Tell Me Who's Spookin' Who

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Iris padded to the kitchen,toes buried snugly in Pallas cat- slippers. The smell of frying flavorsome eggs drew her like a beacon.
Her brother tunefully hummed " La Seine and I," and slid an omelet onto a plate.
His bayou-water eyes glanced neutrally at her. He turned and held out a steaming plate of light, fluffy, egg white- manchego goodness.

Jim was a major believer in gastronomic- conflict resolution.
They sat down on the couch side by side,and Jim waited.
She almost glimpsed the bright butterflies of her sibling's intuited thoughts. Although Iris could read Jim, he found her mind as a locked book on a high shelf.
" I did not mean you couldn't be the greatest Trollhunter-"
" I get that I'm not gonna get my own songs and sagas written about me. But Lakes don't give up, and they see things through. "
" And you'll see this the end ."
He put down his omelet and wrapped his arms around her, laying his head on her shoulder. A dam of hot tears misted her vision .
" Hey," Jim said softly. " Hey now, I'm not going anywhere. Not like him."
" I did not mean, that you aren't good enough. I meant that you're ,well, human- sized ,and taking on car- sized Bigfoots isn't the best idea."
" Remember Bular? I evaded him, I survived his attack. If I can do that with no training, just imagine what I'll be capable of after taking Blinky's lessons."

Worry tugged at her heart. However, he was right.
"Blinky said that people would come after me regardless of what I chose to do. And out of all candidates, the Amulet chose me. So, I'm going to show Trollmarket why."

Jim's hug was warm and soothing like sweet tea. Iris wiped at her tears, inhaled sharply, and nodded.
" Okay. But, you'd better text me before going off on missions and quests. I still won't spill the beans to Mom, as long as you let me know what's happening. "
" Deal," her brother replied,and that familiar honey- sweet smile spread over his face.
That day, training. Yesterday, the hunter becoming the hunted. Today, a quick reconnaissance at the museum.
In, out, report back.

Iris pushed her Cheshire pink, gold- accented headphones back into place over her head and pressed play.
" Beware of the full moon.
Stick to the path.
Out come the creatures;
A spine- chilling laugh..."

What started slowly, soon turned into the kind of song that really got one's feet moving,one's heart thumping to the beat.
She didn't know how many songs it was before her soles were aching from beating the hard floor, her face hot with blood, her lungs burning .
Iris paused to ravenously bite off half of a Mermaid Donut ( purchased from Bonnie, next to the Arcadian Post Office) in one go,and washed it down with a glass of milk. Nocturnal Serenade graced her ears, but her ringtone cut it off abruptly.
Toby was calling. She answered, and there came no response.
In fact, it sounded like the Chubby Tracker enthusiast's phone hadn't even left his pocket.

They were not yet back from what she'd heard would be a short investigation; maybe she should do a follow- up one.
Iris was in her car and on her way not long after thinking this.
She parked her ice- blue Toyota Tazz outside the museum. Walking up to the doors, she found that they were locked.

...Oh, there was a window open.
Squeeze through and casually trespass it is, then.

What turned her attention to the closed- off section, was the clanging of a whole lotta metal hitting a wall .
Sounded like somebody had aggressively chucked a knight's suit of armor.
The girl entered , not knowing what she should expect to see. But Toby had been about third on the list, after "sentient exhibits " and " haunted Gun Robot ".

The tall,grasshopper- legged,hooved ghoul with long,long, long black hair hanging straight down behind it, hadn't been listed.
Toby was there,and so was the knight suit.

Which wasn't a knight's armor, but a knight in armor.
Her brother by blood.
And that blood was about to be callously spilt; a blade was above the seven- foot horror's raven head, it was going to strike like lightning and slay Jim where he lay....

Anger hot as coals boiled her blood,her outrage leapt from her mouth. Words sliced the air, like a swarm of arrows aimed at the monster's back.

Toby's gaze filled with disbelief, shock and dismay.
He shook his head at her, his mouth falling wide open in horror .
As if Doom stood behind her, or was very near.

It must take the form of this strange thing, all long bones and statuesque stone and curving thighs, its face all angles. Cursed Image- eyeballs and - teeth.
Rattlesnakes' eyeballs were wide and slit like its own, but did not have the same Scooby Doo- green glow.
Rattlesnakes' eyes were as cold and deadly,but rattlesnakes did not wear vicious shark- toothed grins on their faces.
All in all, she'd happily take her chances with a rattlesnake, over being in the same isolated room as the Arcadian oni.

" Y- you have some biiig eyes..."
" And my scimitars?"
The oni rasped, its voice like the worst case of sore throat ever.
" Th- they're sharp."
" All the better to gut you with. "

Iris ran.
Hoofs clopped rapidly and somehow elegantly across the museum floor, gaining on her, sounding nearer and nearer as mere seconds passed.
Did she hear Jim and Toby scream her name...?
Horrible knife-y claws stabbed at her flesh through her sleeve, pain biting all around her forearm near the wrist.
What did struggling help?
What would it help?
Who would help ??

Jim was there on the side of the curtain where she'd been moments ago, and Toby was at his right side.
A stone hand shoved at her, forcing her to her knees. A cool metal edge prickled against her throat.
She couldn't help but swallow.
" I have a new idea, Trollhunter. You hand over the Amulet, and she doesn't bleed out as you and the fat one watch."

Iris could not shake her head, she had claws cutting open her scalp as they held it under their bony fingers.
Warm trickles seeped into her hair.
Jim gazed at her in anguish.
He stepped back, and his gauntleted fingers grasped the edges of his amulet.
Toby stared at the oni like she was his personal Monsters Inc. -scarer.

A bonfire's heat licked up her back.
The oni grunted in surprise .
Suddenly it howled, and its grip and blade left Iris.
She fell on her side, coughing, hands over her eyes. Jim's sabatons clanked close. His arms wrapped around her.
" I don't know who just saved you. But you're okay now, Iris. You're okay, you're okay..."

The oni would not stop screeching.
Iris quickly got up , stumbling towards the sound.
" Bellroc stop. Stop stop STOOOP!!"
Bellroc had one foot on it, pinning it down. Yellow flames that spat golden runes, were eating all of its long hair.
" And why should I do that?! " they snarled furiously.
Iris stared at them,lips pressed together, tears welling up in her eyes. They gave a flick of their empty hand,
dissipating the torturous blaze. Then, the oni was hauled up by its legs and thrown against a wall, rendering it unconscious.

Iris ran to them, sighing in relief at their embrace, ignoring the breastplate digging into her torso.
Soft lips kissed the claw- scratches on her head.
" How did you ...?"
" I thought you would stay safe tonight. When at last I did check..."

" Quick Q. Who's the phoenix- god with the huge wizard's staff?"
" Um, Iris...who is this?"
She looked at her brothers, then back at Bellroc.
" It seems that an explanation is due."

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now