Chapter One

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A great man once took the world on his shoulders and planned to change the world. That same man was betrayed by his father and slit his throat. (Ace): Moral of the story lifes a bitch and knives are sharp. Can we cancel the session now? (Emma): Lucy, you have only been here for five minutes Why did I decide to get a therapist? Boredom is messing with my head. (Ace): The fact that you refuse to call me Ace is pissing me off (Emma): You could call me Emma Potts (Ace): Id rather put my hand in a meat tenderizer and watch that happen This is so damn frustrating. This back and forth continues for a bit longer. (Emma): So lets start from the beginning (Ace): Fine. I grew up with my aunt Delia, but things happened, and I ran away. I was sleeping in the streets with a knife in my hand just in case someone wanted to try anything. A group of guys tried to do shit when I was laying there and thats when I had my first kill. Then Selina found me (Emma): Catwoman? (Ace): Yeah. She took me in and had me cleaned up. When I told her my name, she knew who I was because Pam was close with my mother (Emma): Pam is Poison Ivy, right? (Ace): When did this become a survey? Yes, its Poison Ivy (Emma): Who are your parents? (Ace): My mother is Harleen Quinzel. She sent me to my aunt as a baby to protect me from my father, Arthur Fleck (Emma): The Joker? (Ace): No, the chocolate oompaloompa. Yes, the Joker! (Emma): Calm down. Go on (Ace): Anyways My father is known for his abusive ways towards her, so I guess that is why she sent me away. My grandfather Nick sent Harley to St. Bernadettes and my grandmother Sharon was just a con woman. Unfortunately, I never got to meet any of them (Emma): Sounds like you are holding a lot of anger inside because of your family (Ace): Bullshit! Selina is my family. She took care of me and was there for me. She taught me how to steal, be stealthy, be flirty and get what I want. That is what family does (Emma): That went in a direction that I never expected That is just my life. Pam and Selina have been there for me since day one. They taught me everything that I know. Even when nobody really knew me, they gave me a chance. They let me in on a heist when I was barely a teenager! It was so fucking awesome! We got to break a few bones and Bane stepped on some too. Lex got me my first gun. They are my real family. Harley and Joker have their own shit to deal with and it does not matter what happens because they only think about themselves. Emma is talking but I dont give a shit. All she tends to do is repeat what I am saying and then thinks that she can tell me how to live. (Ace): Okay. Shut up. Hold on. Maybe it is just an entire misunderstanding (Emma): I am listening (Ace): Maybe I should accept that they are just toxic parents like their messed-up relationship- I mean, past relationship. It is interesting that they broke up for the millionth time. That is just dump your shit in a box, move your ass out, take a shot and shoot a bird type of issues That was perfectly said if I do say so myself. (Emma): Maybe their infatuation is the reason why they cant have a child in the mix. Perhaps it kills their fantasy (Ace): You know, I have killed before. Want to find out how it feels first-hand? (Emma): You are lashing out to ignore what you feel could possibly be the truth (Ace): I am just trying to picture you with a dagger in your gut This is seriously starting to bug the shit out of me. I know that Harley and Joker have a completely fucked up relationship because that is no secret. There was a lot of unfortunate hope in that situation. (Emma): Hear me out. Perhaps your mother saw a light in him that nobody else did and your father was too stubborn to accept that there could be one because of his reputation (Ace): Oh my shit! (Emma): What is it? (Ace): I have never actually witnessed someone talking out of their ass before (Emma): I have hopes for you too. Maybe one day you might see what I am talking about. Every time you lash out, it shows that you are freaking out on the inside too (Ace): How are you still so calm? What shitty background trauma are you hiding? (Emma): Pay me five hundred an hour and you will get that answer Ha! She has a sense of humour. In case you are confused, I only pay her two hundred an hour because my life is not going to be spent being over-charged by a fucking shrink! (Ace): So what lovely advice are you going to give me for the end of the first session? Something life affirming perhaps (Emma): You are not like your parents. You are nowhere near responsible for the things that they have done in this world. Try to dig deep into your heart and mind to find out who you are apart from your bloodline. Maybe you will see what I mean when I say that I have hopes for you and your future (Ace): Great! Now after that little sentiment I need tequila I walk out if the building and the smell of Gotham City streets makes me feel so much better than the shitty atmosphere in that fucking office. That damn therapist thinks that she can tell me to find myself as if this is a Wheres Waldo? situation. What a bitch, right? Selina is going to wet herself from laughing when I tell her what this delusional bitch said to me. Especially the part of having hopes for me and my future. What future? Is she nuts? This side of the pond, its either you have a future because you are rich, or you dont because you are not. Its literally that simple. The people with money are glorified while the others than dont ae treated like shit and thrown to the side. Treating us as if we were nothing and as if they are less of a piece of shit because they are more loaded. My stomach is screaming for a drink. Maybe I could get some target practice as well to calm down after that whole shit show. Therapy. Fucking bullshit.

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