I'll Do It For Him

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" We should begin your training. It is overdue. "
" Yeah...but it's a little chilly outside. And red skies in the morning is bad luck. "
" You are not a sailor. You should,at present, be a warrioress-in-training."
" Hmmm...nah."

Iris lifted her head from the Avicii cushions, and sat up so her hand could caress Bellroc's feather-soft bang. The demigod snorted and shook their head; she smirked and kissed their cheek. She crawled over and climbed awkwardly into their lap, a leg on either side of them.
Bellroc looked unamused.
" What say you we ...do it later?"
Bellroc's hands dragged over the bared skin of her upper legs, and they leaned in close.
They whispered right in her ear, their masculine-feminine tones low and rumbly like a gravelly purr, sweet and strong as coffee and caramel.
" No."
Iris pouted at her mate. " I really, really prefer procrastinating. "
" Is that the kind of combat you'd like to learn?"

She couldn't tell whether Bellroc was joking or not.
" No no, see, I'm already a procrastination master. Watch."
She flopped on her stomach and pretended to snore, closing her eyes.

Their palm smacked her butt cheek. Hard.
" Owww."
" See, it is imperative that you gain combat knowledge. Never show your vulnerable areas to the enemy. "
Iris turned herself over to glare at them. They grinned, lowering their hand.
" Fine. At least tell me why."
" If you are going to accompany your brother on his misadventures, you must know how to fight. You cannot place yourself in these dangerous situations, yet have no way of getting yourself out."
" Alright. " She sighed. " Where will this training happen?"

They were on the bluff overlooking Arcadia Oaks.
Sunlight fell over Bellroc like a thin curtain of spun gold, the heavens behind them were a tranquil blue.Neither Juno, nor any beautiful deity, had a patch on Bellroc's statuesque body.
A thin torso, fuller thighs, slender strong arms, neck bound in regal jewelry. The trophies they'd made of a giant raven, worn as an awesome cape and spooky skull.
A gorgeous gold hoop hung from the blue top beneath their breastplate on either side, and the breastplate's shiny wooden jaws were gaping.

Their secondary eyes, a testament to their profiency in woodwork, and exceptional gift for magic. Their hair an enchanting shade of red,and nicely adorned, as they removed and laid aside their bird skull.

" Before you fight, you must assume a fighting stance, one that is well-balanced.Keep ever upon the balls of your feet ."
They began guiding her, step by step, and she followed instructions as best she could.
" Extend your non-dominant foot towards me. Rotate your leg slightly towards your body, so that your toes and knee point just to the side of me.
Extend your right foot behind you...no, more than that ...yes, now it is far apart enough from the other foot. Now,rotate your right leg, in such a way that your toes and knee point away from me. "
Bellroc studied her positioned feet.
" Your dominant leg is at an incorrect angle. Turn your leg in slightly towards your body ...yes, like that, that's right. Good."
They continued.
" Twist your shoulders so you are facing me...yes, like that. Positioned as you are, you'll make for a much smaller target; harder for your opponents to hit. Clench your stomach muscles, and straighten your back, and keep them that way ...Correct.
Now bend your knees slightly, and rock your weight back and forth;it is a test of your balance. "
She did so, and found herself indeed well-balanced. Iris smiled happily. This was just a start, but she was pleased to be doing well so far.
"Lower your chin, and keep your mouth closed. Your chin must stay down.And, do not respond verbally to an opponent's jeers. You'll only make a soft target of your opened mouth. "
" Okay, got it."

Their response came quick and brutal.
Knuckles knocking at her unclenched stomach as if it were a wooden door. Then a fist to her mouth, then another to her face.
Their hands shoved at her chest. She toppled backwards, hitting the grassy ground.

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now