Chapter Eight

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The first ten minutes was just coffee and cake. She had coffee and I had cake. (Emma): So, tell me more about Deadshot. I mean Floyd (Ace): We have this on and off relationship that just does not seem to stop. We are just so attracted to each other. It can be an unhealthy attraction maybe Why do I analyse this shit? That is supposed to be her job. He just makes me feel like I own everything somehow. But it makes me so damn annoyed to think about it. (Ace): His previous relationship with the mother of his child did not work out. That made him not want to be with anyone or have Zoe meet anyone either. That changed somehow (Emma): You met the daughter? He let you meet her? (Ace): More like she met me without us having a say in the matter (Emma): Oh gosh (Ace): Exactly. But since I met him, I have been running away. Maybe something in my gut is telling me that Pam and Sel are right (Emma): About what? (Ace): He is not the one for me. Fuck! Maybe that is just what I need to accept (Emma): Ace, you might hate me for saying this, but you are a good person. Maybe you could be a bad person with good parts but there is good in you. The good parts of you are telling you to run away while the bad get sucked in by him because of how bad he is. You need to take a deep breath and just think less of how he makes you feel and more of how you feel about him or his effect on you Fuck, she is right. When I think about that then it makes me more annoyed than happy. (Emma): How do you feel about him? (Ace): I I dont know (Emma): Do you love Deadshot? (Ace): No (Emma): But you feel lust for him? (Ace): Have you seen the man with his shirt off? Of course, I do (Emma): So, you are shallow (Ace): Uhm rude much (Emma): You go for looks and you dont seem to really care about how much it hurts you in the end (Ace): Well, I obviously dont believe in love. That just happens in movies (Emma): Okay then imagine yourself in a movie. Picture yourself in a romance story. Do you see Deadshot – I mean, Floyd, as your love interest or boyfriend? (Ace): Hell no. He is not someone who thinks of being loyal to anyone other than his daughter. He is a paid assassin who lives to be cold and in danger 24/7. There is no time for anyone else in his life (Emma): I think you just answered the question perfectly (Ace): Shit I guess I did (Emma): You need to keep yourself distracted and stay away from him. If you see him then just keep going. You are already making progress for yourself (Ace): But why is it so hard? (Emma): Because you are attached to the routine. You would run and he would catch you. There was never any uncertainty and you loved it (Ace): Why did everything have to get so fucking complicated? Why cant it just be about having fun and not caring about anything? (Emma): Because as great as that sounds, it is far from the reality of life. There are fun moments, but life is not all just about fun and games. You need to be serious sometimes too and deal with the heavy things (Ace): I am dead serious. I once made a crack dealer turn himself in to the cops because of how serious I am (Emma): I am not talking about making drugs dealers fear for their lives. I am talking about your future, your goals, and what you might want to end up doing with your life (Ace): My life? Really? You have no idea what it is like to have a life like mine. There is no room for any future unless it ends with the word heist (Emma): I apologize for saying this, but you are wrong. You have a future, but you are too stubborn to accept that you do. You need to work on letting all of that anger and resentment go. It is the only way that you will be able to allow yourself to believe that you could possibly have a future (Ace): Let go of what? (Emma): Let go of the past. You need to let go of all of the anger that you have towards your parents. Because whether you like it or not, it hurt you but that hurt has ended up making you incredibly strong. You have become the greatest villain that I know at your age because you do what you want whether people like it or not. You need to be that strong person and let go of your infatuation with Deadshot She is telling the truth for once. I should get her a fucking cake. Damn it! Now I am craving cake! What is it with me and snacks? (Ace): Thanks for the session, Emma but I think I just need to cut the motherfucker off and do whatever the fuck I want to I walk out and head home. This session was not as annoying as the previous ones that we have had. Maybe I need to have a bucket of tequila with a bowl of strawberries as a congratulations for myself. Selina got me a bucket and filled it with tequila for me. Isnt she a sweetheart? I am busy cutting the strawberries and cleaning it under the tap water. Am I going to drink tequila from a bucket? Fuck yeah! That is just where I am at in my life right now. If only there was more fruit to add. (Catwoman): I got you some more Wait, what? Yaay! She got me more fruit! (Ace): Mango! Pineapple! Orange! Apple! Grape! Thank you so much Sel! (Catwoman): It is my pleasure. I knew that you would be craving more than one fruit as soon as you saw that we had strawberries and I know you too well She knows me very well indeed. This is the best thing to have before bed. Think of it as night-time medicine. More like night-time medicine for a fucked up chick who had a shitty day at therapy and needs a good nights sleep because she fucking deserves it. Selina takes chocolate out of the fridge, and it is my favourite! All that is missing is cake! Seriously, what is it with me and cake? Good night, Gotham!


