted in the Army, They were both posted abroad, Estelle was in the Womens Land Army."

"Next time you see these creatures you call us, you hear Estelle? Night or day it doesn't matter just call." Estelle chuckled at Jack. "I have nothing to worry about Jack." Estelle chuckled. "Still,"Andy spoke this time moving to give Estelle a tight hug. "Call us." She pulled out of the hug Estelle cupping the small girls face in her hands. "Of course, Andy."

The three Torchwood agents made their way down the street. "You know she thinks you father and mother got together and  that you two are siblings." Gwen spoke. Andy let out a loud laugh as she opened the door to the SUV. "That never happened. Mom and Jacks Dad just stayed in touch, thats why we are so close." Andy smiled at the girl hopping into her seat beside Jack.

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