Chapter Nine

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(Ace): Yesterday, I imagined what a normal life would have been like, and it involved a normal school and a birthday. It made me realise that I have never had a normal birthday in my entire life Emma looks shocked and takes a huge sip of her coffee. (Emma): I am surprised to hear that you actually gave it some thought. The first time we spoke, you never wanted to give it a single thought at all (Ace): It is not like I fucking want to give any of it a thought. I see absolutely no point in wondering what life could have been like when it is already as it is (Emma): You mentioned that you have never had a normal birthday. Tell me, what is your best birthday memory? (Ace): It was a rainy night, and it was storming more than ever. I was not interested in celebrating anything and it seemed like Selina was on board with my plan. She said that she had to go do a mission on her own and would be gone for a few hours. We would normally set cars on fire and go rob a random cake store (Emma): Wait- if that is what you normally did then what did you do that year? (Ace): I tried to do some stupid move that the shitty pricks were talking about, and I fractured a couple bones in my right arm. Selina took me to this abandoned warehouse, and it started to burn. She set it on fire just to make me smile. When we went home, there was a huge party that Pam was throwing. It was the best party ever (Emma): The gesture seems odd, but I feel like that is a strange way to celebrate a birthday (Ace): Well, excuse me for not having the fucking cash to buy a birthday cake with the crappy candles and wasteful presents. I did not have rich parents to take advantage of or a gift list motherfucker. So, when I say that it was fucking fantastic then take a chill pill and deep throat it before judging my childhood (Emma): Ace, I am not judging your childhood. You had a different life growing up that the average person would have been depressed about but you made it your strength in the end (Ace): Its different our side of Gotham. You either do or die over there. So, if it made me stronger then great but I decided to make the pain my bitch (Emma): That is what I am talking about. You took control of the pain before it took control of you. Not everyone has the strength to do that (Ace): Do you have any cream doughnuts in this shit hole? I have been staring at that box for about ten minutes now. A chocolate and cream doughnut has been invading my cravings. Emma is talking again after giving me a few doughnuts, but she is basically talking to herself. She could be getting shocked by a power cord for all I care. These doughnuts are fucking delicious! Shit! Maybe I do swear too much. Nope. Fuck that. (Emma): so, do you get where I am coming from? (Ace): Completely (Emma): You were not listening because you would have sworn fifteen times if you were Oh, this better be good. (Ace): Now Im interested (Emma): I said that you should be grateful for what your parents did because if they had not caused that much pain then you would not be as strong as you are today For fuck sakes! How does she have the balls to fucking repeat that? (Ace): Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is wrong with you? (Emma): Here we go (Ace): Yes, here we fucking go you dumb bitch! Why do you think that you can say that without me slicing off your tongue? (Emma): I just- If you look at it this way- (Ace): No sweetie. Look at it my way. My assholes that gave birth to me are so fucking lucky that they dont walk in here tonight or I would have to dig three fucking graves. So, unless you want to have your name on a glorified gravestone before you are forty years old one day, I would act right She shrugs and apologizes. She knows that she is pushing the wrong buttons. I just want to go home and forget that this day ever happened. (Ace): You know, I actually had some hopes for today, but it must have been the late-night tequila fucking with my damn head (Emma): But that is progressing to me if you are saying that you were looking forward to todays session (Ace): Oh, shut up I have a glass of iced tea and stand up. I am no longer in the mood for any therapy sessions now. This has almost been as boring as the first few sessions. Selina would claw her eyes out before she let this shrink tell her how to handle her pain properly and shit. (Ace): Here is what is going to happen. I am going to gladly walk out that door and rob a McDonalds on my way home from here. You are going to take some therapy pills of your own and chill the fuck out. You do not get to tell me how I am supposed to feel about shit or about how to handle the shit I feel. I have spent all my life trying to build an empire and make a change that would make life so much more enjoyable. You do not get to come in here and make me think that I should thank those fuckers for what they have done and continue to do. How the fuck would I thank them for that? How about a simple thank you for abandoning me and being the most fucked up people on the damn planet? If you think that you can convince me to thank them for breaking me and leaving my soul to rot in the street, then I might as well slit your throat in this fucking depressing shithole that you call a therapists office. So, keep your opinions to yourself before I grab a gun and shove some bullets down your throat. Understood? Emma gulps and nods very quickly. With all that said and done, it is time for some McDonalds. That therapy session was just so damn unnecessary. I have better things to do with my time like grabbing a share box on my way home. Maybe I should get a couple milkshakes and a pack of nuggets for Pam. This night is about to get a whole lot better!


