Chapter Two

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So, Selina told me to bring wine to look fancy and give off a friendly attitude. Emma said thanks and that she loves red, dry wine. Who knew that it was dry wine? I just grabbed it and went. Giving a shit about it sounds a bit too problematic. Red wine is not really my style. Maybe tequila, vodka, ciders or well You could say that I am boring but excuse me for having taste buds and enjoying the flavour of things. (Emma): So, Lucy (Ace): I will stab you in the eye with this corkscrew if you fucking call me that again (Emma): I apologize. Ace, tell me what it was like to grow up with Catwoman Where do I start? (Ace): Well, it was tough growing up on the streets before she found me. I had my first kill, but she taught me how to be smart about it and how to handle it. In case the cops get involved or how to prevent that from happening as well. She taught me about stealth and manipulation. Men are only after one thing and making them think that they will get it helps make the job a whole lot easier. Many people call me a villain, but I dont really care about stupid labels (Emma): You kill people and steal from them, but you dont see yourself as a villain? (Ace): There is a method to my madness She looks at me in such a way that I know she wants me to explain to make it clearer. Why does she have to be this dumb? I hate explaining myself. (Ace): I dont kill or steal unless I have a good reason for it or at least my own reasons for doing so (Emma): So committing crimes are fine with you as long as you have a reason for it? (Ace): See! Excellent observation! I told you that it makes sense! It looks like she is about to faint. Why is it so hard to understand what I am trying to say? It is not fucking rocket science. Luckily there is a thing called doctor-patient confidentiality. There are reasons behind why I do what I do, and it makes sense to me. I dont particularly give a shit about what other people have to say about it whether this qualified pain in the ass agrees to it or not. (Emma): Maybe you commit these sorts of crimes as a way of distracting your mind from everything that has happened and will happen in the future She seriously wants me to choke her to death in this damn office for her bullshit assumptions. Where did she get her degree? Psychology for dummies? Cant you see that she is asking to get herself beat the fuck up? This bitch had an attitude! (Ace): I do what I want when I want to and because I want to. Do not try to turn this into some twisted, sentimental shit. You do not know a thing about me (Emma): Then you can start by telling me about how you found out who your parents were (Ace): Fun story actually. I was tired. Selina told me. I shot a car window. The end (Emma): Without using that sarcastic tone to hide from the truth (Ace): If you value your tongue and want to be able to use it in the future then I would stop using it to speak plain bullshit She nods her head and asks me to continue. (Ace): It had been a long and tiring day of training. This was before I ever really went on missions. I needed to learn about new skills and how to fight. We stayed in a caravan for the time being. We were at some type of forestry place. While we were out for a jog, someone set the caravan on fire and there was basically nothing by the time we got back (Emma): Gosh! That sounds awful! (Ace): It wasnt our caravan anyway. It was however a great place to practice stealth and agility. Selina would only let me sleep every night for an hour to see how I would be able to fight if I was exhausted and had no choice. It really gets your focus going in a way that I dont even know where to start explaining. After we trained one of those nights, she sat me down (Emma): To tell you about your parents? (Ace): No. I had mud stuck to my shoe. Then we walked through the forest, and she spoke to me (Emma): About your parents? (Ace): No. About how to build your own bomb (Emma): So, when did she tell you about it? (Ace): A bit later the next morning. We were finishing up breakfast and then she told me about them. She told me about how they were when they were together. All of the messy details and things that I wish I never knew (Emma): Wait a second how did she know all of those things and that you were their daughter in the first place? (Ace): Pam- Uhm Poison Ivy was and is very close with Harley. They have some sort of history together apparently, but I chose not to ask any questions about that. She confided in her a couple of years ago and then Pam told Selina. After she told me, I nearly lost my mind because it was too much at once. I ended up setting the entire park on fire and ran away before I could think of what to do or say. It was so much to take in and Harley and Joker of all people. It was something that I never would have expected or wanted. Selina found me in a dumpster a day later and I was busy stabbing a rat. I had already stabbed the rat to death, but it did not stop me from continuously stabbing the fucker (Emma): So, I am guessing that you did not take the news very well (Ace): No, we had a huge moment and just fried some tacos. Are you seriously telling me that you thought it would have fucking gone smoother? (Emma): Ace, I- (Ace): No! No!! Why don't you try to have a sociopathic mother who is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually chained to a psychopathic maniac that I have to call my father. They both kill people mercilessly and are known as the most feared people in Gotham City that nobody would ever go near unless they have a death wish. Then to top it all off, the mother sent her child away because God forbid the father ends up murdering her in cold blood if he had to know she exists! (Emma): I am so sorry Ace. I really didnt mean to- (Ace): Didnt mean to what? What is the point of this shit anyway? What the fuck is the aim of these bullshit sessions that I have to put myself through? Screw all of it! I am going to go do something that actually interests me! (Emma): Ace (Ace): Fuck off! I storm out of the office and give Selina a call. Dice is calling my name right now and I would literally be anywhere but here in this shit hole.

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