Chapter Ten

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(Ace): So, there I was, on top of one of the biggest skyscrapers in Gotham City. I was drunk as shit and surrounded by the most delicious cake that I have ever had in my life. Then I suddenly remembered what had drove me to getting that drunk. Selina, who is supposed to be my mother had introduced me to Bruce fucking Wayne. A bullshitter who is unfortunately a blood relative of mine. He said that he wants to get to know me! Now of all times! Where was he when my aunt was killed? Where was he when I was stuck on the street? I never needed him, and I never will. Fuck him. Not going to let that bastard ruin my fucking day (Emma): Ace, it sounds like you are more hurt than angry I burp and realise that maybe I am still a bit drunk. (Ace): Do explain, mademoiselle (Emma): You were raised by someone who cares about you, but you dont understand how a family member never came looking for you after your other family wasnt there at all. You are hurt that he was never there for you when he had that chance (Ace): You are a genius, you know that? A fucking genius. That is not sarcasm by the way. You are actually not as stupid as I thought you are. It surprises me! It really does! (Emma): You got drunk to escape the thought of possibly reuniting with a family member because you are afraid of being hurt but you are even more afraid of being let down for a second time. Perhaps that is why you ran to therapy instead of a solution other than drinking (Ace): I may be drunk, but I will still slap that smile off your face, woman. It will take a moment for me to catch my balance once I stand up but trust me, it will be done (Emma): Ace, take a nap. Have some water and rest. You are too drunk for this session (Ace): I pay you by the hour, so I think the fuck not (Emma): Then at least have some bread or something to help you sober up (Ace): Why certainly madam! Who can say no to fresh sourdough bread! Wait! Do you have a toaster? Sourdough tastes shit unless it is toasted with melted butter on top (Emma): Give me a minute. I will get that done for you (Ace): Arent you just a sweetie pie! Before she gets back, I run out and go straight home. I am too drunk to tolerate that bitch without decorating her face with her fucking desk. Once I get home, I see Selina at the kitchen counter waiting for me. (Selina): Please just let me talk She might as well sing a fucking lullaby because I am beyond prepared to sleep right now. That therapy session would have knocked me out but at least here at home I dont have to pay by the hour. Bitches just want your money out here. (Ace): I am only sitting down because if I stand any longer, I will most certainly pass out I sit down and listen to what she wants to tell me after the shitty night she put me through. (Catwoman): Bruce might seem like he is this rich piece of shit (Ace): So far, I agree with you (Catwoman): Well, he is not. When he was a little boy, he was a normal boy (Ace): A normal boy with a billion fucking bucks (Catwoman): Ace His parents were Thomas and Martha Wayne. They were extremely wealthy (Ace): Like I said, a billion fucking bucks Selina looks at me and I shrug. (Catwoman): His parents were murdered right in front of him. It was because of their deaths that he became the man that he is today (Ace): A annoyingly happy, ignorant, world-saving, pathetic little hero? (Catwoman): Please give him a chance. Let him explain himself at least. That is all he wants to do (Ace): Fuck you! He is here, isnt he? (Batman): Hi Lu- I mean Ace Fucking great! At least I do not have to pay for the hour to listen to this bullshit. (Ace): Okay then. Explain (Batman): Your father was not always the evil man that he became today, and neither was your mother. If I tried to speak to him then he only ever responded with violence (Ace): Sounds like me (Batman): You two are very similar but you have a good heart (Ace): Yeah and how the fuck would you know that Doctor Phil? (Batman): You get it from your mother. You have the strongest personality that anyone could ever have. Having Joker and Harleys DNA in your body and yet you have embraced it instead of fearing it. That makes you incredibly strong. Even if you do not realise it (Ace): That is nice and all but where were you pal? When I was stuck homeless! When I was almost raped and killed as a small girl! Where were you? In your fucking huge mansion playing with a fucking television remote! Parading in your tennis courts and forgetting about people like me! People who had to crawl their way up into society. Breaking nails, bones, and character just to be important in this damn society as it is! Where the hell were you? Calling yourself a hero but why didnt you save me? Dont fucking tell me about family or DNA! What would you know about that, huh? You couldve come to get me, but you didnt! (Batman): Ace if I had known I- (Ace): Bullshit! I was making headlines in the newspaper as the girl who was stabbing guys on the street. Even if you didnt know my name, you could have done your job to look for the bad guy and then found me! But no! You didnt even try! So much for being a glorified fucking hero! (Batman): Look Ace- (Ace): Get the fuck out (Catwoman): Kitty please (Ace): You said that he wanted to explain himself well I am done listening to shitty explanations (Catwoman): Please (Ace): Get the fuck out! Selina nods and asks him to go home so I can cool off. Why? Why! (Ace): What do you people want from me? Huh! What do you want? Why is it so fucking hard for you to leave things as they are? Fuck! I keep screaming but she knocks me out. Works better than a sleeping pill any day. I needed that.

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