Walking through the streets of Gotham has always been the best thing for me. You will either beg for your life or have it as your power if you have the balls to fight back. I have been thinking about how everything could have been if we had a normal life from the beginning. I would have been living in a fancy house with normal parents and go to a good school somewhere. I stare at a tempting Gucci purse that is behind the glass and maybe Selina would want one too. As I am busy staring at it, my mind starts to go into imagining all of it. (Harleen): Lucy! Breakfast is ready! Mom and dad share a kiss as I run down the stairs to the dining room for breakfast. (Arthur): Baby, be careful. You know our rule about running on the stairs (Lucy): Yes dad. I am sorry Dad gives me a hug and pulls out a chair for me at the breakfast table. (Harleen): We made your favourite meals! Chocolate chip pancakes with chocolate sauce. Strawberries, mangoes, and oranges cut up into blocks with berry flavoured iced tea. Daddy said that the fruit balances out the chocolate (Arthur): That is so much sugar that you might as well remove all of your teeth. It is not a good idea to have a lot of chocolate for breakfast (Lucy): But daddy, I love the chocolate! (Arthur): I know, pumpkin. That is why there is fruit as well. Lets call it a compromise! Mom and dad laugh as they dish for me and themselves. I have to go to school tomorrow, and I am so excited. It is always fun to see my friends and have a good time. (Harleen): Are you ready for school tomorrow, my love? (Lucy): Totally! Rachel said that she has been practicing a new drawing style for art class. All of the sixth graders will be miserable and so jealous! Dad high fives me. (Arthur): Thats my girl! (Harleen): We have to RSVP to her birthday party in two weeks, babe. I know that we will both forget about it if we do not get to it now (Arthur): Yes baby. I will get right on it after breakfast Dad makes a funny facial expression and suggests that I dish some more fruit. Mom gets a call and says that she has to go to the other room to take the call. She is always busy, but they say that Psychologists can be very busy these days. I want to be a psychologist just like her one day. You get to meet interesting people and learn about complex minds. Mom comes back and says that it is not an emergency. (Harleen): Just got a new client. A Clark Kent from the Parent Teachers Association (Arthur): Isnt that Alexias father? (Lucy): Mr Kent is always so sad, mommy. Alexia said that he and Mrs Kent are going to adult therapy Mom and dad exchange looks. What is going on? Is something wrong? Is it something I said? (Harleen): Oh right! Next week we are going to have an entire day planned as a belated birthday present for you, baby! What do you think? We had a small birthday dinner last week because everyone was not able to make it. So, we planned to postpone it. I am so excited! (Lucy): As long as you are both there! This is going to be awesome! I stop thinking about that stupid fucking idea and smash the glass window. A Gucci bag is perfect for Selina and myself. Fuck that thought of shit being somewhat normal. Why did I even allow myself to think about it? Having some bullshit theory of what my life would have been like with assholes pretending to be good people just makes me sick to my stomach. I head home and surprise Selina with the purse I just got. (Catwoman): Ahhh! Kitty, this is so gorgeous! I absolutely love it! (Ace): I knew that you would! Why do you think I got it in the first place? (Catwoman): Where have you been all day? Deciding which store to rob first? (Ace): Daydreaming (Catwoman): Daydreaming about what? (Ace): Comedic relief Selina laughs and gets dinner ready. Tonight, we are planning to have lasagne for dinner. We joke about one day paying for stuff eventually instead of stealing it. Pam shows up and laughs for five minutes straight because she cant picture us actually paying for stuff instead of just taking them. (Poison Ivy): Do not make jokes like that or else I am going to wet myself! What the actual fuck! I cant stop laughing! (Catwoman): You are late (Poison Ivy): I have a very good reason Peppermint tart for dessert! Ugh! I love that! I love them so much for being so fucking amazing! (Catwoman): So, my dearest Ace, I am asking this seriously. How is therapy going for you? (Ace): To be honest, I think that I could possibly be learning to tolerate it (Poison Ivy): Thank fuck! If you told us that you hated it then Selina planned to send you to another one! (Ace): Are you fucking kidding me? (Catwoman): It was just a simple theory or a back-up plan of some sorts. Kitty, you should be comfortable and having a good time. If it is total bullshit, then you need someone else to talk to. Since you say that it is not, we are happy for you (Ace): Thanks you guys. I have literally only recently started adjusting and she is more fucked up than I thought so we should be getting along nicely soon (Poison Ivy): Babe, just dont take it easy on her, okay? (Ace): Trust me, I wont

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