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fifteen: fickle thing, time

Cardiff, 1941

"We really are in 1941. What if we can't get back?" Tosh said her eyebrows furrowed above big brown eyes.

"Flotsam and jetsam, slips through all the time, we'll get back. Look on the bright side, gives you one hell of an excuse not to go to your party!" Tosh looked at him with an incredulous expression. "I have a life there! And they can't help us back in the hub because I have the latest readings in here!" She placed her hand on her bag, meaning the laptop she had concealed inside.

Dora shushed her, glancing around at the wandering eyes that had turned to look at the group of three. "People are staring at us. You both need to blend in." Dora plucked the earpiece out of Jacks ear and placed it and Tosh's laptop bag in his hands.

"Easy for you to say. I'm the only Asian here." Tosh grumbled. Dora smiled at her "Don't worry, you're with the captain." Dora said with a smile, glancing toward the man who couldn't help but smile back at her. "Come on," Dora called behind her as she sauntered towards the bar.


Cardiff, 2006

"What the actual hell?" Andy said when she turned around and like magic Jack and Tosh were gone.  Pulling out her phone she quickly dialed Owens number, one that she had memorized from the years of waking him up for him to be on time to work.

"Youve reached Owen."

"I know you know my number you little shit." There was some rustling on the other end of the line, then a thud as Owen fell off the couch in the hub that he had been snoring on. "Yes Andy?" An alarm was vaguely heard on the other end of the line, like Owen had been sleeping through a rift alarm. "Jack and Tosh are gone, I don't know where, what is that alarm saying?" Andy questioned, as an alarm blared in the background of the call. She climbed into the SUV beginning to open the rift activity scanner she had in the vehicle.

"What do you mean Jack and Tosh are gone? And why do you sound so calm?" Andy sighed, "Answer my question Owen, theres only room for one of us to be freaking out."

"Ianto says there's more movement and that the rifts been opening more and more as of recently." Andy knew that, her little handheld scanner told her that much. "Get Gwen over here please." Andy instructed. "I'm going back in once she's here."

Gwen arrived only ten minutes later, parking her black car and hopping out to greet Andy. "Come on, lets figure out where our captain has got to." Andy said wrapping an arm around Gwen's shoulder.

Andy and Gwen inspected every dark corner looking for clues, entering the dance hall where Andy had heard her own voice speaking only moments before. "Tosh?!" Gwen called out, Andy followed suit calling after Jack.

A faint sound of swing music from the 1940's followed by the whisper of a voice from Jack, saying only one word that gave Andy and Gwen hope.


The clues were simple enough for Andy who had been doing this for as many years as she had, plus her team work with Gwen who was as sharp as a tack herself.

The final numbers had been found, written in blood, in a tin they had found in the shelter. The last three numbers had been scratched out.

Andy made the call to return to Headquarters leaving Gwen alone at the dance hall.

"Fuck." Andy slipped running her hands over her blonde hair which was tied into a ponytail that had loosened over time leaving it sagging against the back of her head.

Andy was at the point of frustration where tears had gathered in her eyes threatening to fall with every passing second as she glanced over the note written at the bottom in the same form of "ink" the rest of the code had. "Tell my family I love them."

Owen starts toward the safe where it was kept, the alien technology collected throughout the years, as well as the blueprints of the rift machine, determinedly Andy didn't blink before drawing her weapon.

"Owen you have no right!" She called. "I'm third in command when neither of you are available I have every right! Look at you your emotional you aren't making the right call and I will make the right call in your place Pandora."

"I will shoot. This is what Bilis wants!"

Owen rushed to the rift machine, and Ianto was quick to put a warning shot in his shoulder, where Andy hesitated. Not the biggest fan of friendly fire.

When the rift manipulator slid into place the cry of Gwen was heard over the earpieces "Jack oh my god, Tosh thank god."

As they regrouped at their headquarters, Owen was pulling a bullet from his shoulder.

Jack looked between the three looking from Andy who leaned on the railing around the medical section.

"Ever call me Pandora in anger again Owen, I won't hesitate next time."

"Understood, Ands."

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