These Twists and Turns of Fate

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A cuckoo clock squawked as she walked in, making her jump.
The bookstore appeared deserted.
Iris frowned.
She'd feel pretty disappointed, if she couldn't buy a third spellbook today. There was one that had
"enchanted " her before, its cover real leather,its pages vellum. It looked far too old and rare, to be casually sitting on some shelf waiting to be sold, like any other New York Times bestseller.
Maybe, she should come back later.
She sighed and turned around, but as she did, she saw the interesting artwork decorating the near wall.
Iris walked up close. She didn't notice these paintings, the last time she visited GDT Arcane Books.

A collection of small paintings, and one large .
There was one like a painted recreation of an ancient castle tapestry. The men,animals and forest in tan brown , on a dark background, all part of what might be a hunting scene.
Another painting was of a blonde princess in a big poofy purple dress and steeple hat, standing in an autumn wood.
There was also a castle, and a green and grey pigeon, and green/brown dragons, each in their own small, skilful, medieval painting.
And a typical sea beast, whose body rose out of the blue waters in a series of arches. And red flowers, and a sketch of a range of old swords.
Finally, Iris gave her attention to the biggest, finest painting hanging on the wall.

Green cloth hung in its background.
Before this stood a woman and a boy.
The woman wore a two-piece dress; a velvety red piece with long sleeves and corset-like leathern bodice, over a green slip-style dress . She had chestnut hair,fair skin and green eyes, and she held a book against her chest.
Her openhearted gaze and genial smile, radiated warmth at the beholder.
The boy, on the other hand, radiated awkwardness. He looked like that guy who, when suddenly asked to pose for a photo, got very nervous and didn't know what to do with his stance or facial expression.
Arms pressed too close to his sides, and spine so straight and stiff that it might snap. Black hair , gold eyes.
A cute, self-conscious grin on his pale face.
I've seen that grin on someone else...can't recall who. I'll have to try to remember.
He wore a dark brown-leather vest pinned with a cool-looking pennanular brooch, and underneath, some kind of blue shirt.
Besides these, brown pants and knee-high, also brown, and also leather, boots.

...Actually, only one panted and booted leg could be seen. The other was hidden behind a magnificent chair ,occupied by the main focus of this painting. A mature man, seated front and center.
He wore green armor, and a metal cap on his head. He possessed a strong build. His left hand gripped a long staff with a huge, luminous emerald at the top.

Iris's jaw dropped.
"MERLIN? Why here? How h-"
A finger tapped her shoulder, a throat was cleared.
Her training kicked in and before she could recognize him, her fist thwacked harshly into his nose.
" Augh! Fuzzbuckets, that 'urts."
Douxie pinched the bridge of his nose to lessen the pain.

She wanted to sink into the floor.
Utterly mortified.
" Douxie,I'm so sorry. You just popped up outta nowhere, dude."
He smiled." Been standing there for five minutes, actually. Was waiting for you to notice me.
You came here for the good luck charms? I sincerely apologize for keeping you waiting. Both then, and now. Time got away from me, I have so many things to do, and-"
Iris held up a hand to silence him.
" You are unbelievable."
He looked away. " Yeah, I know, and I'm sor-"
"Not like that, dude. I mean, I just PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE, and YOU'RE showering ME in profuse apologies??"
He seemed unsure about how to respond to that.
Iris shook her head. Out of growing fondness and fellowship, she smiled.
From those same feelings,Douxie smiled back at her.
" How about I-"

She stopped herself.
That punch was a mighty one, enough so to stun even Bellroc.
Yet, Douxie's nose looked unchanged.
No swelling, bleeding, or bruising.
Her heart jerked in her chest, then beat significantly faster.
" Uh, Douxie?"
" Yeah?"
" Your nose."
" What about it?"
" It's absolutely fine."
" Um, thanks for letting me know?"
"I punched you so hard, that my knuckles are still feeling it. But your nose is completely okay right now. You're Superman's long-lost cousin, aren't you?"
He grinned nervously.
A soft "mrrrow" was heard .
She looked down at his legs and saw a large-ish cat winding itself around them.
The cat was black;not the black of an average black kitty, but the lovely black of a Eurasian blackbird.
"Hello, Archie."
Such love and affection, in just those two words.
More than cat and owner they seemed. She could almost call them brothers not by blood, like Jim and Toby.
That wasn't possible though...was it?

