Chapter Fourteen

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(Ace): I spoke to an old friend recently and it made me end up wishing that we had never spoken at all. You look at someone that you thought you knew and wish that you never knew them to begin with. It is always easier to forget the pain than to face it head-on. Sometimes we feel more fucked up than life itself. Other times, we convince ourselves that we are capable of redemption and have hope in those short moments. Most of the time, we let society decide who we are and what we should do to be who we should be. I would take some time out of my day to overthink a bit but then I say fuck it and move on. So, was I convincing? (Emma): You had me there for a minute, I will admit that. You seem to think that putting up a façade to hide your pain will help you (Ace): I believe that I can do whatever the fuck I want, and nobody can tell me shit about it (Emma): I sense a story coming along (Ace): Well I was having a shitty day a year or two ago. We had a failed mission, and my pet was killed in front of me. So, I decided to relax in the street and have a drink. But then shit went in a way that I never expected (Emma): Saw a couple screwing in the street? (Ace): No come on. That is everyday shit (Emma): Crystal meth addicts cooking thanksgiving dinner? (Ace): They have the energy but not the patience (Emma): Then what happened? (Ace): I was standing against the light pole and was having a moment to myself. You know, having some me-time. There was a helicopter being shot down by Bane and the guys so that made me smile. I bent down to grab another bottle from the crate that I had stolen and there was this whoosh sound behind me (Emma): Who was it? I mentally go back to the moment as I speak to Emma. I had black yoga pants on with sneakers and a red shirt. My hair was a bit frizzy because it was drizzling that day. The smell of gasoline, rain, wet gravel, and tequila made me feel so good. I called Selina and told her what Bane, and the guys were up to so she said that she would gladly join in. I bent down to grab another bottle from the crate on the ground and there was a sound behind me. I knew exactly who it was just by the stench of hair spray. (Ace): Ahthe poster boy for little dick energy himself (Superman): You know my name, Ace (Ace): Clark Kent who has his glasses shoved so far up his high and mighty ass. Yet he fails to see when he needs to quit while he assumes that he is ahead He takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair. How much hair products does he use? He did not get his hair that wet from the rain itself. (Superman): You were the top student in college. You mastered several skills that it took so many others the longest time to learn. You are able to take the lead and take what you want (Ace): Have you been studying me, Kenny? (Superman): I did my research (Ace): That is kind of hot (Superman): Miss Ace, you are skilled and could be an inexplicably strong member of my team (Ace): Team? The Justice League? Preppy, full of shit, do-gooder preschool? How about no He smirks up at me and chuckles. (Superman): You could do even greater things than you think. Join us. Let us teach you and show you things that you have only ever dreamed about (Ace): Geez Kenny. If you want to take me out, then just ask I love messing with mens heads. They only want what benefits them and I will not get anything out of it by just being a puppet. Working with bullshitting heroes will only end with me murdering every single one of them. Lets just say that being bad is one of the things that I am good at. (Superman): Ace, we want you (Ace): Yes you do. As an asset. As a team member. Like a fucking assistant (Superman): Well, I want you He puts his hand on my cheek and caresses it as she stares at me intensely. Is this how they recruit people? Poor Justice League. (Ace): Oh, do you? (Superman): Yes I do He pulls me in for a deep kiss. If only his talking game was as good as his making out game. If this was an enclosed space, there would be steam coming off of our skin right now. This shit is hot as hell. But I am just having my fun. No fucking way am I joining the Virgin League. He could keep trying to persuade me, but I have to meet up with Selina is five minutes. We stop kissing and he smiles at me. I smile back and then just stop. A smirk randomly forms in its place. This feels oddly familiar. Smiling like this makes me feel like I am a bit too much like Joker. Why am I smiling as if I murdered the mayors kid and buried the poor soul in their own front yard and stood there to give my condolences. Theres an idea just kidding! I wont bury the child in the front yard! That is what garbage dumps are for, silly! I move my mouth from his to his ear and I whisper. (Ace): Nice tongue. But if you plan on keeping it then I would refrain from using it to talk shit. Now be a good boy for mommy and fuck off Emma looks surprised and drops her book. (Emma): You told Superman to go fuck off? (Ace): Yep (Emma): You told the man who could use his own eyes to turn you into pieces in a second, the guy who has lifted buildings, planes and more, to just fuck off the face of the Earth (Ace): You say that like its a bad thing (Emma): No you are fucking awesome! Oh yes, honey. Yes, I am.

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