Chapter Five

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Today is a bit calmer but it is also the same as usual. Selina left a note saying that she is out to look for a specific diamond and that she hopes we can talk soon. She can talk to her loving side piece and that would still not satisfy anyone. I walk into the therapists office and this bitch is already here. Great! I sit down and take a deep breath. I could have been having an amazing dream right now or having a huge glass of tequila instead of being here. Why is life so unfair? (Ace): Home-school (Emma): Sorry? (Ace): Pam was my home-schooling teacher, principal, deputy, secretary and basically everything but the parent (Emma): Wow. How was it? (Ace): How was home-school? (Emma): Being taught at home by Poison Ivy must have been interesting (Ace): Well, being taught by someone that you have witnessed strangle five men with vines simultaneously is pretty fucking awesome (Emma): Well I- *SMASH* What the hell? A random asshole broke through the wall. Who is this nut job? (Man): So, I was right! Joker has a daughter! Wait till he hears of this! Not on my watch, you piece of shit! *BANG* I took his gun and shot him in the leg. This is going to be good. (Ace): Emma, stand back She moves behind her desk. I focus my attention on this fucker that decided to destroy a somewhat nice office. (Ace): Now listen here you little shit. You are going to tell me something. Who else knows about me? (Man): No way *BANG* (Ace): There goes your other leg, you bastard. Who-knows-about-me? I punch him in the nose and throat before slamming his face against the wall. (Ace): Speak (Man): Nobody knows! I followed a hunch! (Ace): Well, guess what? That just cost you your life and over here its payday motherfucker *BAM* I put some C4 in his mouth, threw him outside and detonated it. Emma is shaking from head to toe. Poor little bitch. Is she scared? What the fuck is she scared of? (Ace): So, where were we? Oh, right! I was home-schooled by Pam, and she was perfect for me. Then it came to the time that I started online college. Selina said that normal college would be too much after I spent one month there. Everyone was too afraid to speak to me. Then I made a friend Emma sits down and looks like she is calming down after the incident. I assure her that the damage costs will be handled by me and that she has nothing to worry about. There is also the case of the dead man about nineteen feet away whos guts are all over the road, but this is Gotham City. The bad guys have fun and I have kept myself hidden from the invincible Batman for years. (Emma): So, you made a friend? (Ace): I did. At least we were friends (Emma): What happened? (Ace): People grow apart. That is just the way life goes (Emma): Who was the friend? (Ace): Rachel Roth She looks confused as hell. Let me spell it out for you bitch. (Ace): Also known as Raven (Emma): You were friends? (Ace): We were just two little fuckers with the world at our feet. She was my best friend. We did everything together. We set skyscrapers on fire and watched them burn down. We chased drug lords and killed their entire crew. We were inseparable (Emma): Sounds like you miss her (Ace): We just drifted apart. We wanted different things in life (Emma): Dont you want to talk to her again? Maybe catch up on the past and talk about everything that has happened? (Ace): I doubt that she would talk to me now. I kill people, I steal and manipulate to make a living. She used to love it, but she changed. But some people are just too fucking weak and afraid to be who they really are or admit it to themselves Emma starts rambling on about life and lessons, but I block her out. That piece of crap, sorry excuse of a man is fucking with my head. He did research, followed potential leads, and actually found me. What if they do that too? What if Joker and Harley finds me? Its only a matter of time until they do. What would they do if they did? Well, if they think that they are getting a family reunion then I will drive them and send them both to Arkham myself. (Emma): You need to try and stop the killing at least (Ace): Woman, I just saved your precious fucking life! I kill bad guys, for your information. I dont kill anyone who is innocent. Do not confuse me with a murderer or serial killer (Emma): So, you think that you are some type of hero? (Ace): Do you want me to vomit in your mouth? Because I will do it. Do not ever call me a hero. That entire life is a fantasy made up by snobby do-gooders that are so optimistic that it leaves them depressed with anger issues Emma really thinks that she is going to break the chain of anger inside of me, but she is wrong. The anger was never just a part of me. I am the anger itself and control it just well, thank you for asking. Regardless of what this chick will tell you so do not listen to her. (Emma): I still have hope for you, Ace. Every sinner has a future, and every saint has a past. Do you know who said that? (Ace): An obnoxious shrink? (Emma): Oscar Wilde. You would love his books (Ace): Not much of a reader but thanks for that lovely suggestion. I will go now but your wall will be fixed soon. I just texted someone and they are on their way That is sorted so now it is time to get the fuck out of here. I hate when people try to compare me to a hero. It feels like vinegar down my throat. What is a hero, really? Society thinks that if someone just imagines that they are doing what they think is right then that makes them a hero. To me, that whole thing is bullshit. We call the good guys heroes and the bad guys villains. Nobody ever takes a deeper look into what made us become villains in the first place. Most of the time its because the world gave up on us and we had no choice but to take it by the balls and own it.