Douxie looked up at her again. He'd forgotten the world was there, for one tender moment.
" Got distracted. What were we talking about, again?"
His smile melted her heart.
It wasn't worth it, continuing to interrogate him. She'd rather be friends.
" Nevermind. Also, I'm over my good luck charm-phase.
Now, in order to make up for punching you, I'll pay for lunch . How does burgers at Elvira sound?"
" Sounds great. You wait for me outside, I gotta grab something before we go."
"You're smart to learn how to protect yourself, " Douxie said.
She'd explained about her doing hand-to-hand combat training yesterday, hence the defensive punch.
" Thanks. You're clever to flirt with girls and make them swoon, tempting them to give GDT's bookstore some business. "
" 'Ey! That's not why I..."
" I even saw you wooing the waitress, Don Juan. Telling her she's ' a real belle in more ways than one'."
" I was using worldplay to charm her. 'Belle' because of her hair and eyes and yellow uniform, and 'belle' to compliment her beauty. "
" You hoping we get a discount?"
" I'm hoping I made her day better. She's missing her pet fox , after all. Hasn't seen poor Robin in a week. "

Iris took a sip from her Happy Shake ( Chocolate Meringue) , and nodded sympathetically. She spoke again, eyes narrowed.
" I don't get it. If you're happily married, and not trying girls like ice cream flavors, or trying to get something out of them, why all the flirting?"
He slurped from his Loganberry Pie Shake through its thick straw, before answering.
" It's my way of breaking the ice with girls I don't know. Or, a way to bring sunshine to their rainy day. I want to help them feel better about how they look, to cheer up if they're feeling down.
I get them to like me, to trust me.
To see that I'm not one of the devils, losers or creeps you'll find out there."
" And after that? "
"Next time we meet, we're already friendly acquaintances. I can help them with comfort, advice, reassurance or a boost of confidence, if and when it looks like they need it."

He looked her in the eye.
" You were wary of me. Wanted to talk, and get to know me, but kept yourself from reaching out to me.
I understand. I'm a mysterious person. I may look friendly and harmless, but you still don't know what's really going on behind the scenes, and beneath the surface. "
She thought he might be a Changeling troll, in actual fact. Not that she was going to mention that.
" I brought a rose petal- blush and a marvellous smile to your beautiful face. You then felt that I wasn't suspicious. You gave me a chance.
...Then, you sucker punched me, and broke my heart."
He pulled a hilarious sad boi-face. She burst out laughing, dropping her spoon.

The waitress, Bellatrix, came walking towards their booth with their meals.
Both had ordered Elvira's irresistible fries with their burgers.
She'd chosen a Spicy Short Rib Burger, and he had gone with the safer option of a Classic Cheeseburger.
" Food looks good, lovely," Douxie grinned.
The woman turned pink, stammered something about coming right back, and scurried off.
He stared after her, bewildered.
" What did I say?"
" You severely underestimate your own hotness. Even this burger can't compare."
" Oh, please. " He rolled his ochre-gold eyes.
" It's true. Why do you think your 'Friendship Through Flirting ' method never fails?"
"I'm polite, complimentary, respectful-"
" Tall, dark, handsome-"

" I never thought I looked like much.
Hardly eye candy. Hardly a worthy apprentice. "
Suddenly, Douxie put a hand to his mouth. She didn't know what he'd said that he shouldn't have.
" Ahem. Forget that last part. Before we eat, I have a gift for you."

He reached into his bag, turned, and placed a book on the table.
" You're giving this for free?"
" Yeah. "
" Won't GDT be mad at you?"
" I'll let you in on a secret: GDT doesn't really own the business. It's my own small one. Too small to make a profit, which is why I do moonlighting. "
" I'm guessing 'GDT' is a guy who only exists on the necessary paperwork..."
" Shhh," he said with a smirk, a finger pressed to his lips. " Don't go letting the cat out of the bag, now."
" Well,thank you, Douxie," Iris responded, taking the book .
Excitement visibly rushed through her.
" Happy to give ," he smiled.

" I'm lucky I met you," Iris said.
" No, I'm the lucky one. Next time, I want you to meet Zoe. I think she'll like you."
" Okay. But you better actually phone and text me from now on. No forgetting again. I look forward to meeting your wife. Talk later?"
" Talk later," he grinned.

There Must Be Something More ( Bellroc x Jim Lake's older sister Iris Lake)Where stories live. Discover now