.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ eleven.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙

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eleven: pain survives you just learn to live with it.

Ed Morgan had been the answer to both of their problems, Ed Morgan brought our Bernie, Bernie wanted to blackmail The rapist of a young girl making his priorities questionable too.

Tosh had long since gone home, Owen opted to bring Gwen home with him since her stab wound would take some time to heal even with Torchwood technology.

The Case was long closed, and Andy was supposed to be locking up the two halves of the alien technology not debating on pressing one side or the other as it lit up like Christmas. She decided if she did press them she had to start with the past.

Andy didn't need a piece of tech to help her remember any of the tragedies of her life,  so as she stared at the blinking lights almost tempted not to press the button, a small voice at the back of her head spoke up, telling her to press it.

She obeyed pressing into the metal a soft click sounded before it all started. It was the night she went missing all the way back in 1872.

"Where could she be Gabriel?" Abigail fussed, her greying hair was still pulled into an updo the same one she had braided into Pandora's hair before she had set off with Jack only two days before.

"I told you that man was no good." Gabriel huffed. "Always hovering around our Pandora."

Pandora could feel her heart clenching in pain as she knew what was coming next. The police man walked in, a constable who removed his hat as he entered the room. "Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher we have some bad news, while your daughter was found it was in the remains of a fire at a restaurant on Miter street." Abigail fell into a seat as the news was broken, burned in a fire caused by the kitchen of a restaurant was the death of Jack Harkness and Pandora Fletcher.

Though the body they would later bury was not their daughter. Though for their own thoughts it was, and their daughter was buried in the family plot where Abigail would follow soon after from Consumption, and then Gabriel only days later of a heart attack, Torchwood preformed the autopsy after stealing the body at the request of Pandora who was still alive. He had a torn muscle in his heart, meaning he had died of a broken heart.

Andy inhaled shakily, it wasn't anything she didn't know but it still hit her like a brick in how her life with the fletchers had so abruptly ended.

Too late to turn back now Pandora pressed the button though this was far less clear, like the machine couldn't decide on what future to show the girl.

Flashes of many faces though somewhere within her heart Andy knew it was only one person who just happens to have many faces. Then a woman caresses the man's face, it was her face for only a second before flicking to a women of Indian descent, then to a woman with a head of fiery wild curls.

Andy gasped letting go of the button and dropping the device into the box and quickly slamming the lid shit and placing the lock on it before sending it down to the archives finally.

"Was it worth it?" Jack asked, Andy looked at him with watery eyes. "Yeah." She whispered only talking of her parents choosing to address the other half of the device another day. Jack collected Andy into his arms, holding her tightly.

"Wanna go get a drink or do you want to order a pizza and watch some old Torchwood footage?" He asked, knowing very perfect way to cheer her up when she starts to miss her time.

"Pizza and footage." Andy grinned

The first clip of the old reel of film was Andy grinning back at the camera as she stood in front of a shooting range, before she turned back and shot with deadly accuracy. The second clip was from her and Jack, laughing as he hung on her back.

And Andy knew this wasn't the footage most people would want to see of Torchwood. But this was what made Torchwood a family even with the two women who had kidnapped them in the first place.

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