That was just a boring session. I sit cross-legged in the middle of the road to think. You might say that I am crazy to do that but then its the apple and the tree phrase for you. Emma just made me start to think about a few things. What would my life have been like if Joker and Harley were not such shitty pricks? Would I have gone to better schools? Would I have met Selina and Pam? Would I have even been in Gotham all my life in the first place? Things could have been much simpler. Living in a happy home with Arthur and Harleen. Mother and father being happy as ever. In a house that actually felt like home. A life where we never steal or murder to get our way. Where we live in happiness instead of striking fear into everyones hearts to have power. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about this? Are you fucking kidding me, Ace? That just made me pretty pissed off. I had my fucking eyes closed just to imagine that. (Deadshot): Someone has a death wish (Ace): If I did then wouldnt Joker be here right now? (Deadshot): True but you are sitting in the middle of the road, babe It doesnt even matter whether a car drives into me or not at this point. Maybe it would be better for me to just get Selina and get the fuck out of Gotham for good. We could live our lives without fear of those butt cases finding us. Despite her disgusting taste in men, Selina is a great person, and she deserves a better life than this. Pam would never leave with us. She will say that Gotham City is her life. I believe that it is just a place where you are either rich and unhappy or poor and bloodthirsty. I have always been a bit of both. Not rich enough to be unhappy and not poor enough to only be bloodthirsty. Floyd looks at me and pulls me close. (Deadshot): Hey. That note was a cheap shot. We both know it (Ace): That is true. I had somewhere that I needed to be, and the note was the quickest way for me to let you know about me leaving. Besides, I knew that you would come find me eventually (Deadshot): How would you have known that? (Ace): I know you very well Mr Lawton. When you want something, you go out and get it. You never let questions keep you from finding what you want. I knew youd want to find me (Deadshot): So, you are saying that I want you (Ace): You wouldnt be here with me on your lap in the middle of a road if you didnt He smirks and puts his hands on my lower back. Its almost like I can feel the fire from his body clash with the fire of mine. (Deadshot): I have never wanted you more than I do right now He kisses me, and the taste of liquor and passion invades my tongue. He kisses down my neck and my pulse races. (Ace): Then take what you want. Dont hold back on my account We stare at each other hungry in anticipation. We love control and it really is like two flames colliding. Fighting fire with fire on a tar road. Bruises, scars, and cuts dont slow us down. Cars pass by without slowing down or stopping. It feels like my body burns more with each kiss and touch, but I love it. Then once again our tongues meet, and he grips my waist. We keep this up for the entire night until we fall asleep. Yes, we slept in the middle of the road. I wake up early and watch the sun come up. Then when I wake up after falling asleep the second time, I am in a motel room. Where is Floyd? This was a huge mistake. We should not have done what we did last night! Why did we do that? We should keep it in the safe zone. Doing this will not lead to anything good. The door unlocked and Floyd walks in with coffee. (Deadshot): Had a feeling that you would need something for the morning (Ace): I cant have coffee but- (Deadshot): Decaf, three sugars and some vodka My very own devil with a halo. (Ace): Thanks but I think I should go get something to eat (Deadshot): Already got it. Egg and cheese sandwiches with salt and a side of fries Is it just me or did he just get hotter? No, Ace! Relax! Bad idea! But he looks like a delicious bad idea. Stop it! Have your breakfast then go home. Maybe I would just play hangman with a couple mafia leaders at the docks. They tend to love doing their sketchy business deals there and I have an appetite for shooting a few bad fuckers right about now. After breakfast, I tell Floyd that I have to go. It is the truth though. I needed to leave when he first showed up at the road but clearly, I was not thinking. What is my problem? He is like a drug that one hit is never enough with. Something about him pulls me in every time. Even when I dont it to happen. Could his dangerous demeanour be alluring to me somehow? I do not have a clue what it could be but with him, it feels like endless danger and thrill. That it just makes it even more exciting. There are still bruises all over me from the tar on the road, but it doesnt hurt at all. It actually makes me feel like a badass. Once I get home, I will have a snack to soothe a craving and then sleep until tomorrow. Ace needs her rest as much as she needs tequila. Why am I talking about myself in the third person? Fuck it. Maybe I need a good workout because my mind is foggy right now. It would be a good idea to build up stamina for another mission. That is a great plan. After a long workout and a shower, I can sleep for as long as I would like. The thought of getting enough sleep makes me tired in anticipation but I need to be awake for the workout! Patience, darling. I need to get these things done before I pass out.

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