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prologue: the fall of Gallifrey

Explosions shook the planet beneath Pandora's feet sending the girl to the ground, blonde hair sprawling in contrast against deep red grass

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Explosions shook the planet beneath Pandora's feet sending the girl to the ground, blonde hair sprawling in contrast against deep red grass. Pandora sniffled holding back tears as the murky orange-red of her dress tore and the ground below her tore into the skin of her knee leaving it bloodied and stinging.

"Pan, pan get up, we have to go." Her mother shook her, pulling the girl to her feet by the waist. The two women ran through the forest darting past red-leafed trees. "Your father is in the City fighting, and I have to go back.." Her mother trailed off as she glanced behind herself to see if anyone or anything was following them. "But this is how you are going to survive," The two entered a small clearing where a white cylinder stood, taller than both women, though the nondescript look of the spacecraft, both women knew exactly what it was.

A TARDIS, a gallifreyan invention, Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, Pandora quirked a small smile as her fathers voice rang through her mind from one of her first memories around the spacecraft. "Us timelords love a good acronym."

"Mum, no." Pandora grasped her mother's hands in hers, teary-eyed and with a quivering lower lip. "Come Pan," Her mother tugged her towards the spacecraft. opening the door with one hand she tugged the young girl in shutting the door behind her. The console of the TARDIS exploded with light at the sense of the timelords, whirring to life.

Her mother drug her to the center of the room forcing one of her hands into a gel like substance on the console. "Pandora you need to listen closely to what I'm about to say, though you won't remember it. I am putting the timelord part of you in a locket, you need to never take it off. When the war is over your father and I will come for you and then we will open the locket and you will remember, ok?"

Unable to speak due to a lump in her throat and tears sliding down her face Pandora nodded, flinching as another explosion sounded from outside. "We're running out of time," her mother spoke  pushing her hair away from her face, before reaching to Pandoras neck and clasping the necklace around it.

Pandora knew what this meant, this is what they did to criminals before sending them to live on desolate planets. "Mummy, was I being bad? Is that why your sending me away?" Her mother stopped in her spot, for only a moment before finishing what she was doing on the console.

"This is for your safety, Pan. This is to keep you safe away from the war, you are going to be living on earth, just until this is all over. I'm going to hit this button now, and it will being taking your timelord self out of your body and into the locket around your neck. "And then I will hit it again and it will start the count down to take off."

Her mother collected the girl in her arms hugging her tightly before releasing and pressing the buttons. "I love you Pan." She whispered as tears began to flow from her eyes as she closed the door behind herself as she exited the craft,  the TARDIS dematerializing with an unconscious timechild inside.

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