I Never Meant To Let You Down

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Iris began walking upstairs, calling Jim's name. She'd had the feeling, since driving off after the play, that he wouldn't be home.
His bedroom door stood open, matching the house's own.
She stood in the doorway, staring as if waiting for him to cease being invisible. The house felt like it was standing in the middle of a ghost town.
There was a difference, though-the feeling of it like walking away, into a vast forest of dead trees ,leaving home forever.
A keen difference between being alone, and being cast out.
Having nothing to really do, she fetched her angst-filled romance novel Hearts of Ash, and started the fifteenth chapter.
She was reading Chapter Sixteen, when a sob broke the overwhelming silence.

It was faint, coming all the way from Mom's room.
Iris reached her door in moments. "Mom? Mom?"
More sobbing. A plate breaking. A few seconds passed, before she heard Mom speaking, but she was speaking to someone else.
"Walter, I don't... I don't understand..."
"Nope, not sending that. Ahem... Walter, this doesn't make any sense! Why are you- Can't send that either. Ugh. Ahem...

Call me, when you get this. I want an explanation. Tell me why you're running away. Tell me the true truth, the parts you're leaving out. Please answer me. I want somebody to not lie, omit, evade, give vague non-answers. Please, Walter. "

Iris turned, walked away, and fetched her book. Left the house altogether, and got into her car. It was a more comfortable place to continue reading.
Aaarrrgghh stood waiting for her,in the shadows under the bridge.
Last night, she'd returned inside due to the evening's growing chill.
Skrael floated down.
"Oh, I did not mean to startle you. It's your device..."
He was turning it over and over, staring closely at its cover and screen. "How is it singing like a flock of woodland birds?"
Iris took it quickly, and answered.
"Hey, Other Brother. Have you seen Jim anywhere? He just... poof... disappeared."
Skrael seated himself on her bed,legs swinging,gazing longingly at her laptop.
"He uh... Needs some time to himself. We're gaming right now hey don't steal my avo maki SERIOUSLY DUDE WHY-"
Jim's tinny recorded laughter sent little stabs of pain to her heart,as though she were stabbing glass shards into it.
"Anyways, I called 'cause Jim isn't gonna. I mean... no, no that came out wrong, um..."
Iris let out a sigh. "Say it already, please."
"Tomorrow, at Trollmarket, they're throwing a party. It's Jim's Bular Slayer Celebration!! You gotta be there after sunrise. I'll show you where the Troll Pub is,that's where it's happening. Drinks are free buuut I'm underage so, gonna pass on those aaand now that I think about it, probably not gonna have human party food, so I guess I'll have to order - "
" Toby, tomorrow is Jim's WHAT?! And nobody told me that this happened?"
" Oh right. Heh heh, sorry, my bad. Completely forgot that you weren't told about Jim's "Rescue Blinky And Save Arcadia" Operation. So, here's what went down..."

Now it was tomorrow. Iris gazed at the glowing crystal key in Aaarrrgghh's huge hand, as he carved a door into Trollmarket with it.
" I wish Vendel would give me one of those. "
She walked after him down the stairs,sounds of cheering and laughter growing ever louder.
"Jim ask," he rumbled as he walked on fists and feet. "Blinky ask three times. Vendel say no. Wouldn't say why."

Maybe it would help, if she made an effort to impress Vendel.
Became a friend of these trolls. Became more than the Trollhunter's second shadow, that trailed after him as he made his way to Blinky's library or the Hero's Forge.
She would have to study their history, culture, language. Something she hadn't yet found time to do .
As soon as she could, she would start her Troll-ology course with Blinky.

Aaarrrgghh walked ahead as they entered. She moved to stand beside him. Trolls all around,from really small to ten times her size; purple,orange,brown,blue,beige,
green,in different amazing shades.
Proud horns,great teeth,eyes like jewels.
Bodies not of flesh,but of living stone.

"A shame you missed the toast,Iris ! Glad you're back,Aaarrrgghh. "
Blinky rushed over,embracing his friend as best he could given their size difference. They smiled fondly at one another.
"There is a certain not-human I'd like to discuss with you. In my library. "
Aaarrrgghh's smile faded,and he nodded . The pair were soon gone.

Jim was in a corner ,chatting happily with Toby.
She stood still. It was hard to un-glue each foot from the floor.
She walked closer,and closer.
At last,he saw her. He shook his head.
"Iris. I don't want to talk right now."
"I didn't do that to you!Any of it!"
"Iris,I don't. Want. To. Talk. Right now."

This wasn't the kind of impression she wanted to make. They were staring at her.
"Not with people watching," he murmured quietly.
She turned . The way out was right there. Better to leave,and shake off the embarrassment all the sooner.
She was walking ever closer,and couldn't recall telling her feet to move in that direction.

"Wait! Iris!"
Toby held out a bag to her. " I got two tacos with your name on 'em. "
"Well,one. Stuart added it specially,he wrote it in guac."
She opened the bag and smiled.
" And the other one?"
" Bonus taco. My one. I wanna give it to you."
" OK. But I still have to go. Got...online shopping to do. Or,something."
"I think it'd really bum me out if you left. Are you sure it can't wait till later? Vendel's gonna do a pan flute solo. Bet ya wouldn't wanna miss that..."

She burst out laughing,and her other brother laughed with her.
"Draal had better do the hula next."
"Even better. I've improved my Nessun Dorma rendition!"
" By keeping your mouth closed throughout?"
"No. I've combined it with the Irish stepdance!"
"Alright,I'm sold. Don't wanna miss out on that,after all."
They laughed again. He threw his arms around her,at which point it became difficult to keep holding back her tears.
"He won't be like this forever. The guilt'll get to him sooner or later. And then,you two can talk. For now,I have something pretty cool to show you. You've never had this view of the Heartstone..."

"At the time of recording this message,I am driving out of Arcadia. I am leaving. I will not be returning.
And I'm afraid,much as it causes me grief,that I have to break things off with you. I cannot disclose all the details as to why.
When this relationship began,I had ulterior motives for pursuing you.
You were a tool ,to get what I wanted.
Then ,somehow,inexplicably,I developed feelings for you.
Perhaps it was because of your brave,beautiful heart.
I stole that heart,and so I must give it back to you. I must do what is right,and no longer hold onto
something I shouldn't have.
I had no right to pursue you,to start a relationship that at first,was an act on my part. I should have left you alone,since I could not,and can never,take what we have ...what we had...any further than coffee and conversation. I'm already married to my career.
I want to cancel this message,I'll scream at myself in my head to just delete it,delete it now before it's too late. But us,is a thing that should never have been. When you're "married",per se, to anything other than a partner,it is unthinkingly cruel to let said partner believe there's a place for them in your life. And,as I said before:Ulterior motives. Deception. A clearly convincing act.
But this, is no more than the truth:I am so very fond of you,Barbara,more than anyone I've ever known. You are the most remarkable woman I've ever met.
I shall miss you. Goodbye."

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now