Hold You Close 'Til the Morning Light

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" Hey Iris, who else do you think is hiding an evil troll face? Coach Lawrence? Steve?"
" Maybe that James Bowen-wannabe who works at Mr Benoit's," Iris suggested, not really meaning it.
Toby didn't hear. " What if Strickler's one of them?"
" Strickler's been teaching history at Arcadia Oaks High since the dawn of history-"
" Brother, if he's lived that long and is only in his fifties by now, then he's definitely part troll. Will the real monster please stand up?"
She grinned to herself, perceiving that his eyes were rolling.
The drive would only last for a few more minutes. The boys' bikes were tied to her car's roof. Bellroc was already waiting for her in her bedroom.
" I know where I've seen that bridge," the driver heard her brother saying to her other brother . " It's the same one that Blinky was talking about. "
" What? The Killa-thingy Bridge? That's, like, ancient history, right?" Ginger responded.
" As soon as we get home, we're going to Blinky."
" Nope. As soon as we get home,you're explaining to Mom where you've been, and what you've been up to."
" Awww man," Toby whined.
" Not you."
Barbara stood up from the couch after brother and sister had entered.
" Jim, where on earth have you been? I've been worried sick. You know when bedtime is, you know you shouldn't roam the streets at night. Please don't start some kind of rebellious phase right now, I just don't have the energy to deal with-"
" Mom, it's me. I needed his help, um, finding...uh...Toby's Chubby Tracker! Yeah, that thing. So I drove with him around town, aaand it got late..."
The good doctor sighed and uncrossed her arms, her frown fading.
" Not on a school night, Iris. Text me if you take him anywhere when he's supposed to be at home. Jim, bed. Now."
Jim walked away. One of the two women, knew full well he wasn't planning on going to bed.
" The truth, Iris. "
" Jim and Toby went biking. I went to get them. Please don't ground him, it was a one-time thing. "
" The next time he goes gallivanting, he's grounded. The next time you lie to me to cover for Jim, you will be disowned. Now, give me a hug. I'm not really mad; I don't get mad that easy."
Iris relaxed into the skinny-armed embrace of her dear, loving mother, with the heart and hands of a compassionate, gifted healer.
A sneaker tapped three times on the stairs.
" Mom,I know we had plans, but I'm pretty tired after driving around. Sorry, it's just that-"
" I get it, the bed is calling your name. Rest up, we'll watch Future Warrior Too tomorrow. "
Sunshine gilded Barbara's warm smile, as the indoor light caught on her lenses.
" Iris, I need you to do me a favor. You gotta pretend to be me, sleeping in bed. In case Mom comes to check. She sometimes still does that , but I gotta go tell Blinky what I saw."
" How about no."
" No?! Iris, they are trying to break GUNMAR out. Which is bad. Like, ' goodbye, Arcadia ' bad."
" Ohh, I understand now."
His face lit up hopefully.
" Gunnar is one of your teachers! And, if they break him out, he's gonna have a talk with Mom about you. Like Strickler is waiting to do..."
She produced Strickler's number from her jacket pocket, waving it at him. ( It had been discovered in his jeans' pocket when she'd been preparing to do the laundry. )
He did not look happy.
" If I give it to Mom tomorrow , will you pretend you're me while I'm gone?"
" Only if you stop blocking your teachers from communicating with Mom."
" Fine. Whatever. Deal."
Jim climbed out the window, and the sounds of his stealthy getaway were lost to the silence of darkest night.

She obliged, getting into his bed, pulling his covers over her head, and curling up as small as possible; breathing quietly and peacefully, and facing the wall.
It wouldn't occur to Mom, to take a closer look at the figure in the bed.

Her brother's hands shook her awake. She must've been as tired as she'd claimed.
" I saw Draal again."
" Let me guess, he's gonna pound you into a pulp."
" Pancakes, actually . Listen. You need to hear this. I ...I might not make it past tomorrow."
" Goodness, is rehearsal with Miss Janeth that bad?"
" That's today; it's already past midnight. Tomorrow, I fight Draal. It's more than a rematch. ' To challenge a troll's honor can only end in ruin ' , Blinky said. "
Icy water flooded her stomach. Her heartrate sped up.
" Okay. I don't get what you mean."
But she sort of did. And was hoping that she wasn't inferring correctly.
Silver gleamed in Jim's eyes. One drop left a shiny trail on his cheek .
" It has to be a fight to the death. Either me, or him , is walking out of the Forge. But it can't be both of us. Troll rules."
He flung his body against hers, like when he was a little kid seeking comfort.
Numbness spread slowly through her. Her heart felt inert.
Jim buried his face in her fuzzy jacket, despite the cold hard zipper, and gripped her tightly.
Tears soaked in. He looked up at her, sniffing .
" If I d-"
" You won't. You will not. Not gonna happen."
"If, then, then you tell Mom everything. "
He took a shuddering breath.
" I love you. And, if I can't say the same to her after my rematch, then you'll have to do it for me."
" I promise I'll do that, Brother."

Hands hot as an overheated phone, slipped under her jacket, dragging up her ribs, then back down, then up again.
" Iris. Iris, what troubles you so?"
Her throat ached, her eyeballs were dry, her heart was running a marathon.
Fresh floods of saltwater gushed down her cheeks. She tried to press her face into the pillow to muffle her sobs. Bellroc scooped her up.
" You must breathe. In. "
She breathed in.
" Out."
She breathed out.
"Like the pace of the waves. The steel- blue waves on the bone-white sands. There, the brown seals play on land and at sea. In the evening, the sky is the color of Malva flowers. The locals call to one another, they are like friendly neighbors. There is ice cream. There are large grey-and-white seagulls. Hear it, Iris, see it, smell it.
The wailing seabirds. The song of Cape ocean- waves. The evening and morning skies. Sweet, salty, pure air. "

Hearing it...seeing it...smelling it...
Their poetic words, and beautiful two-gendered voice, slowed the pace of her heart, and halted the flowing of tears.
Iris wriggled,they let her stand.
" You can't go away tonight. Mom won't see you if you're in here, because she's not gonna peek in. B- Bellroc, s-stay wi- with me," the girl hiccupped.
They said nothing. But,the demigod took off their pauldrons. Then, their cape of feathers. Then, their breastplate. And after that, the bones, neck- rings, earrings and bracelet were laid behind their secondary eyes on the bedside table; and their cape and breastplate were placed inside her cupboard.

" Iris, what pains you? Tell me. Your heart is crying out. I can hear it."
Bellroc laid themselves down on her bed, next to her favorite spot, shoulders and head supported by her Avicii cushions. The lavamancer held out their arms.
Their mate crawled sorrowfully into the space between said limbs , laying her head on their chest, wrapping her own arms around their torso.
The bandaged arms drew close to her body.
They were warm like snuggled-in blankets. They felt like love. Like safety, and golden memories.

Iris snuggled into Bellroc, moving her body to better align with the gorgeous contours of theirs.
Sleep washed gently, gently, over her.
Bellroc was steaming to ward off the night's cold.
" Sleep well, my mate."

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now