Selina and I have been doing jewellery heists all over the city for a couple of weeks. Have I been neglecting therapy? Fuck yeah. That bitch needs to take time to think about what she said. We have been taking a stroll through the street tonight to take some time for thinking things through. Selina said that she wanted to talk to me about something. She just got me a beautiful dagger with some diamonds around the handle. It made me smile immediately. She said that it was something that she wanted to get me for a few weeks. (Catwoman): There is no simple way to explain this, but I had to get this done sooner or later (Ace): Shit Selina. Dont tell me that you are talking to those two psychos, are you? (Catwoman): Not exactly She turns, and my face starts burning in anger. It feels as if my blood has started to boil underneath my skin. (Catwoman): Kitty, this is Batman. AKA Bruce Wayne, your uncle (Ace): What are you trying to accomplish here, Selina? A fucking family reunion? (Batman): Hi Lucy (Ace): You have been screwing this bastard for a long time and never mentioned that I fucking hate when people call me that? (Catwoman): Ace, its okay. He just wants to talk Oh! He just wants to talk? Why didnt I think of that? Communication is fucking key, right? (Ace): So, you brought him all this way just to chit chat? Do we need to make a reservation for you at Casa de Asylum? (Catwoman): Kitty (Batman): I just wanted to meet you. To officially get to know you (Ace): What next? A trip to fucking Disneyland? I would rather drown in acid but thanks for the suggestion Why do they think that I am fine with this? Are they mentally insane? (Batman): Ace, I would like to get to know you. I know that your parents- (Ace): Do not fucking finish that sentence (Batman): Ace, please just- (Ace): Dude, back up or I will make you regret it (Batman): Please just- *STAB* I run as fast as I can. I jump down the building and down a couple roads. As soon as they are too far to be seen, I catch my breath. (Ace): I just stabbed Bruce Wayne. That was the best feeling in the world! How could Selina have ambushed me like that? The next thing I know, I am grabbing all kinds of liquor and snacks before heading to the top of one of the skyscrapers in the city. It is late at night, but my body and mind need to get completely trashed. After all of that, I might drink until I die because what the absolute fuck was that? They are definitely not going to ruin my night. I will not allow it. Cake and tequila go so well together when they are paired with scotch. The rest of the night is a blur, but it feels like a good type of blur. Does that make sense? It makes sense to me! Who knew that sleeping on top of a skyscraper could feel this good? The next morning feels so fucking weird. (Ace): What the fuck am I doing on the top level of a building? Or is it the roof? I dont fucking know! I am beyond confused right now. What the hell happened last night? By looking at the cake and empty bottles, it looks like it was a delicious party of one. My head is a bit sore, and the sun is burning my fucking eyes. Shit! Did I become a vampire? It is possible considering that I have no fucking clue of what happened yesterday. Did I go to therapy? I dont think I did. Or did I have a party on this roof? Could be possible too but then why did I end up sleeping here? It would not be this clean if there was a party. I know that I just called a bunch of empty bottles and cake boxes on the floor a clean place, but you would know if it was a huge party. You would just know. If the party was here, then Selina would have taken me home. Wait a second! Selina! Did I see Selina last night? Something in me feels like that could be true. If I saw Selina, then why is she not here right now? Maybe we got into some sort of a fight, or she had something weird going on at our place. She has done that before. There was one night where she wanted me to stay away from home then I came home to drink, naked bodies all over the damn place. They were all asleep! Before you get any ideas about how she might have killed them and picturing me walking into a crime scene! As long as she has diamonds and a guy to toy around with then she is happy as can be. Hold on! It is all coming back to me after mentioning a guy to toy around with. That Bat asshole! I saw him last night too! There must have been more shit happening for me to make myself this drunk at the end of the night. Fuck, I wonder what happened. Do I want to remember what happened after the way I drank? Maybe I drank because I didnt ever want to remember what went on? I sit on the floor and eat some cake that I have leftover and try to remember as best as I can. Maybe this is a bad idea. Should I try to remember? This is giving me a bad feeling in my stomach. Or maybe it is because I had so much fucking cake. Everything is on the tip of my tongue. Drinking is all fun and games until you are not able to remember the fucking fun and games the next day. It feels like I blacked out for the past year and just woke up. What if that is what happened? I am just imagining shit. Oh, my living shit! I know exactly what happened! Selina introduced me to that mask-wearing dick face! How could she do that to me? She knows how I feel about their relationship and the very fact that he exists. I am definitely bringing this up in therapy. You know what? I am going there right now. I need to vent, and I would like to be eating some doughnuts when I do!

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