No More Secrets, No More Lies

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" And ...I saw Merlin. "
Bellroc's fist slammed down, their voice thick and dark and strong as blackstrap molasses.
They'd hit Jim's frying pan's handle, which made it fly into the air and crash down, leaving them with egg on their face.
Her mate roughly wiped it off, uttering their agender snarl of anger.

But then,their furious lynx-face smoothed into its usual hard-to-read, skilfully-sculpted stone.
They must've seen how they'd startled her.
" I am sorry, Iris. I did not mean to scare you."
" Don't worry, I was only surprised.
Anyway, it wasn't Merlin in the flesh. I saw a painting . Of him, and a woman with ginger hair and green eyes. And a tall,skinny, teenage boy , hair tied in a top knot bun."
"I have never of a painting depicting that intermeddling, vainglorious greybeard before..."

The sentence trailed off suddenly into silence,as they registered the rest of what she'd said.
She looked down at the fried eggs and wondered how Jim could've been busy making her breakfast, if he was supposed to be in school by now.
In fact, it was apparent that he hadn't played truant, for there was neither sight nor sound of him anywhere.
But,if he didn't cook me eggs, then who-
Bellroc startled her again, their voice interrupting her thoughts.
"This woman of whom you speak.
What was her raiment?"
"Uh...a dress. Green,with a sleeved red thing over it. Leather bodice on the front. I don't really know how to describe it, or what kind of clothing it actually is. Like half of a winter dress,with part of a corset, attached over a light summer one."
"And knee-high , brown leather boots,of a very fine quality."
Iris nodded. It struck her then:" Wait...
how do you know about her?"
" She once served the Arcane Order. She was our chosen warrior, our champion, acting in our stead."
"If she's with you ,or was,then why is she standing next to the old dude in that painting?"
"She was not always our servant. Once,she was Merlin's pupil. She came to realize that he was traitorously compliant;a conscienceless,cold-hearted turncoat. Upon coming to this understanding,Morgana left her royal position ,severed all ties with Man's world,and embraced her own kind. "
"What happened after that?"
"Killahead happened. The plan was,for myself and my siblings to spectate from a short distance. Morgana would join the fight,divert Merlin's attention,and lure him after her and away from the battlefield.
Once singled, he would be killed.
Without Merlin to defend him,the king would be vulnerable-easy for Gunmar to slay. "
They answered her unspoken question,saying:" King Arthur . The man for whom Merlin forsook his own kind. The human whose boundless cruelty toward all magical creatures and majicks, finally drove myself and Skrael to utter desperation.
Morgana's brother,and Camelot's curse upon the world of Magic.
When the wicked king fell, he should have taken Camelot and all of humanity with him. That didn't happen and it was MERLIN'S TROLLHUNTER WHO RIPPED AWAY OUR LAST CHANCE. It was Merlin's Trollhunter who-"
Bellroc's left hand shot up and pressed over their blindfolded eyes . Then,their functional ones showed them that they had forgotten Iris was there.The demigod drew a shuddering breath, and lowered their hand.
She wanted to help them ,to soothe their anger and their pain.
She did not know how .

"You already know the outcome,from Skrael's account. As for what you don't:Morgana and Merlin faced off,but neither returned from that fight. Where they are,we are still
trying to find out."
"That's a lot of history. It's fascinating to hear ,actually. Would you tell me all the rest? Surely there's more."
And that,did cause her soulmate to give a little smile.
"Yes. Another time. For now...breakfast."

It turned out that Jim's courtship advice to Bellroc, had included lovingly preparing meals for your partner.
The eggs were sadly unsalvageable, but there was also toast. Iris had just bit into a slice laden with butter and blueberry jam, when her phone chirped to announce a text message.
From Jim: Strickler's coming over for dinner. Mom invited him. What now?
She thought for a second, then texted him back.
Keep up the act. We'll decide what to do, before he comes here. And please...give him at least one chance.

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now