You Take My Breath

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" Antares was beautiful, back when he yet walked the mortal plane. Beautiful in heart and in soul, as much in body and countenance. "
Bellroc pointed up at Scorpius, which hung shimmering in the deep-black sky above.
" Antares? You mean..."
She pointed at Scorpius's heart,a dazzling red star.
They gave one nod, and continued.
" His brother Ares, was not so lovable.
He himself loved only bloodshed and battle. He even waged war upon his own twin.
These two, Ares and Antares,had been born as opposite as Night and Day.
Neither in their appearances nor in their natures, were they anything alike."
" What happened to Antares, when Ares fought him?"

She rolled up her coconut-white sweater's sleeves. This night felt warmer than she'd expected it would be.
" Ares was a god of war, one of the deadliest. So naturally,he won.
But Antares's death was such a painful tragedy, that he could not leave this world without anything remaining of him. He could not be entirely lost . His heart was torn from his breast, and turned into a star, and that star floated all the way up into the heavens. Because of the goodness of Antares's heart, it shines very bright. "

" Wow. Great story," Iris commented.
" Truly, but that is not quite its end," Bellroc replied.
" I learned this story, from Antares's grieving,enraged father.
He wanted the Order to deal with Ares. He showed us how and where this god had gone too far with his passion for violence and slaughter, costing countless lives solely to sate his insatiable bloodlust. So many bodies, so much ruin.
Myself, Skrael and Nari battled and slew him, tipping the balance back into order.
But someone must have loved the loveless Ares, probably his mother. It could have been her, who made a star out of him as well."
They pointed east of Mars, to a tiny dim star.

"An epic tale," Iris smiled.
" But is that, like, the reason you had me drive out here?"
Bellroc turned themselves around, facing her. Their left arm bent behind their back.They walked close.
" Your brother has enlightened me, about more up-to-date human courtship customs. The most important, is 'dating ' . "
" You...this is a date?"
She grinned in excitement. They gave a smirk, and felt no need to ask their mate if this pleased her.
Iris threw herself at them.
And at their armor.
" Oww," she mumbled against their chest.
Their arms wrapped around her , and her own arms reached as high as they could.

Bellroc broke free from the embrace, and held out the little present that Iris's brother had helped them obtain.
Sugar Blues; or in other words, a bunch of dream-blue bearded irises.
Iris's eyes moistened. She sniffed.
" Are they not right? I did not mean to upset-"
She grasped Bellroc's hands, and gazed at their covered eyes.
" My emotions...umm..."
Sniffing again, more tears gathering.
They looked like they were silently and subtly panicking.
" Bellroc,Bellroc...this is just another one of those human things. You didn't upset me. " She sniffed, and wiped away her tears.
"Sometimes , humans get so happy, they cry. It's too much happiness for them to handle. It's a good thing. "

She took the bearded irises.
" I better go put these in my car.
I'll be right back."
She unlocked her Toyota , and placed her flowers within.
An idea occurred to her. They'd given her a special gift, she wanted to give them one , to say thanks.

" Galway Girl" lit up the night air.
Iris jogged over to her partner, who wasn't sure what was happening.
They figured it out when she pulled off her porpoise-grey ballet pumps,and moved her feet to the beat.
Bellroc's face expressed, just how delightful they really did find her secret dancing.

The song faded into silence. Another began to play on the car's radio.
She was sweating. It felt like she was sitting in steamy bathwater.
" I gotta...I gotta quickly-" she panted.
Iris pulled the sweater upward.
It was too small and too tight. She'd bought the wrong size , it seemed.
" May I help?"
"Yeah, please, right now, this thing is squeezing me to death. Feels like I can't breathe."

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now